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Nooooooooooooooo! (School's Back)
Ignored as far as I'm concerned is alright especially if it is by jerks. Insulted, if a friendly insult is alright, otherwise this beckons the question: "Who the fuck did you pick a fight with?" Unless you have real jerks in your school you should be fine. Otherwise I cannot help save to tell you to think of happier times and of the computer and the Internet at home which await for you only to press the button and open the infinite flows of cyber space to you and enter them. School starts for me too, thank fully my classes are only 30 minutes on the first day and I'm spending the rest of the day with my friends playing video games. So I say to you, good luck, hopefully you come back alive so that we may talk, I'm signing off cause I've got to get into my school schedule in terms of sleep that is. Good night and good luck Frostbyte (I wanna call you 'wolfy' cause of your wolf pic by I won't, stupid me and my bad habits)


Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by fatpat60 - 09-02-2003, 11:25 AM
[No subject] - by Anus Individual 20 - 09-02-2003, 12:11 PM
[No subject] - by Frostbyte v3.0 - 09-02-2003, 12:41 PM
[No subject] - by Darkfox - 09-02-2003, 12:57 PM
[No subject] - by InsaneImpmon - 09-02-2003, 04:26 PM
[No subject] - by TrippinPlaya - 09-02-2003, 11:22 PM
[No subject] - by Frostbyte v3.0 - 09-03-2003, 12:46 AM
[No subject] - by fatpat60 - 09-03-2003, 10:21 AM
[No subject] - by Giznads - 09-03-2003, 01:53 PM