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I think I'm obcessed with Toilet Voyeur
For those who've seen this topic on the DHZ, don't bother reponding again unless you feel like it.

Anyways, for some odd reason, lately (meaning for the past half a year), I've been obcessed with interests of watching women go to the bathroom to... go.

Maybe it's becuase I've been far too immersed in Japanese fetishes, perhaps it is some deep-rooted thing that came up from ourt of nowhere, perhaps it CAN'T be explained, but it is hapeneing to me.
Have you participated in this in real life?

How is this a rant?
No I haven't participated in real life.

I try to find pages of the stuff, only to find little, if not none, of what I'm looking for.

THAT'S why it's a rant.