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M/ECA Combat Commission (Furry Mecha/Powerarmor RP)
Mitsuki smile as bowed to Disturbed. "Nice to meet you, Mr Disturbed." She turn to his M/ECA suit while wagging her tail. "What I can say is it looks awesome and well-designed. Ebon and Ayane did a very good job."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Disturbed chuckles nervously "But I designed the suit though...Ayane and Ebon run maintenance and repair which they do a very good job of that." The wolf then walked up to the wolf M/ECA with a smile as he leaps up onto the shoulder "Want to see it in its stand up form? Its rather cool..the stance and everything was calibrated after my movements." with that Disturbed hopped onto the wolf's back and entered the cockpit. Pressing a few buttons and grabbing the stearing mechanism he started the suit as the dim red lines light up through out its body aswell as its teeth. Pulling back he makes the wolf stand up straight and got into a stance for Mitsuki "I really hope she likes it...I kind of want to impress her."
OOC: O.o; Jeez if I thought you'd get bent out of shape over a simple statement, I wouldn't have bothered adding that last sentence... For what it's worth though, I'm sorry.

Andrew blinked as Weyr changed tatics, lunging at him with energy blades. He barely had time to roll out of the way of the attack, but not before the blades caught a good chunk of his sheilds.

"Sheilds down to 85%" the computer droned at him.

"Shit." Andrew muttered, backing away from Weyr. "Tachikaze, Melee Countermeasure Epsilon 1"

"Acknowledged" The computer droned, and began an active power rerouting cycle which focused on the leg servos. Andrew hadn't had the foresight to install his Dash Engine yet, and so he had to make do with the power he had.

"Time until Plasma Blade is repaired?"

"30 seconds"

"Crap" He muttered. For now, all he could do is hammer Weyr's armor with the Zephyr Cannon, and her sheilds with the Sparkcaster, hoping for some miracle; some minor fracture in her armor or a flaw in her sheilding system.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
One of the robot's fingers was clipped by a whirling blade; it flew off, into the air, and his cape was further sliced. The computer brought up a big diagonostic picture, with a flashing red finger on a series of blueprints in green.

"Cut off my finger!" he yelled, grasping his hand. His robot did like wise, and glared with intencity at Flynn's Valek, firing off his laser in a more focused and accurate manner, as he remained still on a dune rather than sumersaulting through the air this time.

Red ribbon danced through the desert winds.
The beam struck Valek's shoulder, pushing it roughly away. Aside from the jarring force of the shove, Valek's reflective armour deflected most of the damage. "Valek: report."

"Armour integrity reduced to 83%."

"So that's how it is, huh?" He recalled the two kunai, noting that one was broken again. He stowed it in its sheathe and put the scythe back on his back, assuming a pose ready to fire off a voley of Soul Fists. "Valek: initiate offensive subroutine zeta-sigma-four."

Valek's system chimed as it started to channel energy toward its hands. "Time to play catch. Soul Fist!"

Vernier boosting into the air, Valek's palms started flickering outward, throwing out dozens of glowing blue globes of energy toward his adversary.
OOC: Don't you worry Calibre, scolding is the last thing you'll recieve for such a minor mistake, I'm not against you.
Yet that mistake is a clear infraction of the Power Play rule, and the rules are equal to everybody.

And amaterasu, I didn't know who you were firing at first, I both missed your post, and after reading it I deduced you were attempting to do another show for armageddon's and Bill's egoes. You just said 'Fighting M/ECAs', and there are four of us there, not only Serra and Andrew. Sorry but that info was kinda misplaced. I'll try to sort out with what I can.


Serra grinned, Yay I'm winning! she cheered at situation the M/ECA in front of her was, she made Weyr cross his blades into an X, before he prepared a last slash to deactivate the shields with a focused blow. "Let's win this one Weyr!" she commanded.

However, it was then that missiles started coming from the distance. Serra blinked as multiple red dots started appearing into her radar, beeping loudly as the things approached at an alarming rate. "What the?!" she gasped, as one of the missiles approached both Weyr and Tachikaze, Serra quickened her pace: "Transfer shield energy into movement!" she commanded, "Move him off!" the girl shouted.
And with that, Weyr's shield stopped emanting that dangerous hostile aura, and the dragon shaped M/ECA suddenly pounced Tachikaze down in a tackle without previous warning, the missile passing by above them, almost touching Weyr's metallic tail, but making it safe. "Whew..." Serra gasped in relief.

"WHAT?!" she shouted suddenly as the radar showed more than the ten or eleven missiles she had detected before. "Crap this place's dangerous to stay in!" she growled to herself and made Weyr stand up again, next to Tachikaze. The M/ECA's offensive system had worn out, blades disappearing, metal rod disengaging into a small disk which went into Weyr's left arm. Now both Serra and Weyr were defenseless till a shift of enery routing would be avaliable.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The computer displayed each ball and it's predicted course on William's right: he leapt back to dodge them. They impacted in the sand behind him, waves and ripples of dust showering over his M/ECA, as he fired short bursts through the sand clouds at his opponent.

"Computer, remind me to pick up some external weapons in the future. These limitations are cramping my style."

He fired off his laser for good mesure.
-Disturbed's Garage-

Mitsuki raise her head up, looking to the big metal wolf standing straight in front of her. All she could do is smiling widely and admire his greatest invention.

"Wahh..! It's amazing and big!!" She wags her tail, still looking up
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds
Disturbed withing the cockpit chuckled "Th-thanks I'm glad you approve." then he blinked noticing some errors in the system "Wh-what is this?" he looked at the diagnostic and noticed redness was forming at the suits facial region "I..I didnt install that program!" The wolf chuckled as he pressed more buttons untill the redness finally faded. Disturbed then set his wolf suit back down and openned the cockpit poking his head out smiling "So umm..would you like to go for a run? We could um stop by your house that way I can see your M/ECA."
Mitsuki smiles while giggling, lowers her body and jump to the air, landing besides the opening cockpit. "But first, I need to check your system either it really stable with your suit. It seems there's an error in your system."
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Renamon's Army
Creative Minds