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Star blushed a little deeper. "I've worn these enough that they change with me.. but I can take them off whenever I want to.." she looked down at the floor, trying to keep herself in control of her hormones.

Kim sat up a little more. "Well.. I think dinner would be a good idea.. I haven't eaten much today."
Yoosei chuckles and twitches her ears softly.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
< Antarctica >

"aahh....god..." Ereth rubbed his head, and opened his eyes, seeing the human of ice walk up to him. "i..think so..." he tried to get up, bu his legs were splitting with pain, and he couldnt stand. "ah...i kinda got injured...then drifted here...i cant stand because my legs are hurting a lot.." instead, he flipped onto his back and sat up. "much, what are you doing here in Antarctica?" he asked, warpping his arms around himself and shivering a little.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Calibremon blushed slightly, catching onto what she was implying slightly. "I... see."


Anna smiled and got up, ringing the hotel phone for room service before hanging up and knocking on the door to the digimon's room. "Dinner will be up in about 15 minutes..." she said to Kim as she came back inside.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Star looked up at Calibremon, her smile broadening. "well.. he isn't a stranger to suggestive comments..." she thought.

Kim smiled, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "Thanks.. um.. how much is it? I've got a little money.."
Calibremon got up as Anna knocked on the door. "Hmm..." he muttered, opening the door. He smiled as he room service cart rolled down the hall towards them. "hmm... dinner."


Anna smiled slightly, pulling out her debit card. "I've got enough for both of us, and then some. I could've bought us hotel room legitimately, but I prefer to keep my hand in the skills I earned before becoming a successful work-at-home programmer..." she said, smiling slightly, paying the bellhop as he brought in the food.

OOC: Yay for those new wireless Interac machines :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Star sniffed the air, smiling at the smell of the food coming down the hall. "That smells good..."

Kim grinned. "Useful skills to have.."
(Mall of America)

"Oh I'll pay Nathy." Saphire said nuzzling the lupine's cheek softly before she paid the casheer the propper money.

The casheer placed all the bikinis in a shopping bag and handed it to her with a smile then glanced at Nath "You're very lucky she's very cute." she giggled before attending to some work.

Saphire giggled cutely blushing softly from the comment "Wanna go eat now? Or see a movie?" the wolfess asked sweetly picking up her shopping bag.


"Broken...can we do anything?" Disturbed asked holding Tieya closely

(Singapore: Beach)

Onyxia shifted in her lawn chair facing Book her massive breasts shifted within her bikini top "Like-wise Book." she replied with a soft smile upon her dragoness muzzle eyeing her new dragon aquaintence "So you come here often?" she asked simply trying to spark a conversation.
< Antarctica >

Shiva got near Ereth and kneeled down in front of him.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions
< Antarctica >

"oh yeah! pshh..what was i thinking? of course a human of ice would live here!" Ereth chuckled slightly. "er, i kinda got shot down by jets...i dont know why even, and i guess i drifted all the way here."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan