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Digimon: Here we go!

*whips sounds can be heard*

Patamon:I'm your eternal slave my mistress!

Gatomon:that's right, you will obey me and only me *cracks whip*

Patamon:always my mistress, always

*blinks* talking about sumission :P


Patamon licked her pussy clean and then he looked up at her with a smile as he licked his lips. "so sweet" he said with a grin. Gatomon smiled. She was panting and purring. She waved her tail happily.

"That was great..... I never knew you had such talent Pata" she said as she tickled him with her tail making him smile. "is a natural talent" he said with a grin and winked at her making her giggle. Gatomon noticed that Patamon's dick was still fully erect and smiled.

"Why don't you show me what else you can do loverboy?" she asked with a seductive look as she spread her pussy lips. "I want you inside of me big boy" she purred as she wrapped her tail around his dick jerking it off a bit making him moan.

Patamon was really horny by now. He smiled as he slowly crawled on top of her and kissed her softly as he then looked into her eyes. "You really want it?" he asked him with a smirk. Gatomon smiled hugged him.

"I want it so badly...." She said with a purr as she then kissed him passionately.

OOC:we're getting closer to the main course just a bit more Twisted
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Slashmon: Oh I can't wait.

Patamon: Hey slash, you guys got any antibactirial soap.

Slashmon: It's in the medicine cabinet. Why?

Patamon: Uhhh, Gatomon forgot to take her gloves off before giving a hand job, *limps away.

Every male reading this: *winces in pain*


Shadow began slowly stirring, "Ow what hit me?"


Slashmon: ME!


A soccer team of rookie digimon trample Shadow knocking him unconciouss again.


Shadow: *walking downstairs while wiping something off his arm* Those girls and their wierd fetishes, *pushes slashmon off the chair* what did I miss? *reads previous posts* SLASHMON!!

Slashmon: Oops. *runs away*
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

LP: :shock: *flinches* owww poor Pata

Gatomon:*goes after Pata* Pata I'm so sorry, I'll tell you what, to make it up with you now I'll be the slave and you wil be the master

Patamon: Twisted now that's a deal kitten *drags her to a room and closes the door behind him*

LP:ummm okay, I think they will be fine Twisted :P
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"uhh? okay- how did I do that?" RV said curiously, he took his gountlets off, and used his fingers to help put his dick back in her pussy. "like that?" he grinned playfully.

um... correct me if I'm wrong Gunter but didn't Blitz caught RV and Renamon doing that at the Inn? I mean I think RV would know at least how did he do that, not that he knows what he is doing but at least he by now should know more about that "game" :P
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Shadow: Oh yeah I forgot, you did catch him with his pants (armor?) down didn't you?

Slashmon: *knocks on the door Patamon and Gatomon are in* Use the middle hook for hanging, the other two are broken.

Patamon: You guys got any rope, or handcuffs?

Slashmon: second drawer from the bottom I think, next to the ballgags.


Chupa enjoyed the feeling of being filled by RV, "Ahhhhh," She moaned happily placing her hands onto his butt and pushing him down further instinctively, "Chupa like this game."


Chupa: Chupa go see what Kahie (Ka-ee. She can't pronounce R very good) and Yolei doing, *walks off to Kari's room*

Slashmon: *pushes some buttons on the tv and pictures of Gatomon's room and Kari's appear on the screen* If I ever find whoever made spy cameras I will kiss him or her, hopefully her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

LP: woah talking about have a full equipment for any fetishes Twisted *looks at the screens with Slashmon and smirks seeing Patamon handcuffing Gatomon to the bed and smirks* who would say it? so innocent Patamon looks and so naughty he is Twisted

Patamon:*finished of handcuff Gatomon and smirked as he ran a paw over her left breast teasing her nipple as he looked at her* now what could be a good punishment my kitty slave?

Gatomon:*purrs* anything you wish master, punish me hard

LP:*grins and takes notes* hey all visual material helps for the lemon writing Twisted
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Slashmon: *walks upstairs and knocks on the door* fourth drawer. open the fourth drawer and use the clamps.

