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War of the worlds(digimon vs superhumans)
Tiamat:*blasted back a few feet*That's not the reason,I don't care for petty emotions.*eyes glow blood red as he cuts himself with a claw,creating alot of blood*BLOOD BOMB!*the blood forms a sphereical shape and flies at very high speeds at Sabre*
Sabre - Evil Brutal Flurry! *decimates the Blood Bomb before it can strike him but still takes some damge from the proximity* It's all the reason I need.

Neutral - *watching battle*
Necromon - *also watching battle*
Shiwen:*small tear in eye* sabre...

Menill:*seizes shiwen* time to shelter sis!*drags her behind the humvee*
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Tiamat:*the wound on his arm heals*You can't win,I reabsorbed the four...experiments.*his eyes glow blue*CRYSTAL BLAST!*Tiamat launches a blue wave of energy out of his blue wings*
Sabre - *growls* CHAOS FIRE!!! *fire vs ice... seems very balanced... neither attack progressing any further*

Neutral - *runs after Shiwen and Menill*
Necromon - *blinks* Oh no, you don't! Dark Whip! *lashes out with whip of darkness, trips Menill and Neutral*
Tiamat:Time to fight fire with fire.*eyes glow red*BRIMSTONE CANNON!*red wings fire large beams of fire*
Sabre - *stands perfectly still, attack incinerates area around him but he is unharmed* Are you forgetting? I'm a fire type now... *sneers* I was expecting better.
Tiamat:*behind Sabre*That was just a distraction,CRYSTAL BLAST!*fires from a near point-blank range*
Sabre - YAAARGH! >.< BLAZE INFERNO!!! *sweeps entire area clean with MASIV blast of fire, Tiamat get's blown back into a building... it then collapses, standing in a small crater* :shock: Where the hell did that come from!?
Tiamat:*standing where the building was*Negla*a large,red bomber-like warship appears*Kill him.*the Negla then opens fire on Sabre*