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Teen Titans - Raven Covered in Cum
I hope you're talking about Jinx and Plasmus (WAY OUT THERE, BABY!!!)

HAHAHAHA.. just kidding!
hey, how about the 3 different colored ravens vs starfire & Blackfire in some kind of sexual contest?

EDIT: How about Cinderblock raping Star or Raven hard in the ass with a HUGE rough gariny-looking brick cock. & in the background the others see it & Beastboy wants to catch him but Robin & Cyborg hold him back saying, "this looks good" or something.

& how about Slade raping Jinx's ass for failing in that first ep.
Cyborg: No! You'll flood the engine room!

Beastboy: He'll die if I dont save him!

Robin: He's already dead...

Sorry. just couldnt resist, picturing that scene of robin and cyborg holding bb back. reminded me of the end of one of the Star Trek movies. :D
I'm 12 days late on teh uptake and all, and since I don't have Cartoon Network, I've only seen 2 episodes of Teen Titans and I really like the show. A question though, where are all these wonderful pics archived? Mind dropping a link please? Thanks, pics are great.
Two things

One: Please make more Raven hentai pics.

Two: If there will be a Teen Titan hentai comic, it should be one where Starfire's overgrown emotions make her fall in love with Raven.
Hey Prophet, do you think that you could do pic of Starfire and Robin? They seem like a good coupling to me. Thanks, dude. You are seriously one of the best.
Hey Prophet, do you think that you could do pic of Starfire and Robin? They seem like a good coupling to me. Thanks, dude. You are seriously one of the best.
Is this topic dead or what?

Prophet, I know you're into the Digimon manga (I know I am), but there is barely any Teen Titan hentai out there. And almost none are at your level of quality (might be misspelled).

Speaking only for myself, but the Digimon Manga had gone too long.

Please start a Teen Titan manga. Plot Idea: Starfire saw a porno by accident. She sees how happy "sex" is and wants to make the others happy as well. That's the bad thing about having overgrown emotions. Prehaps Blackfire should be there as well. Or not.
The new pic is in the first thread.

Yes thats very......nice! :cry: