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What do you want for Christmas?
What do I want for X-mas? only a few things.

-few cd's, probably all smashing pumpkins based

-a pack of guitar strings both for my electric and acoustic

-and a new notepad with a wicked rollerball tip pen I think thats what they're called...for more lyric fun hehe.

1) An MP3 CD burner with application.
2) That girl in my English class to notice me. (I'm so shy... :( )
3) Inspiration to write that frigging lemon.


A) My very own Renamon! *squeezes plush toy*
1. Nforce2 Motherboard, 1GB DDR Memory, Athlon 2400 CPU... to upgrade my computer.

2. 20th Anniversity Optimus Prime Figure

3. PS2
PC upgrade. just about any kind that will make it go faster and have the video quality even better.

Also some pants. I need more pants. especially black ones.

A nice leather coat would be good. maybe one like Denzel's from Training Day or Affleck's from the horrible Gigli.

Ummm.... a dvd player. i gotta add that to ever list each year cuz my PS2 cant play shit. :?
redflow1 Wrote:you all have too much money... hmm... but a katana... i want a full chainmail armor and a katana or longsword :)

Now there's an IDEA! Chain-mail armor and maybe a horned helm to go with it! :D Twisted

SaberGatomon said it, and I'll say it again! Twisted
TheReclaimer Wrote:I want a big bookcase and a gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles to get some English Tokyo Pop Manga

I wish there was a Barnes and Nobles up here. :(

Hey reclaimer,If you're looking for new manga pick up GTO,You won't be disapointed.

What do I want....

-An Ipod
-new fat sketchbook
-subcription to Newtype.
-Cds (Preferbly ICP's The Ringmaster and The Wraith:Shangrila)
Where Im at, instead of a waldens or barnes&nobles, we have Borders. definately offers a lot more, plus lots of good stuff to choose from. thats where i got my One Piece graphic novels from :3
um... cuba! lol naa i want one piece graphic novles and naruto ones too...and the digimon and eva dvd collections.. but i am broke ...... waa nooooo! my poor wallet she is to light no?
What i want for christmas?

A home... *sighs*