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ummmmmmm hi
hahahah actually i like the japanizes Ryo better i can understand some japaniz my style of lemons well lest see mine r kinda hardcore i don't really have a special tecnique ummm lets see i do alot of thierd season and i'm starting on the 4 and 5 season as i know some stuff abotu the 5 season alreadyi'm waiting till i get my other computer fixed i'm trying to get into contact with GrappleLeomon because i was wondering if i got his permision and gave him half no wait or more credit i wanted to add somemore stuff to King Of Cristmas but i can't seem to get in touch with him i sent my lemons in last year but they never made it and now i can't resuibmit them because i don't have them on this computer but further more i've started to do requests but i don't think thats going so well>.<
nyway really thats all i can say about my lemons LOL
What do you know about Season 5? Last I heard, there wasn't one planned.
not yet trust me it'll be a while
season 5 is actually a magna relesed in Japan Digimon chronical is sapposed to be very good i hared that there is 2 charecters and that both of them r boys but they hate eachother but as soon as i get more info i'll tell u guys right away :D
Interesting... when a guy introduces himself here, he gets on average about two or three replies.

With a girl, we get 13 replies within two days... ^^;;;;
well i geuss i'm special then :D Wink
Oh I thought you meant Season 5 the TV shows, the Mangas don't go by seasons, but I got what you're saying, I know I heard about a Crazy guy with a Neo-Omegamon in there.
yes i think there is a guy with neo armagadramon
hmm hmm... sounds interesting :)
i knwo it's very interesting