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DaD Deathmatch
Crimson: If you look in Zorromon's profile in the fanmade digimon thread, you'll see Chaos Cross is actually an armor piercing strike attack as well as an effective slashing technique that just powers up his sword. Zorromon just chose to use a Z pattern like the Zorro from the movies. So, in other words he can move it any way he likes during the attack he just used a Z in this case.

*wonders if DMX or DrakeRR are coming back*
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Com-Gun: I see! But why "Chaos Cross?" Well- it IS catchier then "Chaos Slash/Slasher"!! +2 catchy points!
Chaos*the real Chaos appearing behind Zorromon the one infront of him also a clone Chaos then thrusts one of his blades into Zorromon's back near his shoulder then twists the blade he then pulls the blade out by performing a cresent slash which he then follows w/a spinning slash w/both blades across the middle of Zorromon's back*Get up so we can finish this.*sheaths both of his blades again & goes into a ready stance*
Crimson: Hey Zorromon, you're not looking too good buddy, you're going to be in no shape for my new story if you keep this up.

Zorromon: *growls at Crimson before arising slowly, his body bleeding from the cuts* *looks at Chaos with his glowing green eyes* Very clever, but I'm not done yet. *dashes for Chaos and lands an uppercut with his flaming paw* I have plenty of fight in me. *locates where the black furred fox is falling and launches a flaming jab in the gut, knocking the air out of the fellow fox* Now perish! *throws Chaos to the ground and summons his sword, thrusting it hard and deep through the black fox and into the ground causing the whole arena floor to crack* Finished or what?
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Chaos:Hmph,thats all?*a pillar of black flames erupts all around him forcing Zorromon to release his sword which is sent spinning into the air as Chaos dashes towards him slashing rapidly w/both blades followed by a kick to his chin that lauches him into the air Chaos then flys up after him slashing him rapidly ending w/Chaos doing a front flip & throwing him through the rafters back into the ring by his tail causing the entire arena to become a huge crater then beezlemon's cannon appears on Chaos's arm*Take this.MEGIDIO FLARE*fires a huge ball of chaotic energy at Zorromon hitting him headon & doubling the size & depth of the crater*

Chaos:(thinking to himself just a little longer before the blood seals take effect)Come on get up.
*also wondering if DMX will be back*
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ref-Gun: Hey DMX! Are you fighting or watching?
*Part of the stands explodes, DrakeRR jumping out of the crater*

"Thought you were rid of me, huh?"

Chaos: "Didn't I kill you already?"

DrakeRR: "Please... I'm an elemental. You didn't really think some ice was going to finish me off, did you?"

*Unfolds his wings*

"Now... get ready for a shocking expierience! HURRICANE HURL!"

*Violently flaps his wings, creating a strong gust of wind that flings Chaos and his clones into the air*


*A bolt of lightning fly's from DrakeRR's hands, zapping Chaos and his doubles, causing the clones to evaporate. DrakeRR keeps the linghtning on the real Chaos, smoke pouring from the fox's orifices (yes, ALL of them)*
Ref-Gun: Please don't control what your oponent's character says.

Com-Gun: Harsh!
[OOC: excuse me, It won't happen again :oops: ]