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The Person Below Me
Disturbed: Gah you're a moron!!!

The person below me wouldnt mine *pounces*
Steve: *catches in air* whoa whoa whoa...i dont think so little guy.... *set down* do that to someone else.

The person below will get pounced by Disturbed
The Mod Squad
Crimson: Ack, not me, take a cold shower or something. *runs for the hills*

Jedrek: *walks around innocently until Disturbed pounces him, surprisingly not angry* Um...what are you doing?

The person below me is still horny.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Disturbed: Not you stupid!!! *pushes his face into the ground before getting up* Hmmm hey wheres Monica at..I havent seen her in a long while

The person below me will tell?
Monica: *teleports next to Disturbed* Um, I'm right here I guess. *giggles* Whatcha need, wolfey?

Jedrek: *curses into the ground as he tries to free his head*

The person below me is pleased.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Disturbed: Pleased doesnt begin to describe it *huggles Monica tightly* Hey Monica..looking cuter then ever *nuzzles her cheek*

The person below me is shocked
Monica: He's just being friendly...yeah, that's all... *nuzzles his cheek back as she smiles* Aw, you're just being sweet, handsome.

The person below me has something else to say.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Disturbed: *smiles softly at Monica* How would you like to spend the night with Wolfy?

< Computer >

Justin: Crimson I have talked it over with DMX and we both agree, all of this seriousness and drama shit needs to stop of we need to keep having fun around here. Because of all the drama that goes around all the fun of these threads have gone to shit.

The person below me will except the request of a humble wolf

Crimson: Point noted. Glad to hear this, enough is enough.

Monica: *smiles cutely as her tail swishes a little* Sure, I've never been to your place anyways, wolfey. Let's go!

The person below me has already made arrangements for dinner.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
Disturbed: Why yes I have *holds onto Monica tightly and fades into a shadow then comeback at his place which is a fairly modern appartment with a kitchen surrounded by white counder tops, facing out the living room is a bar area that hangs off of the kitchen counter, next to the kitchen is the dining table with a tall three pronged candle stick already lit*

Here we are *still hugging Monica standing in front of the dining table that already had food on it he already prepared and cooked. The food was gourmet grilled chicken, with salad served with white whine* Shall we?

The person below me is impressed?