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Brainwash Mansion (Zero & Psycho Only)
Sure enough Salem nodded, suddenly ravenous and feeling famished, he continued to consume the delicious soup, finishing off the bowls of dragon semen and getting to the much hotter bowls of fresh dragon piss, lifting the bowls up to his muzzle and drinking down hungrily, so ravenously in fact, that it was dribbling down the sides of his muzzle and getting on his shirt. The hot, salty, strong smelling urine eventually drenched his baggy shirt, but he didn't care- he just stripped it off, leaving him in his tight little undies and went for more soup. He had to have more!

With each bowl, his emotions and feelings started to shift and change. He didn't feel it at first, but he was slowly losing his trust and need for affectionate women and gaining love and trust for men, the bigger the better, so strong and muscular, surely only men could protect him from pain with their big, strong arms, and their great, powerful chests for him to bury his face in! Most of all, he grew more and more attached to Alex, like he was his real family, all who mattered to him, the one he loved and trusted the most.

"Oh hell yeah! He's damn right we're better than women, with their fugly tits and fucked up insecurities! I hate em!" Reize growled and crossed his arms like a mean girl, smirking seductively as he was told to come inside. "I bet he'll be a great slut, Alex... did you like, see his body? He's like, totally asking for it! I'll be his big brother and help him out~!"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: Brainwash Mansion (Zero & Psycho Only) - by Frisk E. Coyote - 04-18-2011, 01:40 PM