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Escape of the Cryptids
Rogan didn't have a lot of time between the news of Dark getting raped, Jessica fingering herself in front of him, and the disguised Cryptid appearing before them to further taunt them.

He felt his anger accumulating and ready to burst, fists clenching hard as the phony principal began touching Jessica. He wouldn't stand for that.

"Lay off her, you bastard!" he shouted. Without so much as further warning, he reached for the inside of his jacket, pulling out what seemed to be a thick, L-bent tire iron roughly the size of a paddle racket, and leaped towards the fake Mr. Smith, driving the tire iron down at his shoulder, attempting to push him off Jessica.

(Ayla's home)

Sam's hands were placed in his jackets' pockets. He found that it wasn't necessary to pay attention to the androgynous male, as he seemed spaced-out, as if absent-minded or just mentally stunned. He instead directed his full attention to the bat's enormous behind.

"Now isn't that one very juicy, sexy rump?" He couldn't help licking his lips. Approaching the bat from behind, let alone respecting her changing time, he suddenly said: "So what do you do when you're not working? You said something about a dancing pole?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Jess' mind raced with what was going on. Everything started to become a blur as "Mr. Smith" rubbed against her and Thomas attacked him. "Thomas, please....stop him!" She began to lean against a nearby locker and dropped her panties to her knees, continuing to finger herself vigorously.


Chris had found a new set of clothes after leaving Dark's place. He put on a pair of sunglasses to hide his red eyes and shifted his appearance again, now appearing as a 14-year old ginger. Now, to find me some more victims.
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It took Dark about 5 mins to get from his house to the school, he force his way though the doors and moving around some of the people that were in the hall. He saw 'Mr. Smith', Jess, and Thomas as he ran and jump at the lockers, bounce off the lockers as he aim a punch at the fake principal. His eyes were full of anger.
[Image: 34snomc.png]

[Image: DarkChibimon.png]
Gabumon Loverz
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
You absolute frelling newb! John cursed himself as he began to come back to his senses, his eyes beginning to return to "normal". How could you forget something so basic as putting up a barrier! Even without the karma factor, it's standard proceedure! Who knows what coulda been in there! Have I really been in The Pit so long that I've become so soft and arrogant? What the fuck is wrong with me! He glanced over his surroundings again. "Sorry, saw something I didn't like." He paused. "I'm gonna try again." He again began to reach for the man's temples, this time making sure to properly ward his mind.

OOC: you wanna take over from here mizzer Backlasher? Or shall I? X3
The most dangerous phrase ever uttered in all of minecraftia: "/give honeydew 46 64"

Imaginato disciplinis cognoscere modum; sciam quid et ingenii?
My learning and imagination know no bounds; why should my knowledge and abilities?

[Image: scorpiomoon.jpg]
Alchemy: [from the Moon to] Scorpio to man to eagle to the phoenix (female) [to the sun] back to Her consciousness outside the box she created.
Renamon's Army
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lady Devimon's Minions
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: Show me what you've got under your sleeves, Johalt! :3



"Oh... then maybe it is Meyer-Sensei, the science teacher, since he is the head of the computer and science labs!" Saburo pounded the bottom of his fist on his palm lightly in understanding. "He is very strange! Or maybe it IS Smith-Sensei, the Principal... he seemed very normal though!"

[Ayla's Apartment]

The bat-girl let out a cute little squeak as she was surprised by Sam suddenly speaking behind her. She had just taken her uniform off, and put on a pair of fishnet stockings. She instinctively unfurled her wings and covered her front, but giggled and lowered them again when she saw that it was just Sam, folding them so that the only the wingtips forming spikes on her elbows were the only remaining proof of her wings.

"Geez Sam, you scared me!" She laughed, her satin, lavender panties hugging her promiscuous butt so the edges indented on her soft, shapely cheeks a little, the front following the curvature of her ripe womanhood. She wore the matching bra, and her exposed upper-breasts jiggled a little like jello cupped in either cup of the satin bra when she moved. "Well, I either go to my other job, or I go clubbing." She smiled, walking over to the stripper pole she had in front of her bed, placing one hand on it and the other on her curvaceous, slender waist. "This is where I practice." She grinned at her guest, grasping the pole with both hands now and leaning over almost double, striking a seductive pose for him.

