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Caught between a sword and Fate
Slash took the attack straight to the chest, his form shattering into nothingness.

Meanwhile, hiding in one of the side rooms and spying on them all. Hmm, so that's their attack. Nightmare shocker huh? From the looks of Shadow it's nothing fun. Slashmon made sure he didn't make a sound as he looked up at Devimon, Why hasn't that guy done anything? And how did they come back?.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"NIGHTMARE SHOCKER!!" The two vilemon said in stereo- sending waves throughout the house.

"That's right... make them suffer before they die!" Devimon roared.
OOC: Oh, might as well add something for meh!


Mar was standing on his place, his eyes had lost color.

<8 years ago>

A small boy of 5 years old with cheap clothes and long snow-white hair was standing next a rock next to a cottage, his eyes were fixed with the same expression he had out of the dream, looking onto the forms of his parents' bodies, now corpses on the ground.

"Mommy...?" the boy meeped as he leaned onto his dead mother's lifeless form, "Daddy?" he asked to reicieve no answer "Mommy... Daddy... wake up... please..." he started nudging his mother and father, tears forming on his eyes as thunders roared in the dark sky. Both didn't move at all.

Mar was standing some meters away from the kid and his parents, "Who's... that...?" tears started forming in his blue eyes, "Who... who are they?" he couldn't shake the feeling off him Why do I feel this bad... all of a sudden...?.
Suddenly the image changed, he saw the same kid in the streets, begging for passing by adults for help, but none of them answered, just ignored the child in need while he pointed to the two dead humans next to the cottage.

"N-no..." Mar begged this not to be true, he knelt on the ground, "AHHHHH!!!" he yelled in and out of the hallucination while holding his head with his hands.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Post limit reached. Wait for DMX.

Edit: Nevermind lol .
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Me is here! Oh, and before I forget, let's post something for Reno.


Reno stirred in his sleep, then immediatly woke up with a thud after he hit his head with the wall, "Oww!" he grunted, but then he got up to his paws and looked on the direction of where he was hearing some loud noises, "Party?" he tilted his head sideways, then almost immediatly ignored his thoughts to run over to the room where his friends and foes where. He noticed Mar kneeling and screaming "What's wrong?" he ignored the enemies to run to his parnter, then nudged his shoulder with his muzzle, "Are you alright?"
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Scratch Beat!!" The Vilemon sent energy slash-waves towards Mar and Shadow.
"NOW!" Slash shouted to himself as he charged from the shadows, he slashed quickly at the two Vilemon, aiming for the vital spots in their necks as he slashed through them. "Reno, see if you can wake those two up. If I'm right we need to take down that Devimon, and to do that I'll need Shadow to digivolve me."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Renodramon's eyes were fixed on the attack, he immediatly placed himself in front of Mar to take the blow "GAK!" he groaned as he fell on ground and grunted to get back on his paws yet again. He immediatly looked up on Devimon, who was laughing, "Hey! WHAT's SO FUNNY?! TERRA-" he jumped high up in front of the fallen angel, "-FLAMES!" he released a barrage of flaming bolts directed straight out to the Champion level digimon.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"RAZOR WIND!!" Devimon deflected the attack with his wings and absorbed them.

The vilemon reformatted. "Oh- you're gettin PISSY!!"

"NIGHTMARE SHOCKER!!" They did it in stereo again, stunning Slash and Reno with their worst memories.

"Touch of Evil!!" Devimon Blasted the four clear through the wall.

What's left of the house collapsed.
Mar was too busy, holding his head and tearing while grunting and clenching his teeth. Something was happening still, his heartbeat suddenly rised up like hell as he fell on ground from Devimon's attack, his heart pumped so hard it could be heard by anyone nearby.

Renodramon wasn't affected by the Nightmare Shocker, as he had just been born that same day, he didn't have any bad, nor good memories, "N-no! You try waking them up! I'll deal with them!" he growled to Slashmon as he ran off and tackled one Vilemon, then jumped on then other and kicked it on the face to get impulse and leap again to Devimon "Terra Flames!" he growled and again tried to hit the Champion.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad