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Magical Starsign.
Kitt was purring happily, lying down she was gentley brushing over Flare's head. She had barely slept at all thanks to the excitement from the past day. Her ears twitched slightly as she heard talking, not knowing it was her that was being talked to she ignored it for the most part, continued to stroke Flare who cooed softly from the attention, "That's a good girl, or boy, hmm, I still don't know what you are." she giggled a bit, "I wonder if ms. Dorothy would be able to tell, she knows more about familiars than I do." she mused to herself.


"Come on slowpoke you only have one minute left." Slash laughed a bit, smiling back at Shadow as he matched his speed exactly, while running backwards.

"Sh-shut up," Shadow growled, "Unless you know a way to help me get there you can just be quiet."

"And what if I do? Hmm? Then what'll you do?" Slash laughed.

"Feh, keep me from getting in trouble with that werecat and I'll get ya an entire tuna." Shadow said, doubting Slash could do anything.

"DEAL!" Slash shouted in enjoyment, jumping up and onto Shadow's shoulder, "Warp drive, ENGAGE!" he shouted.

All of a sudden to Shadow's surprise he was moving much faster, though he didn't feel like he was putting any more effort into it than before, "What the, how are you doing this?"

"Simple, same way I move so fast, just create a bubble around us that removes all wind resistance and friction from the ground, be amazed how fast you move without that slowing you down." Slash smiled.

"nice," Shadow said as he skidded to a halt in the training room, "Heh, made it with time to spare." he smiled.

Katt stared on in surprise, "Well, seemed you figured out the first test, actually had a bet going wheither you would or not seeing how little you two have gotten along." she smiled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Good morning," Yachiru smiled as she stopped walking in front of Kitt, "I'm Yachiru Himiko. Pleased to meet you, I'm your roomate!" she said to the young kitten.


"Karomaru, reporting, for duty..." The blonde boy reached the arena, panting and gasping for air as he wasn't used to running so fast for such long distances, "Damn, running after just waking up is not my thing..." he then patted his stomach, "Can we have breakfast now?" he asked Katt.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hehe, breakfast comes after your training, young ones." Vook smiled, her tail gently swishing back and forth, before she turned to Katt. "So, what are we gonna have them do, hmm?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Simple, if they want to be heroes, they're going to have to prove they can handle themselves." Katt grinned, cracking her knuckles a bit, "Don't worry, we'll go easy on you." she smiled as she snapped her fingers, a long chain of yellow energy forming from her fingertips, "Hmm, think we're still missing one student, that pirate girl." She thought as she looked up at the sky, "Time's running out, hope she hurries for her sake."

"Oh man, I knew it was just gonna get worse." Shadow groaned.

"Don't die, you still owe me a tuna." Slash grinned.


"Oh, hello, it's a pleasure to meet you Yachiru," Kitt smiled as she held a hand out, "My name's Kitt, and this is Flare." Flare squawked a bit and nodded towards Yachiru to say hello.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I think I liked the infirmary's bed with the crazy doctor and the demon dude better," Karomaru disappointedly whispered to Shaun, staying still since the teachers were looking straight at them.

Dorothy took a moment to speak, "We could always begin training them and then have one of us repeat the same course for Miss Mael. Since they made me worry so much, I'd like to train their familiars! We can't have them rely on their magic alone, can we? Gee!" she giggled.

(Girls' Dorm)

"Oh, at last! A mannerism of refinement in this complex!" Lana said, popping from behind Yachiru with a melodramatic floating pose as she heard Kitt introduce herself and greet "I am called Lana, and I'm the spirit of Earth, following this lady of a prestigious,"

"Your phoenix looks pretty," Yachiru bluntly interrupted the talkative fairy, shaking Kitt's arm as a friendly gesture, before the smaller girl put her arms behind her and tilted her head sideways in a somewhat adorable way, "So, been out late? I heard you enter late at night!" she bluntly asked, not imagining Kitt had been the kidnapped student and had gone through such a weird adventure. Lana sighed in disbelief and folded her arms, angrily hovering around her master, slightly annoyed at her brusque manners.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Least here we're less likely to be yelled at for bleeding." Shaun joked.

"Alright then, both of your familiars will be with Dot,"

"Whoohoo!" Slash jumped in the air, vanishing as soon as he hit the ground and reapearing on Dot's shoulder, "So I'm thinking dinner, maybe a movie, what are you feeling like?" he grinned.

"So, you wanna do this one on one or two on two?" Katt smiled.


"Pleasure Lana," Kitt smiled, "Thank you, I really think she's very pretty too." Kitt stroked Flare's head a bit, "And yeah, I was out late you could say, I was, indisposed." she put it vaguely, not wanting to think back much to the day.

Flare's head darted around slightly before she spread out her wings and leapt towards Yachiru with a loud squawk, snapping her beak near Lana.

"AH NO! Flare that's not a bug!" Kitt yelled as she grabbed the bird, who quickly settled down a bit in her arms, "S-sorry, I guess she's hungry, she didn't hurt you did she?" she asked, looking up at Lana a bit worried.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Jester's Familiar, a rather hellish looking puppy named Garmarus had popped up at the infirmary the moment Katt vanished with Ryuu. With a simple glance from the creepy clown, the pup's shadow pooled around its feet like a puddle of inky black, before it stretched out into a rectangular line. The line rose from the ground, forming a dark rectangular corridor which Jester stepped into, emerging instantly in the training grounds with his familiar, the shadowy corridor vanishing behind him. Jester raised his mouthed hands at the teacher.

"Hello hello! Hehe!" Rasped Righty.

"Good day, good day." Greeted Lefty.

Horyomaru had leaped out of the window at this time, doing a flip in midair that made him look like a furry wheel. "Akarui Scrambler!" He invoked, a bright light engulfing him before he zigzagged through the air like a bolt of white lightning that darted toward the Arena. He arrived a split second after Shaun and Slash, the light fading from his body. He parked his rump on the ground, sitting in attention for Katt. "Horyomaru Reporting, Sensei!"

As the light faded from him, it gathered into a soccer-ball sized orb of light that bounced on Horyo's head twice before it popped, a cute little cheetah cub with little chibi-wings of light appearing on his head, purring. The canine's familiar, Veloarch.

Finally, panting and wheezing, Mael dragged herself to the grounds, Leviathan floating around her in circles, whether he was taunting her or offering her moral support wasn't clear. Mael was a about two or three seconds late. "A-AYE." She wheezed. "Ahm here- Neptune's beard-" She gasped, clutching her chest as she collapsed on all fours. Apparently she had gotten lost and ran all the way without any support from her familiar.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
Lucien awakened, not knowing how long he had slept, "Five minutes or five hours? Both seemed to feel the same, longer than I have ever slept recently. Still, I'm not one to keep still." Lucien rose fom the cot and re-equipped his scythe onto his back. "Come, Vladimir, that doctor said rest, though he never gave a specific amount of time, so I'm just see myselfot if he doesn't mind." Lucien walked out of the infirmiry and began walking down the corridors.

When suddenly, he stopped, "Hmm...I wonder Vladimir, I said I was going to train, yet I have no current partner. I also am curious as to whom I had a bloodlust towards." Lucien could still smell the blood, but it wasn't as horrific due to the necklaces power of suppression. If Lucien went one way, it would lead to the training arena, however, the other way presented a path towards the smell. Lucien pondered for a moment, then decided,

"I haven't a partner and I know not whether the training grounds are still 'off-limits.'" On "off-limits" Lucien deepened his voice in a mocking tone, "So I'm just gonna see who is the source of my previous insanity." Lucien turned, following the scent, anxious to see who it was that caused his spontaneous blood-craving.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"We're going to go to a separate training room so we work on everyone's elemental tolerances," Dorothy started, swishing her tail a bit as she claimed: "I don't want any of you to get hurt, so let's go!" she said, walking off into the separate room, which was quite smaller than the arena but fit the atmosphere of a large cubicle ready to be used for intense training.

"Okay, Reno, you go too." Karomaru ordered, nodding to his partner as the little puppy-lizard ran after Dorothy, ruffing a bit as if he was saying 'See ya later!'. Karomaru then turned to Katt and shrugged, "I still don't know what we are supposed to do. Are we going to fight... you?" he asked, his eyes catching glimpses of Jester and Horyomaru, making him ask himself where they had come from.

(Girls' Dorm)

"I... I'm alright." Lana quietly said, trying to look composed despite the racing of her little heart.

Yachiru giggled at the scene, but then continued asking, "Say, were you by chance training somewhere? I've some practise to do and the only place I know is the arena, but it was closed yesterday!" she whined a bit.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Bingo," Katt smiled, swinging her arm infront of her, a bright glow appearing around her, giving her fur a yellow sheen, "My speciality is defense, so don't you dare hold back on me," she warne as she cracked her whip on the ground, "Now give me your best shot, if you kids can manage to even scratch me I'll consider your training a success."


"So what kinda training are we gonna be doing exactly? Need me to help wash your back in the shower or something?" Slash purred.


"No, I wasn't training," Kitt said, hugging Flare a bit tighter, "I, wasn't at the school much of yesterday. I was taken, by this big dragon." she finally said, "Uhm, can we go to breakfast? I don't want Flare to accidentally hurt Lana." she added quickly, not wanting to talk much about her experiences while being held.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad