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Digimon: Here we go!
OOC: Yep, it's always there, donno who inveted that, but it HAS to be there, we can make it absorb darkness too.

IC: ''Damn! It's no use!'' He yelled and then moved after Blitz despise his pain, following him slowly as he held on his arm, he starting to feel strange for some reason as some sort of thing was starting to affect him.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
at that exact moment- RV was struck by a bolt of dark energy- "ARGH-" RV yelled as he fell to the ground- smoking slightly- in front of him- as a black symbol. "Mar- what- what is this?"
Just then, Mar had to turn, his attention was dragged through the black symbol, which resembled a tablet with a glowing crest of a half-moon ''Now, I really wonder... what is this?'' He asked himself with his tone and littlte while after, the cloth that Shadow had put on his arm seemed to rip off and fall to the ground, revealing all his darkened arm, it suddenly glowed dark more, and the darkness seemed to accumulate all together in air, and got sucked into the tablet with the crest, Mar moved his arm ''Whoa... that did help...'' He blinked and kept staring on the thing, then decided to walk to it, but he got repelled and he had to stay back, some sort of energy from the table was fired to Blitz, and to his digivice, then entered his body and went to his mind.

OOC: Woo... a mindful talk is about to start
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: yup, uh-huh-

IC: Blitz's eyes emitted dark light- and he fell to the ground... landing on his feet- he took his digivice out and stared at it- his eyes glowing black. "Dohreh Nyh Kuhr Mahy Shakte?" Blitz mumbled. "Kohre marhbehd kohz mriahl." he said, turning towards Mar and RV. he pointed his digivice at mar- which fired a black beam of energy towards him- hitting his arm- and to his chest. Blitz's eyes momentarily went back to normal- "Gungh- wha- happening..." he managed to say- before his eyes glowed black again. Yahtehn Rehno Digimon."
OOC: Now I really wonder where those words come from... lol

IC: He got hit by the dark beam, but this time, his arm glowed dark and he didn't feel any pain, instead, he seemed to start emitting a sign to Blitz without actually wanting to ''Blitz...?'' He said with a calmed voice and started walking towards him, his eyes glued to the digivice, the crest of darkness was glowing more and more as he got nearer Blitz, and as he got in front of him, the crest once again sucked his dark energy and started taking what made Blitz go highwire slowly as Mar stared at him with his black eyes.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Sorry for the absence. Caught bronchitis (SP?) and for the future the two slashmon will have White and Black as their names.


White, he had dedigivolved not too long ago, was watching as it seemed like his friends had gone mental, "We need to help them."

"Don't you think I know that?" Shadow was shaking Black trying to wake him up, "But you don't have enough strength alone," He gave him another quick shake, "AND THIS GUY WON'T WAKE UP!"

"Allow me." White walked up next to his twin and lifted up his ear, "Renamon and Lillymon are standing right infront of you, and they're naked."

"WAH!" Black immediately sat up knocking White to the ground, "WHERE!?" His head darted around everywhere.

"Sorry. But it was the only way to wake you." White grabbed his arm as they fused back together.

The ying and yang on Slashmon's head fused together and vanished. "Much better. Now let's see if we can help out." Slashmon quickly digivolved to his champion form, but only for a second as he continued on to his ultimate.

"SLASHANGEMON!" Knowing that there was no time to waste Slashangemon grabbed Shadow and flew over to the others. As he landed he quickly noticed RV lying on the ground, still smoking slightly, and Mar and Blitz in a faceoff. "Something tells me we missed something important."

Shadow knelt next to RV, "What the hell happened? We were only gone a minute at best."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
RV got up and dusted his armor off. "Apparently, that was one heck of a minute..." He said.

Blitz turned to Mar- as he calmed down- his eyes returned to normal, and he collapsed on his hands and knees, not moving. he then got up- looked at his digivice- and looked at Mar. "I don't know what happened... but I think you just got a partner." He said.

"Where!?" RV looked around excitedly.

"Not someone else, you dolt- me." Blitz said.

"Y-you!?" RV said- his eyes going round.
Mar shaked his head out of startling and then looked at Blitz with a surprised look ''P-Partner? you mean...'' At that point, the crest had absorbed enough of both of them, and it starts to shrunk to a little tablet of a dark purple color with a glowing moon as an emblem, then it starts to hover down till falling near Blitz, it was still glowing, but this time, with a shine more than a dark glow ''Me... with a Tamer?'' He blinked and walked to Blitz, looking at him with a confused look but helped him up to stand.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Yes- I guess you are- I have no idea of what happened- but if I were to take a wild guess- I'd say we just uncovered a dormant crest by breaking the ground-" Blitz said.

"Actually, YOU broke the ground. and the trees. and the rocks. and the bushes..." RV interupted. "Hey- does that mean I have a brother now?"

"No, you're not related. but I guess calling someone you're not related to 'brother' is okay."



"I'm confused."

"of course you are." Blitz said, as he examined his digivice again. "I've never seen a crest like this before- such energy- is it familiar to you?" He said, giving his digivice to Mar so he coul look at it.
''Brother? never had one... I guess it's okay'' He smiled to RV, then turned his look to Blitz, who was showing him his digivice ''Uhm... I really don't know... I never really knew about this things... and by the way... is this... a crest?'' He looked down and grabbed the small tablet with the hlaf-moon emblem and gave it to Blitz.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad