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(Outside teh airplane!)

Helena smiled at Disturbed in the window, waving back as the two flew alongside the plane, nearing the airport.


A few students managed to get up in front and perform the move well, before sitting back down.

"Alright. now study the assignment on the board" Ereth said, pointing to the green chalkboard at the front of the class.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Mmhhh... good thing then..." Kurtz smiled, looking towards her as he nuzzled her shoulder gently, his own tail swishing as he looked towards her. "...This'll be a good holiday, I know it..." He chuckled softly to her.

Murring very gently as her claw dropped down again, Tieya went back to resting for a few moments, before opening her eyes gently. They were quite bloodshot of sorts, as she looked up to Disturbed, rubbing his muscled arm gently. "Mhh... how long is it before we get there...?" She asked gently, curious.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Yoosei murrs softly when feeling her shoulder being nuzzled by him, gently shifting her vision to him and nodding in agreement.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

Disturbed: How can he miss Saphire's post like that?! Its right there just above his!

Saphire: *wacks Disturbed in the head with a frying pan* Its okay Kurtz *giggles* don't say anything bad about him again...


"We are nearing the airport now, not too long before we land," Disturbed answered Tieya with a smile but his face quickly changed noticing her eyes, "Sweetheart? Are you feeling okay?" he asked taking a paw to the side of her cheek caressing it caringly as he looked into her eyes.


"Because its sweet and lovely," Emmy answered snuggling into Kiva, "I'll make sure you're never cold, I'll always be here."

"Yeah... I'm okay..." She murmured, murring softly to the carressing as he nodded just to show him. "Just not used to flying..." She added, snuggling up to his side softly.

"Well.. that's good." He chuckled, closing his eyes again as he snuggled into her side, sighing. "Glad we decided to enter that competition... for this..." He murmured, opening his eyes again as he stared up to her.

Twitching his ears lightly, Nath started to awaken. He wasn't much of a heavy sleeper, so quite often someone talking would wake him up easily. He had heard what she had said, but didn't realise what, as he opened one eye and was greeted with the almost-naked wolfess, his eye shooting open as he blushed gently, "Mhh.. y-yes?" He asked.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds

"We'll be on the ground soon," Disturbed asured her putting a gentle arm around Tieya hugging her dearly nuzzling his mussle in her hair. Then his ears twitched hearing the pilot say they approaching the Cairo Airport and ready to land. The wolf then held the dragoness a little closer not sure how she was on landings.

( Tropical Island )

"Which one do you think would look better?" Saphire put up one of the swimsuits to her body which was a two-piece white with blue stars scattered on the top and bottom, "this one?" then she switched to a one piece that was rather sexy that had a circular hole in the midsection and back which showed her white belly and belly button cutely it was held together on the sides, aswell as the whole suit was a dark blue blue color matching her fur nicely, "or this one?"

Kiva smiles and hugs Emmy closer.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Ooo! we are there!" Hitomi exclaimed as she sat back and fastened her seat belt again.

Casandra smiled over at her sister, doing likewise with her belt. "Looks like it.. Wonder what kind of crazy stuff we will find here."
OOC: sorry i haven't been here lol. been busy. take two! (if, of course, its allowed ^^) *throws gamecat (reference to Garfield) out the window*

Name: Crest Zihark
Gender: M
Race/Type: think the wolves off wolf's rain. if you don't know it, think werewolf.
Age: 12
Abilities: a move called Hands of Time. it creates eleven mirror images around a singular target and stops time. the images are corperal and mirror the movements of the original. extremely draining on the user and the enemy needs to be at a certian distance for it to be effective.
Description: faded blue jeans, white t-shirt, green jaket, unruly brown hair, and stormy eyes that change to green sometimes. has a sword harnessed at his back and two fold-up giant shuriken on his side.
Orientation: stright, not sure and could be convinced otherwise
Kinks/Perks: doesn't know
Weapon: a three bladed katana and fold-up giant shuriken.

(hidden leaf village, Hokage's)

Crest walked into the Hokage's office and saw a chunin that he wasn't familer with. he bowed down. "ah Crest, glad you could make it. i need you to go with Fritz," he indicated the chunin, " to the school and meet your teacher, Erethzium. its the second day in class so you shouldn't be far behind." "by your leave, Hokage." they said together, and left.


Fritz had left him in front of the classroom door and was told to hand the teacher, Erethzium, a note saying he was a new student. he sighed and knocked on the door.
Veemon's Followers
Kenzuma opened his eyes slowly as the plane began to descend thanks to the loud voices of the excited girls in front of him. He quickly looked away from the window, and gripped the arm rests tightly. "Why did I let them talk me into this trip...?" he asked himself silently