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Predators and Prey
"Qu-Quick! Get me down before they catch us!" Fhy said urgently. "Trust me, you dont want them to catch us! I can explain everything once Im down, and moving, but we cant pause!"
The blond boy flinched as Fhy screamed, but nodded. He looked for the source of the net and followed the rope that made it up to see it was tied to a metal spike. With some hard work, he untied the rope and watched Fhy and the net to crash on the ground, free. "Are you okay?" He asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"O-Ow...Ya Im fine." He said getting up and rubbing his butt. "We have to keep moving or they will catch us! Come on, I can explain as we run!" Fhy would then take off with the other blonde boy and begin explaining what he knew about the island of kings.
The boy followed, but soon became horrified as they talked. "What...b-but why? Why?! I didn't do anything to do! And men loving men...My parents always told me it was wrong! What are we going to do?" He whimpered.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Run! Thats what! If I can last 24 hours, I can get off this place. Once Im out, I can tell the world whats happening here and get you out to! But one things for sure, if we get caught were fuc-er screw-ah, we are in big trouble ok! If I last 24 hours, I can win, I can leave, and bust this place wide open! My family has tons of money, they have the power to stop this! Hell, my dad is easily rich enough to be one of these assholes, except he's straight and not a goddamn rapist." Fhy said as they ran. He would run for as long as he could, until looking for a safe place to rest.
The boy followed, quietly thinking as the two ran. It was soon getting dark as they searched for some place safe. Soon, Fhy had two options. A dark cave, with God knows what inside, or a large bunch of bushes. The cave would hide them better, but bats, bugs, and who knows what else could be inside, while the bushes weren't as good of a hiding place, but less dangerous.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Fhy decided to risk the cave since it would offer better protection. If he could make it through the night then he would be much closer to winning his freedom.
The other boy followed and as they hid in the cave, Fhy could hear whimpering. "I-I'm scared...C-can we sleep close?" He asked. The boy, who said his name was Casey, was younger than him and showed much more fear as he shivered.

((Sorry for not posting, really, I am!))
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Fhy fet sorry for him and sighed, nodding. "Fine, we can sleep back to back." He said. "But first lets search this cave." Then he would search and if he found nothing intresting he would settle in to go to sleep next to Casey.

OOC: Its ok, I havent been around much either, lol.
Casey nodded and thanked Fhy, hugging his arm tightly, before they searched the cave, finding nothing but some bugs and moss at first, before Casey gulped and poked Fhy's shoulder. The two had gone a bit deeper into the cave and he could see the ones who lived here were asleep. Bats. Hundreds of them on the ceiling, asleep.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.