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Outspoken queers
Just how many people in here are actually outspoken LGBT (lesbian/gay/bi/transgender)? Obviously, a male requesting for male hentai is probably not straight, but there are people who get off on seeing two of the opposite gender get it on, most commonly a man watching two women. Also related, if you are, how out are you? Personally, I'm bisexual, with a fluctuating preference (sometimes it's more men, sometimes it's more women), and am out to everyone besides my dad (who I'm considering coming out to soon, now that a divorce-in-process has him out of the house). I exhibit absolutely no traits of the stereotype at all, so it surprises a lot of people when I tell them. It's not something I make a point of saying, but not something I hide, either.
It's kinda weird to have a forum like this and not have a topic like this, or at least it seems so to me.
I feel much the same, being bisexual with no real preference for guys or girls (tho it does swing back and forth from time to time). I don't really act femme or fit any stereotypes either, but again, from time to time I get a strange sort of pleasure in behaving in a sort of non-hetero manner, but I digress.

I'm not really out, just to a couple of friends and past acquaintances, but that's it. I don't make a point of telling people, because I don't believe that it's my defining characteristic, but lately I've felt a deep need to tell people, to be outward about it, to be more out. I kind of went on a rant about it in the rants section the other day. Read it if you want. Overall I'd like to be more comfortable with it and with myself, but as it is it causes me great stress everyday. Anyway, I'm glad to see that there's at least someone else out there that's bi and not insane.

If I had net at home I'd tell ya that I'd want to talk about this more, but as it is I can only use the net at friends' places, the library, school, and my parents' house, so unfortunately I'm kind of isolated from the one thing that I find a reasonable amount of support in. But that's life, I guess.