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Just another old man on a nostalgia trip coming here to reminisce.
First off I just want to say how great it is that this website is still up after all these years. Big thank you to whoever it is that's running this site and paying the bills these days.

I used to post here but I mostly lurked. I can't remember what my older username even was...not like it matters. Anyway I come here once a year when I go on my annual "fuck I'm so old I miss the good old days" nostalgia trips I go on on my birthday. Well I turned 34 today and the nostalgia is so overwhelming, and I have so many thoughts rushing through my head that I feel the need to express to an audience that will understand, even if that's just like 5 people, lol. 

I found this site originally back in either 2002 or 2003 when I was 15-16 years old. Crazy to think I was less than half the age I am now and that I was just a sophomore/junior in high school and now I'm nearly "middle aged" if I'm not already. I know back then I would have considered 34 to be "middle aged". Man where does the time go?

This site is a relic of a simpler time on the internet. When hentai sites (and internet communities in general) were specialized and actually had an identity. These days there's more hentai/rule34 than ever before, but it's all on these massive sites (gelbooru, reddit, et al) that while offering a lot of content and having great utility, also have zero identity or soul. These days there's more hentai and hentai artists than ever before, but I can't help but miss these small to medium sized specialized communities. These days everything is either massive or dead, nothing in between. The internet has become this centralized, homogenized, overly political blob with a single dominant culture that prevails on the majority of the internet, and an equally shitty counter-culture that dominates the rest. And despite that fact that hentai has never been more popular, there is a rapidly growing "movement" against it. On one side you have feminists who complain about hentai being objectification and misogynistic. Seriously there are large communities of feminists that exist solely to complain about "men drawing women". And on the other side you have these alt-right digital puritans who think it's "degenerate" and will spam the "coomer" meme at you if you disagree with them. And this isn't even touching the topic of hentai of characters who are under 18. Making even the slightest defense of such art will rile up a digital lynch mob who will spew intense hatred of you, call you a neckbeard or incel or whatever other trendy meme buzzwords the digital masses use to insult people guilty of wrongthink, get you banned and if they can they'll dox you and ruin your life. And the anti-hentai position is popular enough that it ended up influencing governments. Last year australia banned adult material from Japan because of it. 

On a side note, there's this old hentai pic of gatomon that I can't seem to find and I'm wondering if anyone has it or knows where to look. It's a pic of gatomon bending over and spreading her pussy and looking behind her. The original was in black and white, though it was colored later on, not sure if by the original artist or someone else. It was really detailed and high quality for it's time. It had to have been made around 2003. It was a pretty popular pic for it's time and anyone into digimon hentai back then would surely have come across it at some point. I've searched and searched but can't find it and I don't remember the artist's name or anything. 

Also the admin/owner said he wants to give this site a "major revamp". I really hope too much doesn't change. I like how this site is "stuck in the mid 2000s".  Aside from that thanks again if you're reading this for continuing to host this site after all these years. 

Thanks for reading, I love you all.

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Just another old man on a nostalgia trip coming here to reminisce. - by SomeOldFart - 04-08-2021, 11:19 PM