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Digimon: Here we go!
Rejin only gets more confused.

"ok,'ve all been following dont have any files...on me.......or do you...."
CFR:Yes we have some files on the Deathroth's but untill recently we didn't know their connection with Seit except that they were all killed by him.
"....i father...knew the mystery of how to defeat him....but....Seit got to him before it could be known....that bastard killed my father right in front of me.....he has made me live an Unlife of Eternal Pain and Suffering...he is pay.."

Rejin noticing that his aura was getting a bit out of hand,so he calms down and lets it subside.then he sensed it.Seit was awake once more.
The cross Tombstone that Rejin had placed turned into dust.Seit,once again,had risen and he looked he knew the name of his next victim.


He weezed out before he got out of his Grave and walked to the nearest populated area.
CFR:Well my family were close friends of the deathroths & my father was given this book by your father. He told me on his death bed if I ever meet one to give them this to them & the book would open so here(hands rejin the book)take it.
Rejin takes the book and flips through a couple of pages.he has a look of anger on his face.

" this some.....sick..joke?...."

he fliped though even more pages.

"...There is nothing on these pages....."

Rejin suddenly got a page in his head and fell Backward.

"He...he is taking more lives....we need to stop him..."
Seit can be seen holding the head of a 24 looking year old man.the head was completly ripped off.Seit simply threw it to the side and chased after a couple in love.he easly catches up and tears them to shreads.Seit jumps onto the male and crushed him,while he pulled the spine of the lady out.he looked around the area to find mre victims.
CFR:I agree that we have to stop him but I'm still weak from the last fight with him & my sister isn't strong enough yet.That book has to have some info in it because everytime we tried to open it we got blasted across the room,but I give the book to you & it opens but your trying to tell me that its completly blank that doesn't make any sense. Try feeding it some of your aura maybe that will reveal what the book is hiding.
"...maybe later.....please...hold this while im gone.."

Rejin hands CFR and backs away chanting in Grave Speak.he suddenly was gone in a cloud of smoke.he Reappear right behind Seit,Who seemed to be Expecting him.Rejin walked right face to face with the monster.

" up..."

"....hehehe.....*weeze*...old man long's it been...100....200 years?."

"acually,a couple weeks,you fucking monster..."

"aaaw...dont be like that...."

Seit easly Kicked Rejin gut,sending him to the ground.

"...not like you used to be,eh?"

"....shut it...Fevah Hento!!"

Seit was pushed back on his feet as Rejin threw his Robe to the wind,it just turning to dust before touching the ground.Seit got up and chanted his own spell,Rejin stoped him with a round kick to the head,sending seit into a near by Tree.Seit came back with the spell he had just chanted,sending Rejin high into the air,and back down to the earth hard.seit walked up to the hole where Rejin Landed to find him not there but right behind him.Rejin Wraps his Arm Around Seit's Neck and throwing him into the ground using force.Seit simply lanuched himself into Rejin's face,making him fall back into the Crator behind Rejin.Seit used his powers and levitated Rejin,then throwing him into the near tree.from there Seit contunied Beating the hell out of Rejin until he was pushed back by a enegry Blast to the face.Rejin needed a bit of help to stand,but he was still was in fighting shape.Seit ,on the other hand, was like a machine.He ran up to Rejin once more,grabing his whole head and Throwing Rejin into the air.Seit Threw a Barrage of Energy blast,all of which,hit He Plumtited out of the Sky,Seit run up and Kneed him right in the face,making him flip on his stomach.Rejin was out Cold.
Blitz had his cold serious look on his face. He took out his digivice... and placed it in front of his mouth. "-RV. Showtime."


RV's ear's perked up- and his Armor appeared on him. "I have to help my partner- wanna come along?"


"-Mar... Wait for your brother..." Blitz instructed.
CFR:Blitz before you go could you have RV heal me(reverts to Wren) so that I can help.

Leon:Can I help to please?

Wren:No Leon you can't I need you to stay here & train Flare.


OOC:nice BIG O reference Gun.
"Alright!" DMX nodded to RV, putting on her mask once again.

*Back at Blitz and Mar*

Mar looked over Wren, "Oh! I can do that too!" he didn't let him have a time to speak, he put his paws on Wren's chest and belly, then started to transfer some of his energy. "Mega Heal!"

After some seconds, Wren's pain was away from his body as well as his wounds, Mar nodded and stopped using his energy, then went back to Blitz and nodded to his order. "Yes sir!"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad