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How did you come up with your username?
just to help make myself known I'll post how I came up with my username.
My full username is Pokedemon666... My dad started calling me Demon when I was a little kid because I was always doing chaotic things that caused a mess, hurt myself, hurt others, sometimes just seemed stupid and evil at the same time. Well when I reached high school I had fully adapted to the name and all my friends called me T6 (Meaning 666) because they didn't want to say demon infront of the teachers and the principal (Sorry they were the kinda of wimpy kids that couldn't stand up to a butterfly... we've all met them) so they just said T6 (God why was I even friends with them?) but then when I started writing fics and stuff people started noticing that I had an attraction to feral and anthro creatures from like Pokemon and Digimon and other made up creatures in other games and tv shows. well it just sort of popped into my head and I started going by digi devil for a while but that just didn't have the ring I was looking for because it had nothing to do with me and didn't really put my own personal title giving them something about the real me. So I went back to Demon and put 666 at the end and Poke at the front finding it had just the right ring I was looking for.
You have a strong heart, a warm smile, a soft hug and you know how to give love better then anyone I know.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How did you come up with your username? - by PD666 - 04-19-2012, 09:59 AM
RE: How did you come up with your username? - by Cayden - 05-22-2015, 07:35 AM