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Digimon: Here we go!
"Yes- it IS a crest- tthank..." Blitz said, putting the crest in a slot in his digivice- suddenly- it emitted a beam of dark energy- and Hit Mar- Mar was shrouded in a dark aura for a few seconds- and then returned back to normal. "I dont know what just happened- but I think you can digivolve past champion now... or past rookie at least." Blitz siad in a slightly quizzical tone.

"Big Brother!" RV cheerfully threw his arms around Mar.

"RV... Let go of your... 'Big brother'. It's either annoying him, or he's just not used to this sort of thing- Sorry about that Mar."
Mar didn't talk for the second he felt the darknes shroud around him and he just blinked and when he came to his sense again, he heard enough of Blitz's talk for him to understand a little and then felt RV hugging him, surprisingly he just moved his arms so he returned the hug ''Don't worry Blitz... it's not... annoying...'' He said in a rather sad tone and hugged RV softly while closing his eyes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"See? he doesn't mind!" Rv said. "why are you sad?" he asked.

"Rv..." Blitz said softly. "Are you okay Mar?" Blitz asked Mar softly.
Slashangemon looked at the three of them, his eyes darting back and forth under his helmet, " I'm with RV, I'm confused."

"Join the club, I'll make jackets." Shadow walked up next to Slashangemon. He glanced at Mar, "Why do you sound sad? When I met Slashmon, well I should say, when I met his in-training form Kitmon he was pretty happy."


"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"It's okay Masr, whatever it is, you can tell me." Blitz said.
''It's just that...'' He started, opening his eyes, lokking at RV and Blitz, then at Shadow and SlashAngemon ''I've never had any friends... or something that I can call friends... and now, I even have someone I can call my little brother'' Mar said with a little relieved tone, seemed to find the meaning in his own words and smiling a bit after saying them ''...I've been born just two years ago... and I've never ever seen anyone kind around me, I want to be your partner Blitz...'' He said, smiling a little more, starting to swish both his tails around.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"That means a lot." Blitz smiled for the first time ever.

"Big brother- you're making me cry!" Rv hugged Mar a little tighter.

"I'm just glad that we made a difference." Blitz patted Mar on the head. "Partner."
OOC: I think I'm going to cry

IC: ''*sniff* Thanks...* Mar smiled to Blitz and placed his head on RV's shoulder and hugged him tightier too while smiling with his eyes closed.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Blitz closed his eyes. "I know what would cheer you up... how would you like some icecream? then we can go flirt with the girls." Blitz said, continuing his smile.

"Big Bro! let's go for icecream!" RV cheered as he placed his head on Mar's shoulder too, cuddling with him. "I always wanted an older brother..." RV whispered tearfully in Mar's ear.
His furry ears shot in the air as he heard ''Ice cream? I'm always in for an ice cream!'' He smiled widely at both of them and then broke the hug to place an arm around RV's shoulder playfully.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad