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Digimon: The attack of the Fanmademon! (rules update)
Dark looks over at Aqua. "I do find this a big weird but...we need something like this." Dark said, looking around their hotel suite, the walls had a black to an aqua blue paint job, there was a blood red floor. "Well, let's see what is in the box." Dark said, opening the box and seeing the digivice, smirking a bit as he picks it up and starts to digivolve into DarkFlamedramon. "DARKVEEMON DIGIOLVE TO....DARKFLAMEDRAMON The Dark side of Courage. Dark smirks over at Aqua. "We are going to have some fun." Dark said as he takes off his armor slowly, leaving the helmet to last, looking at Aqua with an every lustful look in his eyes as he takes off his helmet as his cock starts to come out of his pouch, going rock hard at 10 inches long and 4 inches thick.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
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RE: Digimon: The attack of the Fanmademon! (rules update) - by DarkChibimon - 04-25-2011, 01:20 PM