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Magical Starsign.
Katt smirked, lifting up her hands as she grabbed the two blades, her shield flashing slightly from the impact, "Little word of advice, don't announce your attacks, makes them very easy to avoid, and counter!" she shut her eyes tight, her shield flashing with a blinding light.

"GAH! Sonuva!" Shadow took one of his hands off his blade to cover his eyes from the bright light, Damn, she's tough, figures being a teacher. he thought.

*Arena F*

Slash flipped over and landed on his feet, rubbing off the water on his fur, "Love it when the ladies play hard to get, just makes the chase that much more fun." he smiled, standing up and quickly spinning around like a mini tornado, stopping when he was dry.


"Not at all, you change fast." kitt smiled as she stood up, Flare resting on her shoulder, "I'm starving, hope they've still got some food left. Not sure how long they serve breakfast on the weekends." she admitted. She smiled kindly at Lana, "I'm sorry about Flare again, she's promised to be on her best behavior, don't you Flare." Flare clicked her beak a bit, nudging at Kitt's ear, "Alright alright, breakfast before you do something bad I get it." Kitt laughed a bit.


The portal opened up into a large circular room, pillars lining the area, halls leading off to seperate rooms, a large set of double doors resembling a skull on the far side, I have matters that need my attention. Take care to be nice to your new allies, they aren't patient as I am. The magic emperor warned as he walked through the room, the large doors opening as he neared then closing behind him.

"So a new guy huh?" A tall red lizard walked up towards Lucien, a dark panther walking next to her, "We haven't had anyone new done here since, hmm, hey Mar when'd you show up again?" she asked with a slight smile.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Holy cow, that light's really bright!" Karomaru grunted, stepping back as he turned his back on Katt and shut his eyes to avoid being blinded, "What're we gonna do?"

(Training Arena F)

"Slash, please try to behave yourself, Tina's going to be your teacher in this particular lesson, so don't make it harder for her, okay?" Dorothy softly said, trying to sound as nice as she could to everyone, while holding the little anthro serpent outwards to everyone, keeping her up by the underside of her armpits as if she was a baby or a doll. Tina blushed a bit and nervously kept jumping her eyes at all the other familiars, whining a little since she didn't like to be held like that even if Dorothy was introducing her.

Reno barked in response, as if saying hi.

(Girls' Dorm)

Yachiru giggled, "It's okay! Really. She actually talks a lot, so she needed to get a bit quieter!" she said, though Lana found it not very fun.

"I almost DIED there, Mistress! Just what kind of uncultured, rash barbarian attempts to eat a new friend?!" Lana started, rambling as if three dictionaries had been shoved into her.

"We might want to keep her nearby Flare in my opinion," Yachiru joked.

(Nether: Secluded Room)

Mar was leaning against a wall with a new change of clothes since the other ones had burnt during Ayumi's desperado attack, his claws in his trouser pockets as he stared at the new guy with poor interest, "Didn't come here a lot ago. What's the Master thinking, though? Allowing this little shrimp into our hideout just like that."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Come up with something else." Katt laughed a bit as she placed her arms over both Karo and Shaun's shoulders, "Attacking a superior opponent by combining your abilities, you're taking a step in the right direction." she smiled.

What the hell? I didn't even hear her moving, damn, if this is a teacher when she's holding back, I can't imagine what they're like when they go full out. Shaun thought, growling slightly.

*Arena F*

Slash smiled a bit, Hmm, teacher studen relations, the forbidden fruit, always thought that would be interesting. he thought, winking up at Tina, "Heya cutie." he waved.


"S-sorry, I should've been more careful with her." Kitt said, her ears lowering a bit as she held Flare a bit tighter, "I'm sure she didn't mean it, maybe she thought you were a big bug that was dangerous to Yachiru?" she smiled a bit.

*Nether: Secluded room*

"Beats me, you wanna ask him though? Didn't work out for the last person that questioned him, took months to find all of him. Those little pieces start stinking if you don't clean them up fast." Thorne laughed darkly, "Although I am a bit curious as well, don't look too intimidating." Thorne thought aloud as she knelt slightly to look Lucien in the eyes, her chest hanging below her and showing off her cleavage.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Luciens eyes narrowed towards Thorne's. "You really shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, just because I'm not big or reptilian like the both of you, doesn't mean I'm not as lethal. I'm more...demonic than draconic." Lucien smiled for a short moment, then frowned, turning his gaze towards Mar. The demonic voice spoke up again.

"He is the blood owner."

Lucien turned away, "I'm well aware of that, but he isn't my enemy now."

"I am well aware of this, your new allies seem...nice by comparision to the school's instructors."

"Was that a joke? Listen, I can handle myself in conversation, now begone."

"You know what to do if you need me."

"IF I need you, now begone." The voice obeyed and left, Lucien turned back towards the lizards. "I don't suppose there's anything interesting to do here, is there?" he asked raising an eyebrow.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
Karomaru wasn't sure of what to do, it was as if Katt was toying with them and he had nothing in mind on what they could do to overthrow her. That's when he remembered their fight with the fire armor back at the dungeon, "She can stop our attacks simultously because she's entirely focused on defending herself... We just need a good distraction...!" he said, failing to recall ever taking any offensive magic classes. He looked over to Shaun, afraid to speak since Katt would immediately be able to tell what he was thinking to do.


"A-a bug?!" Lana freaked, "You're comparing me to a bug?!" she said almost completely shocked.

"It was just an example, Lana, don't think too much on it," Yachiru intercepted, not wanting to hear her familiar ramble anymore whilst they walked, so instead she changed subjects, "So, what did you say about a big dragon taking you somewhere? Is that a method of transportation here?"

(Nether: Secluded Room)

"Only came here because Master said so," Mar merely replied, standing back up before he gave her back to the others, "I'm going back to my room. Have fun," he finished, walking off where he had said without any more words spoken.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Gargh-" Mael squirmed as she tried to break the rope of light Katt had tossed over at her. How could she not have dodged that? Maybe it was the light! That thing was so shiny! "Blast it- blast it- BLAST IT-" She cursed.

While Katt's light blinded the others, Horyomaru lunged at their teacher, rolling in midair so he was a blurred wheel of fur and the single blade of his wakizashi, effectively becoming a buzzsaw. He was struck in the sides however, by razor sharp playing cards, the corners of which embedded themselves on his side, knocking him off course. He bit down on the hilt of his wakizashi and growled at Jester, who smiles at him sadistically despite the stitches keeping his mouth shut.

"What's wrong with you?!" Horyo's eyes said.

"In the way, in the way! You're in the way! Hehe!" Righty cackled as the clown produced his violin.

Horyomaru shook the cards off him, droplets of blood splattering the floor. He was ready to attack again. Maybe he could attack in tandem with the other three students? The female seemed useless at the moment, but the two males look like they've had some practice with teamwork. Snuffing, the edge of his wakizashi glowed white momentarily and he slashed Mael free.

"Phew- thank ye there- uh- cur!" Mael rubbed her shoulder and raised her sword, running over closer to Karo. She had finally caught her breath, and now she was ready to fight.

"Cur?" Horyo wondered what that meant.

[Arena F]

Velo raised his hindquarters, his head lowered down to the ground, his tail swishing left and right playfully. He wanted to play with Tina! He wanted to play with everyone! It was a comfortable environment, aside from the water. He wasn't too fond of water.

The hell hound Gar simply chewed at an itch on his rump, totally careless toward what they were doing.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"Jester you're supposed to be attacking me, not your teamates. Try to remember that." Katt said, glaring slightly at the clown, "Come on you two, let the others play for a bit." Katt smiled as she jumped up, using her feline grace to effortlessly flip over the two and kick off their backs as she landed on the other side of them.

"Gah, damn, she's not easy to hit, even without that shield." Shaun growled a bit, "There's gotta be some trick that we're supposed to learn, this is supposed to be training us so it can't be impossible."


"Uhm, no not a mode of transport, well it might be, I don't really know, but that's not what I meant." Kitt sighed a bit, "During training, this big dragon, appeared and took me. It was some scary dark place, I didn't like it. And there was this mean red lizard, she, actually killed Flare." she whimpered a bit as she hugged Flare, remembering how scared she was before realizing the bird couldn't be killed that easily.


"Mr. Personality over there is Mar," Thorne smiled a bit, "Don't let the attitude bug you, just upset cause of a cute girl getting away." she laughed a bit, "I'm Thorne, and what would your name be?" she asked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I am called Lucien." Lucien replied, but his mind was focused on something else. He sniffed once, "Was Mar recently in a state of mortal injury?" Lucien wanted to know if his suspicions were right. Lucien smirked, "Or did that cute girl slap him so hard, he nearly bled into coma?"
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
Karomaru's eyes locked onto Shaun's as he thought, "I've an idea, hope he gets it" he briefly winked, before he stood in front of Katt and stuck his tongue out just like that, pulling down his finger under his eye section, "Bleh! Worst training ever! We'll get better training at Nether!"


"Oh, wow..." Yachiru said with quite a symphatetic tone, putting two and two together and figuring Flare was actually indeed a mystic phoenix, but her version didn't sound completely convincing either, yet. "Why did he do that?" she then asked.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Least there we stood a chance," Shaun thought aloud, catching Mar's eyes, "Hmm,"

"Sure it's alot easier fighting mindless shadows than someone that fights back." Katt grinned, "Another lesson to remember, don't jump infront of your enemies, just begging to be attacked." she smiled firing a number of light colored tendrils at Karomaru.

Now, while she's distracted. Shaun leapt forward, bringing his sword down onto Katt's shoulder, the blade bouncing off her shield.

"Oh please, as if I'd leave my back open like that." Katt laughed without looking back.


"I'd watch yourself if you want to survive your stay here." Thorne warned, "He's not one to hold back against anyone that cops an attitude with someone."


"Wish I knew," Kitt sighed, "They just took me, then took Flare away, they never even mentioned what they wanted with us."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad