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Magical Starsign.
"Hrmm...I see..." Vook nodded, crossing her arms again. "So he does exist...I thought it was only a legend..." she thought to herself, before turning back toward the children. "Well, anyways, let's get you to the medical wing." she added, using her magic to call for the medical wing staff, before turning to Dorothy. "I'll have them scan for traces of magic on their bodies. I might be able to trace it back to where they came from."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Whew... we got bailed out..." Karomaru sighed in honest relief, snickering in happiness towards Shaun and Mael, happy that they were his friends and had helped him with the rescue mission. The green-eyed boy then fixed his gaze upon Kitt with a bigger smile, "I'm happy that you're back, safe and sound, Kitt."

"Am I glad you are all okay!" Dorothy smiled, then nodded towards Vook, "I'll help them to heal them," and then turned to the other four, "Come now, you all. I'll personally tend to your wounds, gee!" she giggled to the children.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Me too, thank you for the rescue." Kitt smiled, "Uhm, if it's alright Miss. Dorothy, I'd like to just go to my room, I'm just tired."

"Alright if you're sure you're okay," Katt nodded, "As for the rest of you, head to the medical wing, and rest well, tomorrow you're going through some special training as punishment, if you're going to be running off to your deaths you better be prepared." she grinned a bit, she was clearly happy that they had rescued Kitt but also had to keep up with her role as a teacher.

"Thanks," Kitt planted a quick peck on Karo's cheek, "Thanks again, see you in the morning." she smiled as she turned, leaving the training area for her own bedroom, ready for a long night of rest.

"Great, long night of poking and prodding then a day of being target practice for a deranged teacher." Slash sighed.

"Well, least we weren't expelled." Shadow laughed a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Karomaru swayed around a bit after the peck, blushing a bit and putting on a goofy smile, "Hehe. See you tomorrow," he said while scratching behind his head.

Dorothy grinned a bit at the display of young infatuation, not that she still was an adult anyway. She quickly walked behind Shadow and Karomaru and urged them to exit the room, "Come now! You guys have a date with the nurses and I, gee!" she giggled.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The raging bloodlust in Lucien did not pass in his sleep. Instead, they became voices of beckoning...beckoning Lucien to hunt the blood owner. Kill him! Devour him! Slay him! the voices called. Lucien awoke startled by this.

"W-What's going on? Even in dreams of unconciousness, the blood craving won't leave me at peace." Vladimir awoke hearing Luciens rambling and was deeply concerned for the safety of his master, though not knowing what to do. Lucien held his head wth both hands in a struggle to dim the voices down, but to no avail. The voices still beckoned him, Mangle him! Hunt him! Murder him!

"Stop!" Lucien cried out, "Shut up!" Unfortunately, his efforts proved futile as the eerie whispers came to him like a barrage of soundwaves. "V-Vladimir, why is it that I have severe trouble controlling my nature when you are at ease?" Lucien knew the reason; he was demonic. His killer instinct surpassed many of the average creatures, though now, it did nothing but tortured his sanity. Lucien opened his door. "I can't bring this down myself, no matter how hard I try! I need help. Serious help. But I can't bother Yachiru again, what if I went berserk? No, I need someone who knows about this and, if needed, can defend themselves. Wait, this is a school, so there's bound to be some kind of magical infirmiry. But where? Vladimir, see if you can pick up a strong medical scent." Vladimir did not hesistate for even a split-second, he began to track. Lucien followed, though slowly. The voices were not making this easy for him; Devour him! Drink his blood! I smell his blood! Now Lucien was shocked; these voices were his subconciousness. They came from the shadows of his mind, his demonic concious.

"This is insane! I'm sure a full-fledged demon would go and kill what he found, but my half-human nature is trying to fight it off and it's doesn't seem to be working!"

Vladimir suddenly found a scent and followed it. Lucien was behind him, not taking his hands off his head. Vladimir hung a left, Lucien turned in that direction, but stopped suddenly as the voices grew louder. "T-The scent. It's to the right." Lucien said looking in that direction, "I-I can't...I don't even know who 'he' is." Lucien turned back to the left, but the screaming voices forced him the collapse. Lucien curled up in another curious effort to fend off his dark subconcious. Lucien couldn't handle it for much longer and let out a blood-curdling screech, like a banshee. Vladimir squatted low to cover his ears until his master had stopped. Lucien was now crawling with one hand dragging him foward. "S-Someone m-must -have h-heard that. But I'm not so sure, so keep going." Vladimir was worried, not moving for concern that his master was pushing himself too hard. When Lucien saw that Vladimir had not moved, he was enraged, "I SAID KEEP GOING!!" Vladmir winced, turning around slowly and walking towards the scent. Lucien felt a bitter remorse, "S-sorry Vladimir, but I need help now. These voices are driving me to near insanity." Devour his flesh! Kill him! Murder him! Assassinate him! Lucien hoped that he would be assisted soon, but until then he kept trecking on, dragging his limbering body.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
Mael playfully thumped Karo's arm as she passed him. "Lady killer." She teased and laughed as she followed Dorothy. Levi floated around her lazily and gracefully like he always did, flitting its tongue in and out greetingly at Slash and Reno. Mael was thankful for their adventure.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"Not your girlfriend eh?" Slash laughed as he jumped up onto Shadow's shoulder so he wouldn't have to talk up to Karo, "Seems she thinks otherwise." he teased.

"Yeah, not a bad catch either, definately one of the cuter students here." Shadow joked as they followed behind Katt to the Medical area.

*Medical ward*

"Ah, so these are the youngins who decided they'd be heroes." A tall human with short brown hair and a long lab-coat walked up, a slightly annoyed look on his face from having to deal with this so late, "Lucky you're still alive, exposure to that kind of strong magic could cause some serioius damage if you don't know what your doing."

"Been over that already, they'll be punished tomorrow." Katt explained.

"Fine, just hop onto a bed, rest is the best thing for now. Anything happens and we'll deal with it." he said with a yawn.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Hey, come back here!" Karo said, trying to catch Slash but failing as the feline got onto Shadow's shoulders, "She's not... Aw just forget it," He said, still blushing and looking away as he silently followed the others into the medical ward. He stayed beside his two friends, whispering with them as the doctor and Katt talked, "This guy really looks weird. Shaun, you get examined first."
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Lucien was in grave suffering; he would from time to time, lay motionless on the ground until Vladimir would encourage him to continue. Lucien had gotten used to the blood crazy voices, but it rendered him incredibly weak. Lucien resumed to follow Vladimir on the ground to the medical ward, but Lucien stopped again.

"M-Maybe," Lucien whispered, for he was to weak to speak up, "maybe I shouldn't. What if their are wounded ones in there? Blood soaked wounded ones? What if I lose it? Go berserk? See nothing but red? No, I need help, and I need it immediately. I just have to surpress it long enough." Lucien pilgrimed on, but stopped again to rest. Vladimir, now a bit frightened, attempted to drag his master with his teeth, but Lucien was heavy, carrying his scythe with him.

"Vladimir...I...can get on." Vladimir reluctantly obeyed. Fortunately, Vladimir saw an open room and ran towards it. He panted happily at the sight. Lucien caught up and looked. To his great relief, they had found the medical ward. However, Lucien was unable to get the of one of the doctors he spotted.

"V-Vladimir...c-could you..." he pointed at the doctor. Vladimir took one step into the ward and barked sharply and loudly, hoping to get the attention his master desperately needed.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
"Huh? Now what?" The doctor sighed as he looked over at the door, raising an eyebrow at the site, "You didn't go with them did you?" he asked.

Shadow glanced over at the student, "No, he wasn't with us. Never seen him before."

The doctor walked over, kneeling down next to him, and looking him over, "Odd, looks like results of demonic possesion, but there's no outward appearance." he mumbled to himself, "Shira,"

A medium sized snow-white dragon appeared next to the doctor, easily four times larger than Ryuu.

"Cot please, we need him isolated," The doctor said.

The dragon opened it's maw, a thick mist pouring out, ice beginning to form infront of her into a solid bench, her tail then looped around Lucien lifting him onto the cold cot.

"Alright, let's get you in for examination, the rest of you, bed, sleep," He followed Shira as she walked into a seperate room, the cot seeming to follow of it's own accord. He turned around and looked at the others, "And don't call unless one of ya's flatlined." he added as he entered the room.

"Wow, friendly." Slash said, "Aren't there any nice docs, like a crocodile?"

Katt chuckled a bit, "He might not be great personality wise, but he knows his way around the medical skills."
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad