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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
Tal nodded hesitantly. "I...I've seen my old master go where he keeps her. I've only actually seen her two or three times...but she is not a good slave master, I know that from how my master treated her and...and by how he would come back with bruises some times." If Master still insisted on seeing her then he would walk over to a large portrait of his old master and slide it to the side, revealing a locked door. The door itself was flimsy and Master would be able to dislodge it without the use of a key.

The door led to a long winding passage that went far bellow the mansion into a sort of personal dungeon. Tal would not go down there unless ordered to. He had no desire at all to see his old training grounds, and even if he had only been down there for a grand total of four or five hours, they were by far the worst of his life. And Master would see why.

The place was full of implements of torture, not sexual torture, actual torture. Some of them still bore dried blood on them, and others stunk of fresh use. This was not the old master's pleasure dungeon, it was his interrogation chamber, his torture studio and personal holding cell. Tal hated this place, just the stink of it made him feel queasy.

Master would not have to try hard in order to find his quarry, since all he had to do was follow the sound of rattling chains. Doing so he would cross many rooms to the very back of the dungeon where he would find a strange sight. The woman before him looked to be about eighteen, maybe nineteen. Currently, she was hanging by her arms and ears by chains connected to the ceiling, leaving her body exposed for observation.

She was of fair skin, a rich vanilla color, pale but not lifeless. Her hair was a shining light gold, not shiny like the metal but as though one had made a golden cloud, a soft blend of blond and white. It easily reached her all the way down her back and to her feet, going even past her heels. Her ears were strange, but not like an elfs. Where her ears should have been there were instead a pair of wings, feathered with fluffy feathers that were the same color as her long hair. They were spread to their full length, about a foot long each, and quivering as they were stretched and strained by the chains.

The girl could not tilt her head down as a result, but she moved her eyes to see Master as he entered and he was able to see her pure golden eyes. She had no pupils at all, and from her iris inward, her eyes were shining gold. Her body was shapely, her but was not to big, but not what one would call small. Her breasts were perky CC cups with delightfully pink nipples. Her pussy was clean shaven and where her muff would be there was instead a golden tattooed symbol.

These symbols were actually spread throughout her body, on her shoulders, hips, back, elbows, knees, palms and on the bottoms of her feet as well as on both butt cheeks. All of them symmetrically mirrored each other perfectly. Alas she was marred. Her back was covered in scars from lashings, as were the backs of her hands. Also, she had been branded with a branding iron that read "Bad Slut" on both her butt cheeks, just under the symbols.

She began to shake as she became more aware of Master's presence, but it was not in fear. She grit her pearly white teeth and strained her body to pull herself up a bit so that the pressure was taken off her wing ears, allowing her to look down at him. "Who are you?" She asked in a hushed voice that resembled a hiss more than a whisper. Her eyes narrowed, but she waited for an answer, clearly still willful and unbroken.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master looked at the torture room, and his nose was filled with the smell of blood, pain, and suffering. It was disgusting, he found, as he looked at the non sexual torture equipment. He shook his head, ridding himself of thoughts of this place and left Tal at the door.

He followed the sounds of rattling chains, and soon came to the strange female. He watched as she grit her teeth, looking at him, and asked him who he was. "I am the Orc Master of the North. Everything that once belonged to the man who hurt you, belongs to me, now," he stated. He then looked at her chains, and then her body, before looking into her eyes. "Who are you, and why are you down in this...wretched place?"

He hated any sort of torture that was not sexual. He found it to be honor less, and barbaric. He at least had honor in his form of torture...
The strange girl growled a little and fiercely stated, "I hope you dont think that I belonged to him, or you now! I am Evoline, the feathered, and I am owned by no one!" Her trembling arms began to give out and she eased herself back into her previous position. The pain was clear in every aspect of her being. Her trembling body, her tightened muscles and tone of voice.

Evoline was forced to look straight forward once more as her ears were tugged up again and gasped as they were stretched painfully again. "And I do not know why I am here. To be broken I suppose, but as you can see, he has had no luck in breaking me!" her proud voice belayed her nudity and vulnerability. She was a strange creature, not common, at least not in the north. She wore only one thing aside from her shackles. Around her neck was a thin ring of silver engraved with golden runes. It did not look like a normal slave collar, with no place to attach hooks or leashes or chains, and did not seem of human make, nor that of elves.

"Kill me if you must, but you will not claim my will! This I have sworn!" She said strongly. Even if Master threatened to leave her there until she starved to death she would not surrender, he would see that in her golden eyes, even as they stared forward. Conventional tactics would not work on her, and Master may not be able to take her from this place as a slave. He would have to make her a captive...or a guest.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Master looked down at the naked and bound woman, seeing her will and strength was very much alive. He suddenly pulled his axe from his back and swung it at the girl without warning, possibly scaring her. She would hear the axe hitting the wall, but she felt no pain, at least none from the axe. The Orc axe had sliced the chains, freeing her. The Master caught her in his other arm before she could hit the ground and he whispered into her ear.

"I doubt you could make it back home in your condition. Did that man even feed you while you were here? Come with me,, be a guest in my village. You will find I am far more honorable than your last Master," he said, and if she agreed, he placed his axe back on his back, and carried her out of the horrible dungeon, bridal style.
Evoline closed her eyes tightly and tensed as the Ax swung, but did not cry out, not even in the face of death. She was shocked when she found herself in the large orcs arms and would have struggled had she not been exhausted. "He tried to." she said sourly as Master brought up the matter of "food". She listened to him carefully as he spoke and nodded after a moment. "Thank you...I...I would be honored to be a guest of yours." she admitted, relaxing just a bit. She may have been strong but she was also hurting and weak, she would not reject an invitation to hospitality.

Tal was waiting for them at the entrance where Master had left him and flinched a little when he saw him come out with the aggressive slave. He was amazed by how his master had some how tamed the Slave so quickly where his other master had been completely unable to make progress.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Good...Evoline, was it?" he asked, as he carried her out. "Come along, little one," he ordered Tal, as another Orc lifted up his cage, meaning he would have to walk beside them. As a few Orcs stayed behind to look for anything of value, the Master brought the two to his own personal carriage, where a a goblin man was waiting for them.

"Those all the slaves he had?" he asked. The Master nodded, and the goblin got onto the carriage, getting the horses ready to go. The Master opened up the back of the carriage, revealing some plushy cushions, and two windows on the left and right. The carriage was a gift from an old friend, and it had a special spell around it, letting all those who rode within feel comfortable and relaxed. He walked in, ordering Tal to follow as the Orc from earlier placed Tal's cage in the carriage.

"Evoline, meet Tal, Tal, this is Evoline," he introduced, placing Tal down on a soft set of pillows.

((Timeskip, okay with you?))
(Sure, but you are master, and so you have to make the post)

Tal bowed to Evoline while Evoline simply stared at Tal. She didnt know what to say the strange little slave boy, and so remained quiet. Tal loved the carriage, the soft pillows, the comforting feeling, and even more so, the view of the outside! It had been so long since he had actually traveled, he loved it, and enjoyed it for a long time before curling up and going to sleep.


Kase leaned on May as the final scene of the Play came to a close. He had enjoyed it allot, it was more than he could ask for while being a slave, and cuddled into May's side as they watched the plight of innocent Grace and warlike Hunter. He felt considerably less sore now and yawned as he leaned against his sister. "Sis, what are we allowed to eat?" He asked, feeling his stomach growl for food.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

"Well....We don't have any money or anything we can use to buy food at any restaurant, so I suppose we'll have to go back to Master's hut and look for something to eat," she said. Mai looked at Kase, "Do you know how to cook? If not, I'd love to teach you," she smiled.


The carriage finally stopped, on the outskirts of the Northern Orc village. He got out, carrying Elovine with one arm, and ordered Tal into his cage. If Tal wasn't awake, he would put him in there himself, though it may not have been to gentle. Once Tal was there, he would pick up the cage with his other hand, and begin walking to the village on foot. "Once we are at my hut, i can feed you, perhaps give you some clothes, and we can see where fate takes you next," the Orc said to the girl.
Kase blushed. "I dont know how to cook. I spent all my free time training..." he was saddened as he remembered all the wasted training and lost dreams. He shook himself out of it and smiled weakly at May. "Lets go back home sis...Im hungry."


(You know that the cage is an open basket full of pillows right? Its metaphorical cage, it doesnt actually have any bars)

Tal jumped into his cage when his master ordered and was impressed by the balance the orc possessed as he carried him back in the basket. Evoline smiled and nodded. "Its strange, you are much kinder than the humans...I had assumed that orcs acted more...brutish." She said softly, but not unkindly.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
May patted Kase's back, understanding his sorrow, but she smiled. "Buck up, baby sis. Come on. Let's go back to the hut and cook us up some sweets. When I feel down, a nice triple chocolate brownie always brings a smile to my face," she smiled, taking Kase's hand and running off back to the hut.


The Master growled as he heard Evoline's words, before sighing. "I always despised that stereotype. While my people are chaotic and stupid without a strong leader, as long as there is someone honorable, strong, intelligent, and just, as the head, the rest of the body acts in turn," the large Orc said. "Our enemies like to think we're nothing, but howling barbarians. I'm not. So neither are my people. Please, feel free to ask me any questions, and I will answer them, to the best of my abilities."