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Manga - Digimon - Reunion Day
next post i see thats spam is gone, and it will be warning number one for the user. two more warnings for that user and i recomend toga kick you for a month for spamming.

its getting a little hairy people please stay on topic. there is a random chat forum, please use it.


Man Prophet, you surprised us all, AWESOME.

go for it!!!
How long until the new pics are done?

I'm a porn junkie and need my fix Prophet!!! >_<
Tank... I know he's taken a bit long, but havce patience, man.

Rememebr, once he's done with this, he'll send us Digi-Tama 5 (hmmm... Kari dressed as Sakura in a school uniform from CCS ^___^)

Speaking of late stuff.. I gotta mention something that should've been changed a while back... (not relatedwith the above mentioning)
still waiting...still taking forever!
I'm suffering from tonsilitis at the moment. Very painful shit. ARRGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Owch! Well, enjoy the ice cream at least ;)
Tch.. Ice Cream, that is if Prophet can hold anything in his stomach for more than 5 minutes...

I had Tonsilitis once (I was 12 then), and I couldn't eat ANYTHING... as a matter of fact, I couldn't really drink anything, either (it would all come back up after a few minutes). All I could do was suck on Ice Cubes (the ONLY good part was I had lost weight.... this was all back when I was 12)
Tonsilitis isn't that bad. When it becomes chronic, then you have a problem. I get throat diseases in clusters. I get Tonsilitis, Laryngitis (sp), Pharyngitis, Sinusitis, and a few other diseases all at the same time. I have poor immunity so I catch them frequently.

I recommend sleep. Just take your antibiotics and forget about your pain. If you can't sleep, go for ice cream or some other cold food.
man i feel sorry for you guys, i havent acutaly been sick for more than a week in my entier life. even when i had the chicken pocks!

back to topic :P YAH! Manga, WOO+
