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War of the worlds(digimon vs superhumans)
Neutral - *grins* Who said I was going to attack? It's just a precaution.
Sabre - ... *ear twitches in irritation*
Menill:*sighs*not the brightest bulb in the packet eh?

*a load of trucks and humvees rumble towards them then stop. loads of soldiers jump out and take postions*
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Neutral - *folds his arms* It's fully justified. I've been shot at quite a few times in the past.
Sabre - *looking at the trucks with interest* ... *scratches head*
Quote:Name:General yark
Age: 45
Discription: a evil general who started the hole war.absolutely hates digimon.

General Yark:*steps out of a humvee* so this is where youve been then...i'm quite shocked shiwen.
Shiwen:look uncle you can't control me!!!
GY:Silence! you will be dealt with accordingly now, we will kill this raping digimon then whipe out the rest!
GY:menill? what do you mean no? you were the one who wanted your sister safe!
Menill:she was before you arrived...
GY:*fumes* INSOLENT CHILD!!! men! kill them all!

Soldiers:what?but they haven't...
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Sabre - *eyes widen momentarily before narrowing to little more than slits, growls quietly* Find cover. Now. I'll deal with this. *draws twin swords slowly*
Neutral - *sighs* Don't get killed, OK? *jerks head at the others before ducking behind some rubble with his chaingun ready and loaded*
Shiwen:*gets her mother's ak47 and opens fire on the solders*Sabre!!! get back here its too dangerous!
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Dark:You wish to fight,you'll be sorry.CURSE OF DEATH!*all of the soldiers are hit by a dark shockwave*If you attack us with one more attack,gun or not,you die.
*the attack doesn't affect the soldiers*
Shiwen:*curses*frigging D-reaper armor!*headshots a soldier*
Menill: :shock: *sweatdrop*remind me never to upset her!
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ice:That's some good armor.*impales two soldiers on his claws*Everyone,run.CRYSTAL BERSERKER!*he disappears as many soldiers start dropping*
OOC: some music here would be good! maybe kernkraft400?
menill:*grabs shiwen and runs*don't need to tell me twice!
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds