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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
Tal moaned softly when he was kissed and licked and held his tail in his hands nervously as he was sent away, his ears lowered as he walked off into the forest. Tal walked for a little while before he cried out loudly in the forest, suddenly having his legs pulled out from under him and hanging upside down from a tree, having stepped into another trap. A few minutes later he was surrounded by gruff looking humans.

"What we got ere? Is it one O dem nymphs?" One of them asked, taking the backside of his spear and poking Tal lightly with it, making Tal whimper and try to curl upas he hung. "Nah, it aint one O dem, I seen da Nymphs afore." Another threw in. "Looks like a cat 'erson. What you reckon it is? Thinks we can eat it? Been week since we 'aught some'in to eat!" Tal whimpered weakly at that. He didnt want to be eaten, not be people! That was cannibalism, almost.

"Nah! We came 'ere for slaves!" An older one pitched in. "And this be a good en! Its one of dem Cat slaves, its like a magic slave! They last long and such. We can make some good money so long as its not claimed. You claimed yet?" Tal didnt know how to respond, though he was claimed, by the Master. Still, he meekly shook his head no, and cried out as he was cut down and a few men jumped on him and tied him up. One slung him over his shoulder and they began to walk back to their base. "Think's we can play with this en? Be awhile and the nymphs and elfs is tired and we cant bruise em or damage em or use em to much for sale." One asked. The old one nodded. "Up to da boss. But sos long as we use the sheep skins to cover ya snakes it shouldnt get claimed, so it should be ok."

Meanwhile, The Master and the Shaman watched all this happen from the Shaman's tent, where he had made a scrying pool to view from. They watched from Tal's own eyes as he was taken away and talked about. The Shaman also told the master that, through their connection, Tal could hear his words, if he wanted to instruct Tal more specifically.

(Want to play a human or the human boss?)
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
((Sure. Before I do though, any special rules or facts I should know about the humans in this world?))

"You're doing good, Tal. Just remain calm and do whatever they say," the Master ordered. He watched as his slave was captured and he felt a small stab of jealousy as he heard of one of the humans speaking about playing with one of his slaves. He kept a calm and stern front of course, leaving his emotions hard to read. "This better work," he mumbled eventually.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
(Only this. The humans have been catching slaves, and playing with them, but not too much. They have been careful not to hurt them unless they can buy them. Some of the higher ups have already bought some of the slaves for themselves, giving up money from their own pocket to own the first pick of the litter. Tal if very likely for this, being a magical slave and what not. Aside from that, there isnt much. They tend to be brutish, cruel, and bored. They only eat oatmeal and gruel since all the animals have fled the location in an attempt to escape, and this will be the first slave they have caught in a few weeks.)

Tal whimpered as he heard is master in his head and weakly nodded in response. Soon they would be brought to the camp, where they men would toss him into a small cage, one that was to small for him to stand in, and watch him through the bars. "So what is it about dis ting again?" One of the men asked. "Its a magic being made to be a slave, so it should be good to play with. they dont bruise easy, dont get tired, and they heal really well." Another answered. "So we can play with em lots?! That is soo great!" "Ya gotta wait! Da work lord has to decide what we can and cant do wit em."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Work Lord soon arrived and noticed Tal inside the cage. "I see you finally caught something. What has it been...weeks?" he asked, before ignoring the men and looking at Tal. "What a cute gi....boy," he corrected, noticing Tal's penis. "A cat slave. This could make up for not catching anything," he mumbled, reaching a hand forward, slowly through the bars to see if he could pet Tal's head. Any sign of hissing or growling and he would pull his hand back.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tal was submissive by nature, and would continue to be unless told otherwise. He did, however, back up to the back of the cage, and lower his head. If the man's hand could follow him even there then he would just close his eyes as the man pet his head, purring very softly he scratched behind his ear.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The man's hand did not fallow, but instead he opened the cage. He ordered the other men to get ready just in case and he looked at Tal, motioning for him to crawl out. If he did come out on his own, he would try forcing him out, grabbing his hand.

As the Master watched, he felt another stab, this one of anger as the Work Lord reached for Tal. HIS slave.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tal would not have moved from his spot if his master had not told him follow their orders, but because he The Master wanted him to be obedient, he was. He crawled out slowly, his ears back in submission and his head low. When he finally did come out he would not stand, but merely stay on his knees and look around at the men's feet, not daring to meet their eyes.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Docile little thing," he commented, before reaching down and slowly grabbed Tal's penis, not acting with the same grace and gentleness that the Master usually gave. "Let's hear you scream now," he ordered, and once Tal screamed, he pecked the cat boy's lips and released him. "Sounds like a little bitch if I ever heard one." He looked at the others. "We can play with him, but be gentle. No fucking him. And remember, you're cleaning him if you got him too dirty," he warned, before standing up and stepping back, wanting to see the others play with Tal.

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Tal moaned softly as his smaller dick was grabbed and groaned as the Work Lord squeezed it until he screamed, and cried out in pain. When the man kissed him he blushed slightly, and when released, he backed away, staying low to the ground and whimpering softly, hardly stifling a frightened meow. He looked around at the other men as they smiled and began to unbuckle their belts and undress themselves, frightened eyes watching them all. "Master." he begged softly inside his own mind, subconsciously send the message to The Master due to their link. Soon they were on him, tearing apart the sparse clothing the Master had given him when they entered the forest.

Two men pinned his arms and shackled them to the side of the cage, while other grabbed his legs and forced them apart. "His skin is so soft! Not like some of the rabble we caught a few months O' go right?" One of them remarked as their hands began to explore Tal's trembling body. Tal whimpered and moaned softly, his body covered in their searching hands as they patted his stomach, explored his belly button, stroked his ass, teased his nipples, scratched his ears, and fondled his legs and thighs.

They soon began to get more intimate, licking his body, tasting her perfumed skin, licking at his nipples, forcing kisses upon his tender lips, and sucking his smaller dick in an attempt to get him aroused. It was all working and soon the small cat slave couldnt help but moan, groan, and scream in pleasure as they stimulated every part of him. He wasnt used to gang bangs, and had never been handled by this many people.

"Hahaha! Gottem begging for it already!" On of them laughed as he slipped beneath Tal, now behind him, his cock pressing against Tal's ass. Tal struggled to get away, but his hand were shackled and he was surrounded, he could do nothing. the man licked the side of his face as his hands began to wander. Soon the other had enough of tasting Tal as well and began to rub their dicks all over him, covering him up. One was stuffed into his mouth, while a few rubbed against his smaller cock, and even more were rubbed on all other places of his body. Even his tail was grabbed and used to masturbate with. They werent allowed to fuck him, so they did everything else they could.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master watched the sight, seeing through Tal's eyes as he was gangbanged. He closed his eyes and sighed, before beginning to leave. "Tell me when this is over." He then stopped and looked at the window through Tal's eyes and said, "Just do whatever they want, Tal. I'll save you once your duty is done. Until then, be strong."

The Work Leader allowed the men to play with Tal for as long as a half an hour, before he ordered them to stop. "That's enough. Let's get him back in his cage and head back to camp," he ordered. Once the other men moved away from Tal, he looked down at the catboy and smiled. "I never did get any," he smiled, unzipping his pants and presenting his cock to Tal, grabbing the boy by his hair and trying to force his human dick into his lips.

There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.