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Xeno panic!
The girls would wake up mostly cheerfully, all but Kat and somewhat Agatha, who looked a bit down, even as she cuddled and tickled Amy. They all ate, all but Kat, who would refuse to place any of that gunk on her mouth, and soon afterward a small selection pad would be slid into the room for Alex. It was for choosing who would wear what, and on the screen he was shown a huge assortment of clothing, mostly already made into outfits. All he had to do was pick one and then choose who wore it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
First off, he led Rhona to the pad, and she was dressed in her clothing. He then led Silvia, Amy, Angela to the pad. Next up ere Agatha and Kat. Once all the girls were dressed, he would say they were ready to go, while transforming his body to add clothing.






There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
When they were all dressed Alex would see each of their reactions to their new clothes. Rhona blushed just a little as she looked down at her swim suit. "Are...are we going to swim master?" She asked timidly.

Amy hissed and began to pick at her dress, not liking clothing to begin with, much less so much of it. her claws quickly began to make tatters of the soft fabric of her clothes as she tried to make herself comfortable.

Silvia seemed happy enough, her own tennis outfit covering her enough to keep her from really blushing. It had been days since she wore panties, so the undergarments and the miniskirt they came with were all very welcome as far as she was concerned...though her breasts were framed rather...well in the tight top.

Angela was one of the most dressed and felt around her tight fitting outfit, trying to figure out what she was wearing. She noticed how much of her cleavage was showing and blushed as she felt that her breasts were in danger of simply breaking free at any moment, breaking away from their constricting top.

Kat sighed softly, her outfit was not all the different from what she had been wearing before except that her shirt was much tighter and she had no bra. She covered her shirt in the white coat that came with it, hiding her cleavage away, and for good reason. Kat's black fur stood out in high contrast to her white outfit and without a bra the thin material of her shirt did little to hid the detail beneath it. Anyone seeing her like that would think of her as a slut for sure.

Agatha blushed gentle as she looked down at her own outfit, a sex form fitting black dress which was cut down from the top of her thigh all the way down on her right side, displaying her sexy legs. Her breasts were held snugly in the dress and the way it wrapped around her neck made it seem even more seductive. She said nothing and folded her arms on front of her, waiting for whatever would happen next.

If Alex was all set and ready to go after seeing all of them, they would all be taken away, one by one via robot, to a buss. They were not allowed to see the way in or out, but soon enough would find themselves on the buss with several armed agents. After explain the obvious, dont runaway, dont blow your xeno cover, and dont allow any of the girls to escape or they would be shot and killed, they gave him his choices. They had managed to secure three safe locations for them to travel to. First was the park, second was a strip mall, and third was a small carnival being held not to far away. He would have to pick one of them.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex lightly slapped Amy's hand and lightly scolded her. "No..." he said, and gave her a piercing glare. He then looked at the other girls, and gave Rhona's ass a squeeze, and smiled. "Maybe we will," he flirted, and kissed her cheek.

He continued to walk around, looking his girls over. He soon stopped at Silvia and gave her ass a squeeze as he told everyone to be good. "I doubt I have to tell you, but I want all of you on your best behavior for this. For some of you," he said, and looked at Amy, "This may be hard. Angela, Rhona, and Silvia, I want you three to keep an eye on Amy. I don't want her to cause any trouble. Agatha...Kat. I doubt I have to tell you two what not to do out there. In here is one thing, we can work it out here, but out there will get you killed, and I don't mean by me..." He gave Silvia on kiss on her cheek, before the robots walked in.

Once he was given the choice on where to go, he looked at his girls and thought. "Strip club...? No....Not the first time. Carnival? Hmmm....I want to make sure Amy is under control before I go anywhere like that. Let's go to the park. Will you be giving us any money or anything we might need?" he asked.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Amy hissed at Alex and licked her hand. Silvia walked over to to Amy to help her calm down and to keep her from tearing up her dress. She yipped slightly as she felt her ass get grabbed a blushed as she was kissed on the cheek.

When they all arrived in the bus they all took a seat and Amy began to fuss with her dress again,forcing Silvia to remove all the clothes on her arms, as they were already torn up and useless. The driver and agents nodded and said "You get five hundred dollars to spend, but no more than that." He told them. "And only Agatha can buy things." He added, handing Agatha a purse. Agatha looked shocked and looked at her master for approval. Kat sat in the back by herself and when Angela went to sit with her, she simply gave her a cold glare and made her got back to sitting with Rhona.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex nodded his head and noted how his lovers were interacting with one another. "Very well, but why only Agatha?" he asked. "Also, are there any other rules? Can we actually eat something, other than that grey goop you feed us? Just some ice cream, maybe a few sandwiches. Not like they'll become fat over it," he said. "Besides, I like my girls with meat on their bones. To a certain degree," the 'human' said, sitting alone.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Yes, they can eat whatever they like, and can do whatever they want as long as it is not harmful towards you, us, or Themistocles. Obviously do not try to escape, and wear this." They said giving Alex and ear piece for himself and all his girls. "They must wear these at all times, along with you. If anything comes up, we will tell you through these." All the girls but Amy would put them on. Amy and Kat, who would make no move to put the thing on, but would not make a move against Alex putting it on her ear anyway. Amy just didnt want it at all and would hiss and try to pick at her clothes some more, not wanting the device in her ear or all her frilly clothes on her body.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex placed the ear piece on Kat himself, and he sighed as Amy continued to be disobedient. "What about Amy? She doesn't even know how to talk," he sighed. "Silvia, Angela, Rhona, since Amy can't be trusted alone, make sure you're keeping an eye on her all the time. I don't want her running off and ruining our first trip out," he ordered. "Anything else we need to know?"
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
The bus driver shook his head as did the agents and they were off. Soon they arrived at the park, a large park nearly as big as central in new york. It had large trees and plenty of small woodland creatures and such. They were allowed out and the agents spread out around them, one staying with them but saying nothing. The girls stayed together, looking around nervously at all the people. they were at the edge of the park, where the sidewalk was. There were tons of other people, all walking around, laughing and doing all sorts of other things. Carriage drivers offered their services and food stalls offered tasty treats.

All the girls seemed affected by this except for Kat, who remained as she was, and Agatha, who had been with him only a short time. Silvia stayed close to Amy as she eyed the crowds of people, blushing slightly at her own nervousness. Rhona was on the opposite side of Amy, holding her arm tentatively and looking twice as nervous as her sister. Amy was pulling on Rhona, excited about seeing so many people all at once and trying to go sniff and purr on them, trying to escape her sisters. Angela gently leaned against Alex, her sight not yet fully returned, making her frightened of walking without a guide.

Kat only stared dully ahead, waiting to follow them wherever they went, and Agatha was counting the money and looking around with a small smile, happy she could be out and about.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex smiled and took a breath of fresh air. "This is nice," he commented. "What do you girls want to do first? Get some snacks? Walk around? Maybe a carriage ride?" he smiled. He looked at his girls, and kept an arm around his near blind slave. "Maybe we can look at the local wildlife?" he suggested, as most of these simple creatures Alex had never really got to know. "What do you ladies want to do?" If none of them could decide, he would suggest finding some real food to eat. Maybe a hot dog vendor.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.