"Do you want a sample?"


The coyote grunted as his leather footpads and claws pushed against the gravelly sand, his biceps and pectorals bulging powerfully as he started pushing. It started off slow, punctuated by low grunts and growls, but the pickup steadily gained speed until he didn't have so much trouble pushing.

"Ain't much to know about me, ma'am-" He called back, panting in the heat of the sun. Hoo BOY was he gonna take a long shower after this! His stained, dusty fur was starting to become damp as he started sweating, little dark spikes of fur clumping together here and there as his fur hugged his body, showing off a bit more of his hardened physique. "The name's Denver Dukes, I'm 22, served four years in the army- had two brothers and a sister- picked up a smoking habit when I was 17-" He yelled back at her nice and clear to pass the time as he pushed.

The scenery went by dully as he spoke, with no other sounds but the wind, the tires crunching against the road, and his panting. "-And- uh- single, I guess- 'bout you? Tell me about yourself?"
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
OOC: This looks like fun. I think I'll jump in ^_^

Name: Ayame Watson
Age: 16
Penis/Breast Size: Between C and D
Affiliation: None at present
Appearance:Personality and other Description: Spends more time with computers than real people. Most often writing, and occasionally posting vivid erotic stories of dreams she's had, much to the delight of her readers who know her only by her anonymous username and blatantly false "personal" information. Usually shy in person. Still unsure as to which side of the current battle is in the wrong. Closet lesbian (though this has no impact on who or what could come after her.) Still a virgin.

IC: Ayame poked her head out of the computer lab at hearing the sounds of the ensuing brawl. She didn't know what it was about, but whatever it was had nothing to do with her at the moment, so she went back inside, taking a moment to log out and shut the computer down before hefting her over-loaded backpack and walking away as quickly as she could. You can all stay and watch.. I'm not going to be the one in trouble over it... she thought, though she couldn't help wondering what could have possessed Jessica to make her finger herself in the middle of the hall.
OOC: Casey hasn't posted yet, Clone. I'll just assume the principal staggered from both Thomas' blow and Dark's punch, thus leaving Jessica alone for the moment.


Rogan took a few steps back after having delivered a harsh blow. He then turned to Jessica, about to ask if she was alright when he realized she was sitting down and fingering herself. "Jess! What are you doing? Pull yourself together!" he shouted, blushing in embarrassment. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't ever seen her naked, but to see her fingering herself like that...

Rogan couldn't help it as his crotch bulged with a hard on, but he had to remain focused, "Damn it, we can't fight and protect you while you do that, come on!" the boy shouted again.


Standing in front of the promiscuous bat, Sam couldn't contain himself any longer.

"Sample? No." A big smile crept up on Sam's lips. His eyes closed as he put his hand up, removing his sunglasses for the first time. As he re-opened his eyes, Ayla would be able to see the unnatural gaze of two deep-sea blue orbs with dark vertical slits much like a dinosaur's.

"I'll take all of you," he darkly said, and all of a sudden his hands balled into fists and he began grinning while smashing his teeth together. They instantly shifted and contorted into pearly white fangs, his hands re-opening to show white-tipped claws as several spikes of the same color tore through his clothes on his back, shoulders and spine, the backside of his lower garments suddenly protuding a blue scaled tail. Just then, the once human skin began cracking and splitting into rows and columns of blue scales.

As the transformation went on, Ayla would be able to see Sam sporting an enormous bulge in his pants, but it wasn't limited to his crotch. His arms, sides and front were swelling and exploding with growth, his once lithe form suddenly becoming ripped and absolutely enormous with big, thick, vascular muscle. To support all of those huge muscles, Sam began growing taller and taller and taller. His clothes were hopelessly pushing his clothes, eventually tearing the pathetic fabric as if had been flimsy silk. With a big rip, Sam was no more, and in his place now stood someone, something entirely different...

Ten foot tall, and several hundred pounds worth of muscle. A thick slab of manly meat falling a couple feet past his knees. His claws closed and opened repeatedly as he was basking in his own tremendous power. A long, slick, lizard tongue came out and draped over his chest, then slowly it came back up and the tip licked his lips, "ALL of you," he repeated, as if to take Ayla out of her trance should she have been smitten and/or stunned from the sight of Phallicus returning to his normal form.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Jess is leaning on the locker, not sitting down.

And sorry, I could have sworn Casey had posted already. :P

IC: Jess let out a soft moan as she continued to touch herself. Why do I feel so hot? I need to focus on the fight! She couldn't stand to seperate her fingers from her snatch though. It just felt too good. She lifted her shirt up and began to massage one of her breasts. "Oh God, this is embarassing..."


Chris, now in his new disguise, headed back toward the school. With any luck he'd be able to find some new prey. I think I'm in the mood for pussy this time...

He grinned as he entered the building, hoping to find an unsuspecting schoolgirl, possibly of the shy variety.
[Image: signature.png]
Gin had let Jessica go as Rogan pulled thick and tire iron. He jumped back as the young boy swung at his side. The cryptid wasn't expecting an attack when Dark jump at him from the side of the locker and stuck him behind, causing him to get hit by Rogan. After a moment of staggering around in somewhat dazed state. Soon he stood tall once more, he growled in annoyance. "Now listen good and listen well I asked her in my office if I could feed off of Jessica's sexual energy as I fucked her and just did so again a moment ago. Now let me fuck her or I will change back to my...," he tailed off as he gripped his sides.

A moment later his body started to slowly elongate and change, "ruu..," he tried to warn the students that he had came to cherish not wanting to see them hurt. His bones creaked and shifted around as he grew in heigh, on his head it sloped back as his eyes disappeared. On his hand he grew a sixth digit the as his figured became fused in pairs. His skin became hard as rock as it became his exoskeleton. As his legs change his pants slipped off from the much smaller waist. His tail elongated as well becoming more scorpion like with a stinger on the end. He was in his original form the one he had at birth. In this form he had no way of hiding himself from those who could sense his mystical energies.

Gin opened his mouth a much smaller one jutted forth. He was fully aroused his prick around ten inches solid black. He hissed as he took in his surroundings. He could tell where everyone was from all of his senses. He could smell Jessica easily and with his electro-reception he could tell right were she was. He used his powerful legs to jump next to her. Then he used his tail and pushed Rogan away from his prey. He used his claws to rip up Jessica's shirt and bra ease as he groped her tits. He swung his back forth in warning to both dark and Rogan.
Jason obediently followed Ayla home along with Sam. After the short little jaunt he was surprised about how nice her apartment was even it was on the little small side to for him to call cozy. He waited in the living room, when Sam followed the bat back to her room. He slide his panties down and began to finger himself right there and then. "Dam I need this....," he cried out softly as he slide a finger into his wet slit and moaned out. He pinched his clit as he pushed his finger in deeper to rub his g-spot and quickly cummed. He slipped against the wall riding out his orgasm.

Soon Jason recovered he was still very horny. He decided to see what the two were up to. He walked back there and Sam transforming into his true form. Even though he was scared of the blue lizard he already know what was going to happen. He figured why fight the lizard when he could just as easily let him sake his own desires. "Just fuck me and get it over with," he said softly as he went over to bed and laid down on his back his legs hanging off and spread his legs. Then reached down and spread his neither lips. "I know you wait it," he said as he ran a finger idly over his labia.
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Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Jess screamed as Gin grabbed her breasts. "No! Don't touch me! I don't want to fuck you!" Though her mouth was screaming no, her intensely horny body was saying yes. Her fingers sped up as juices dribbled down her legs. She began to open her legs wider, wanting to be satisfied.

"Thomas! Dark! Don't let him rape me!"


Chris continued down the hallway, when he noticed Ayame coming around the corner. He grinned as he caught sight of her. Perfect. A cute schoolgirl heading my way.
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