Mimi: Why do you have all this stuff in your house?

Shadow: When did you get here?

Sora: We're not sure, your the one who wrote us in.

Shadow: Oh yeah. I love having control over everything, *Mimi and Sora's clothes dissapear and are replaced by a fiona from darkstalkers costume*

Sora and Mimi: You will pay for this.

Shadow: I can make any amount of money appear instantly. *a briefcase with three thousand dollars inside appears*

Sora and Mimi: Works for us. *Squeeze up close to either side of Shadow.*


Chupa began forcing RV down harder as a strange feeling began forming in her pussy, "FEEL, GOOD!" She felt RV's dick begin to harden as she forced him into her over and over.


Shadow: Let's see him stay soft now.

Mimi: I'm getting bored.

Shadow: One sec, *types on computer*

Lillymon: Let's go join the other girls, *grabs Mimi and walks with her to the room*

Shadow: The maid is gonna kill me.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Patamon:*grins* thanks Slash *goes to the drawer*

Gatomon: meow..... show me no mercy master, I had been a very bad slave

Patamon:*smirks* yeah you almost leaved me unable to make my most wild dream come true kitten, making you my medium to preserve my species Twisted

Gatomon:*waves tail and purrs* like you were the only one who wants me for that

Patamon:*grins* yeah but I will make sure I'll succeed where others have failed Twisted

Gatomon:*smiles and purrs* mmmm..... I always had loved a determined mon, now master make me pay for my bad conduct

LP:*watching on the screen and smirks* the little guy is good :P


Patamon kissed her back gently as he moaned feeling Gatomon's paw grabbing his dick and getting it right infront of her wet cunt as she slowly broke the kiss. "Go ahead Pata... make me feel it...." she said as she looked into his eyes. Patamon kissed her neck softly as he started to push the head of his dick into her pussy, he moaned loud feeling her tight walls gripping it.

"nngh.... so tight..." he moaned as he kept pushing his meat inside her tight pussy. Gatomon moaned feeling her vaginal walls getting stretched by Patamon's thick dick. "Pa..ta..mon.. nngh...." she moaned as she held onto him tightly as she was purring louder. Patamon pushed more of his meat inside of her slowly but he then felt his dick bumping on a barrier. He looked at Gatomon surprised.

"Gatomon you're......" he started to ask but Gatomon put a paw on his lips silencing him as she nodded. "Yes... I'm virgin.... well at least vaginally since my tailhole is another story......." she said sadly. Patamon kissed her softly. "it's okay Gatomon you don't have to tell me, if you don't want to" he told her as he caressed her cheek gently, by now he had pulled out of her. Gatomon hugged him tightly as a tear rolled down her cheek* it was horrible Pata.... it was part of the many tortures Myotismon did to me.... I would had lost my hymen too but Wizardmon always managed to come up with a plan to make him leave....." she said as some tears rolled down her cheeks.

Patamon caressed her gently as he gently whipped the tears off her eyes. "I'm so sorry Gato..... you didn't deserved that.... I didn't wanted to bring you painful memories" he said as he looked down sadly. Gatomon couldn't help but smile. Patamon always had been so gentle with her. All those years of know each other got them to have a tight bond. Gatomon smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

"It's okay Pata, that is in the past now. Besides you had right to know about it, we had been close friends and we shouldn't have secrets between us" She said with a smile as she scratched his wings gently. Patamon smiled and nuzzled her gently.

"But about your virginity..... I always had thought that the virginity is something that should be taken by the one you love...." he said as he was caressing her shoulders gently. Gatomon smiled and kissed her deeply.

"That mon I love is you Patamon........ I wouldn't want to lose my virginity to any other mon that won't be you...." she said with a soft purr as she took his dick on her paw and guided it again to her pussy.

"Go ahead and make me yours my angel of hope" she whispered in his ear to then kiss him with passion.

OOC:hey it is a good change have Gatomon virgin, after all easily in a 90% of the lemon she had fucked already with literally half digiworld :P
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
Hinata walks around the park and looking to that beautiful place while sighing.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions