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In the Year 100X... (Crimson / Kyosan RP)
About a week later, footsteps started to echo from the front of Kyo's lair, though this time they weren't the sneaky kind, but rather normal. After a few moments, Crimson returned, dressed in the same scuffed armor with his sword hammered back into shape.

Beside him, a lovely young vixen stood with the same red and creamy fur as her brother. Her hair was the same raven color as well though it was noticeably longer and her muzzle was a bit long. Dressed in some humble travel's robe and a simple magical rod made of cypress wood, Ada looked into the cavern with amazement. "Ah, so this is the dragon's lair. Well, I see his golden horde, but I'm afraid we're short one dragon, brother."

"Oh, he's here. I bet he's hiding high above like last time. Oh well, he's expecting us he'll show up soon." Crimson looked around, wondering if the dragon was out at the moment.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
From behind the both of them, footsteps once again could be heard. Donned once again in his plain shirt and trousers, the violet dragon stepped forward and stopped behind the two. He had to admit, if anything the fox was good at keeping his word. But he was more focused on the lady, as he chuckled kindly and greeted them both. "I see you remember where you found me. Welcome back, Crimson. And I take it, your sister?" He asked lightly.

The hall had been redecorated; as much to hide the gold as possible. The stacks had been hidden behind several shelves of furniture and a furnace was also alit at the back of the large cavern- keeping the room at a fine temperature. Several different colours lay array across the room, and tapestries covered the many slight holes in the walls. The dragon had worked his hardest to make it look more like a home then it was a cavern.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson jumped slightly until he realized it was just Kyo. He smiled softly before explaining himself to the dragon. "Nice work on fixing up the place. Anyways, yes, this is my sis. Ada, meet Kyo."

Ada's steely green eyes surveyed the violet dragon, look over his muscular frame from his bare arms before looking at his handsome face and muzzle. A small smile crossed over her muzzle. "Hello Kyo. My, I can see how you were able to get those sexual favors out of my brother."

The fox's eyes suddenly widened before he blushed roughly, "I didn't mention that at all...I just told you he wanted to meet you and..."

"Mind reading...I love magic." Ada chuckled softly while giving her simple magic staff a little twirl. She then returned her attentions to the dragon, her lovely voice gaining a sultry tone. "Mmmm, I feel your eyes looking at every one of my little details. You are charmed, yes handsome?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Quite indeed. It's not usual I find a beautiful lady capable of using magic to read thoughts." Kyosan chuckled, nodding quite firmly to the vixen's words while his tail wagged eagerly behind him. He had to admit- he could tell the resemblance between them both immediately. Yet, somehow Ada had attracted him more then Crimson originally had. "Please, make yourselves at home. There's a table and some drinks already set out for us all." He chuckled lightly.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Ah, such a gentleman. My brother could use some lessons from you." The vixen laughed softly and took a seat, waiting for the others to join her. "Come over here please, handsome. I wish to learn more about you. It's not every day you find such an impressive specimen of dragon," she declared while smirking ever so slightly.

"Whatever." The fox rolled his eyes and made himself at home, taking a seat near the middle of the table. He then noticed the drink on the table, giving the goblet a quick sip. "Oh, that's some fine wine. Thanks Kyo."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"I made sure to grab some of the finest, courtesy my heritage." Kyosan weaved his way slowly over to the table, taking the third seat as he sat down and then poured his own glass of wine- placing the bottle to a side before grasping the mug and taking a fine drink of it. "I'd love to learn the same about you, to be honest. Already you're swooping me off my feet and I've only met you for a few moments. So, you're learning magic I take it?" He asked to start them all off, rolling the wine in his cup.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Indeed I am. I've learned a few tricks thanks to the novice magicians and the occasional passerby, but there's no one in our little farming village who knows the true arts of magic." Ada then takes a fair sip of her wine, taking a moment to savor the taste before swallowing. "Ah, this is quite refreshing, thank you." The vixen then continued, resting her staff against the wall behind her chair. "Anyways, my brother finally comes home after about a week of adventuring with nothing to show for it. Well, that is until I took a quick little mind read and I found out about you. I know the original deal you made with my brother was just to pay my tuition, but I have a different idea." Her paw softly reached over and softly caressed the side of the dragon's leg. "I've heard that dragons themselves are magical. Perhaps you would like to teach me. I imagine your magic's more potent then anything those old dusty beards at the University could teach me."

Crimson was about done with his next sip of wine, nearly done with the whole goblet as his body became buzzed. "Ho ho, I know what this is really about. I know you have unique interests sis, but a dragon?"

"This coming from the pet of said dragon." After a quick chuckle, she gave Kyo a soft smile and appealed to him again. "Kyo, if you're willing, please teach me the ways of magic."
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, if I wasn't such a good dragon I wouldn't be convinced by now... buuut...." Teased by the vixen, the violet dragon couldn't help but growl lightly to the gentle carressing to his leg- his tail giving a slight shift before rolling up the vixen's own leg teasingly. "...If that's a deal, then I'll be able to teach you some magic. Sure, it'll take long- I haven't taught my magic to someone else before. But you'll learn, I guarantee." He admitted, looking onto her with a soft smile and a blush.

"I've learnt my own magic over a span of time. Some you might get surprised at, and some you might expect normal. But they're all handy in their own ways, I assure you." He chuckled, before taking a moment to drink once again from his wine. "I'm definaately willing. Just so long as I know you won't try and use that magic to... let's say put an end to so called dragon."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Crimson then chuckled a little and warned Kyo jokingly with, "Good point, Kyo. You never know what this sneaky vixen is thinking. She might..."

The fox was then swiftly brained over the head by Ada's staff, leaving a mild bump before she set aside the magical instrument aside. "Apologies about that. Sometimes he needs a little punishment, but I suppose you already know about that when he tried to take your gold."

"Oh, for gods sakes, I thought the place was abandoned until I reached this chamber." Crimson rubbed his head, enduring the mild pain by drinking down some more wine, finishing his glass.

Ada then stopped teasing Kyo's leg and looked towards the dragon with a serious look. "I'm no killer and if I have the opportunity, I hope to use what I learn to help people." She set her paws together and gave him a bow out of respect. "Thank you for taking me on as your student, Kyo." She then finished her own glass of wine before asking him with sly smirk, "So teacher, shall we start a lesson now or perhaps you wish to do something else first?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
With a small chuckle to her enthusiasm and the scene playing out on him, the violet dragon nodded, ruffling his brown hair to a side before staring onto Ada quietly. "Hmm, both sound enticing enough as it is. I could teach you one spell already, and it'd involve all of us... well, especially your brother there." He finished, taking a glance from the corner of his eye towards the fox, and cricking his fingers gently. "Unless, you have your own idea of what you want to do?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds