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Manga - Digimon - Reunion Day
Ruhe Wrote:Lopmon's middle horn was not long enough to give Suzie the pleasure...I think. :D

It may not long enough for Suzi's vagina but the clitoris is right there, just under the fold of the skin. That sharp point poking right into the clitoris would drive any woman insane.. that is if the horn didn't hurt too much.
It's funny, it is almost like they wanted to do that SOOOOO Bad in the actual season. But there were too many bad guys, so I guess that now that they are back, and there are no bad guys, everyone is going sexually crazy!! ......I like it. ^^;
Thanks ya'll.

I've started drawing the manga pages again. Now I can get this thing finished.

There's a kawaii scene I've thought up with Lopmon, Suzie and Henry. I can't wait to draw it.
Hehehe. Great to hear, Prophet. Can't wait to see it for myself.
Yes, that is great to hear. I can't wait as well. ^^
Lopmon, Susie, and Henry...OH MY! ^_^
Thanks Impmon.
I'm sure Lopmon would polish her horn until it's not too sharp to hurt Suzie.

[b]"Argh! My pecker! I
Lopmon,Susie,and Henry

hmmm something's missing

oh wait i know ,why not toss Terriermon in with Lopmon?
The Kawaii scene with Henry and Lopmon is not really sex, it's
more like a kiss or french kiss.

cut & paste

back-up websites just in case.
Ah yes, count on good ol' reliable Kenta to supply the yaoi goodness >:3 might i request you keep him that way? @_@