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SPAM-A-THON!!! (Beware! Yiffy stuff is possible!)
Gus: Actually it wouldnt confuse it at all in my opinion. I would just pick up where we left off at and carry on.

Gus: o.O It certainly seemed like you cared when you had Nath go and kill Crimson when Saphire left Nath for him. Then she came back to Nath of not wanting that stuff happenning again.

Gus: As for the Raize thing I dont see the reason. DMX was just trying to get to know her, and you know she wouldnt let him get anywhere near where you thought he was going to go.

Gus:Tieya and Disturbed were still married they were just doing that you can yiff one other person thing which he seemed to screw up in someway and still got in trouble with it....please keep this to a friendly discussion, since I never used and explatives.
Kyo: I shall, but I have proper reasons.

Kyo: For your pick-up thing, it's a shame, though. When it's done, you'll just go on and leave no space for others to also post and have as much fun without getting flooded. Some members aren't on at different times.

Kyo: Second of all, DMX still shouldn't have butted in until afterwards, sadly, no matter if she would allow him closer to her or not. It's impolite to just butt in a conversation and act like someone isn't there, is it not?

Kyo: And finally. I have stated this before many times. You really think Tieya would allow DMX to have yiffed her like that? No. She just thought of that as a simple 'thank you' to him, before getting her ass reversed thanks to Steven, which I thought he had CLEARLY MENTIONED.

Kyo: You want me to continue? I have hundreds of words on the subject. I'm in a debatable mood and I don't feel like ending this very soon.

Kyo: Oh, and with the Crimson thing. Remind me of this. I only control he CHARACTER. That is what spam is about - reacting how the CHARACTER would react. I was not bothered about it. My character, Nath, was.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Gus: I guess I'm just sick of all the serious that goes around. I'm not having any fun when I'm posting *puts a palm on his foreahead* I dont care about the relationships right now. If we have to end the Tieya and Disturbed thing then we'll do it.. the Saphire and Nath deal we can keep since it doesnt really seem to effect anybody as much. I just want to get back to the fun up posting again like I did when I first came on here.
Kyo: You think I'm not sick of it as well, Gus? Please, I hate seriousness to the bone. Serious means no fun. And my characters react to situations, that other characters give. I mean, for examples:


- Husband cheats on wife with another woman

- Wife finds out and falls out with Husband.

Kyo: My characters react, to the way that real humans would. I'm not just going to go and make them all not care about it. Personalities are different with each character.

Kyo: And, fine, you want Disturbed and Tieya broken apart for the third and final time, then go ahead. Don't come complaining to me the next time, that you feel that they should be together. Since Disturbed is the one who usually is mentioning stuff about: "Oh, where's Tieya?" "I would die to make Tieya happy".

Kyo: Okay, the Saph/Nath thing can be kept.

Kyo: So, are we finished here, or do you want us both to discuss another point, Gus?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Gus: Of course I know. I can tell when your posting that your not having any fun. So I want to fix that for the both of us.

Gus: I guess it is because they had to get back together several times which made the marrage not work. I just want me character to be more free willed and do what he wants instead of being chained up. I'm not gonna make him out like DMX but I just want him to have fun.

Gus: And yes...we are finished...*huggles*

Saphire: *pounces and huggles Nath*
Kyo: THANK GOD! I HATE SERIOUSNESS! *huggles Gus* ^^

Nath: WOOHOO! *huggles Saphire and kisses her deeply on the lips again and again*

Kyo: Well, if you want, you could make them boyfriend and girlfriend. That way, they still have feelings for one another, but they won't give two shits about each other yiffing others, right? ^^ Up to you that is, though.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Saphire: *deeply kisses Nath, rubbing the back of his head gently*

Gus: By George I think he's got it...That would work!!! Yeah we can do that!!! But there is the Rosa we have to kill her? I hope not
Kyo: Sadly, we do. That is, since Disturbed and Tieya have gotten too entergrossed with each other, we have to make her... well, non-existant.

Nath: *murrs softly and cuddles Saphire dearly to him* Mmmm.....
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Gus: Damn..that sucks...cant we just make her...not related to anybody. DMX kinda likes her

Saphire: *slowly breaks from the kiss smiling softly* I love you
Kyo: Sure... but, I'll remove... oh forget it.

Nath: And... I love you too... you know that, Saphy.... *smiles cutely to her, blushing softly under his white fur*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds