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Manga - Digimon - Reunion Day


I do hope that Ruki get is GOOD AND HARD for what she did!

I also hope that Alice, Susie, Henry, Mako, and Ai get there just needed spankings too!

I Love your work and you did an amazing job! ^_^
I can't see anything, even with the two links copyied and pasted, darn V_V
Something tells me that the hOOters teacher made a BIG mistake in hurting Ruki. Renamon certainly won't take kindly to her partner being hurt.
Bwahahaha! Renamon beating Ms. Isaji? That would be priceless!!! : lol
What happend with to the digimon
Im only just now getting to check out this on going comic
and i just HAVE to say HOLY S#!T Prophet you have SERIOUSLY outdone yourself for creating the biggest most non stop f'k fest of all time @_o

Also the expressions in these most recent pages were perfect!
It still redirects me from Prophet's site even from megaproxy :cry:
Damn those are great! I can't wait to see what happens with those 2 in the next page.

Whatever happened to the coloring project someone was going to do to this manga?
Alright! Prophet, you are my hero! Not only for your awsome manga, but also because of that megaproxy thing! I was forced by my parents to put a filter on my computer. Now, I am forced to download anything I want to look at, or use the search engine in Kazaa. However, Megaproxy actually bypasses my filter! Thank you!
I'd offer to color it if I wasn't such a lazy bastard.