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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Lopmon wakes up in a bed still fully naked and there was a very strong smell in the room to. A very...Skunkly smell. "Hey were am I? BM? Zig Zag?" Lopmon looks around to see the room is all pink with heart shaped things looking like a sappy honeymoon sweet in a bad hotel.


Blake the wolverine places BM's body onto a Bed in a room that was made for Gay porn films as Chris locks the door and Tim comes over to BM and takes another needle and shots powerful musle relaxing med's into BM and also will wake him up soon. "I can't wait to get this guy back for all the way he's treated us in the locker room." Tim says giving BM's ass a hard SWAT to help him wake up.


"No please momma please no pank pank our fannys! We be good babies momma vewwy good!" TC said between eating the nasty goo and soap mix trying hard not to vomit.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Hey she's awake!" A voice says as the door the room suddenly opens. To Lopmon's horror Lori, Natasha and Onyx step inside and wasted no time in surrounding the bed. "Talk about timing huh, Lopsy?" Natasha quips, giving her belly a little poke.

"Hope you're ready for some fun." Lori adds with an evilish grin.


"Ow!" BM yells as he shots up. He takes a quick look around the set and, recognizing it, tries to make for the door. The muscle relaxent suddenly takes affect and his legs go a little numb. Chris and Blake move fast and pin him down on the bed.

"C'mon stay a while." Blake chuckles as he holds BM's left arm and leg.

Chris, holding the other side laughs along. "We haven't even started yet"


Dona pauses for a sec and thinks. After a bit she goes back in to 'strict mommy' mode and waves her finger at TC and Tigress. "If you two can behave from now until bedtime I'll let you off your spankings. Can you do that babys?"

Tigress whimpers at this but swallows her pride. "Y-Yes Mommy." She says meekly.
Lopmon backs aganst the wall of the bed as the 3 sisters get onto the bed with her. Lopmon covers her head and starts to shack and shiver with fear. "Please don't hurt me!" Lopmon was scared cause TC told her how vicous they were in they sexual cravings and can get very wild and how they enjoyed very hard sex and deep anal action too. The Stories he told her about his times with them made her cring.


As Blake and Chris hold BM down Tim comes over and gently strokes BM's face and kisses him on his checks and lips. "Now, now BM whats your hurry? We plan to have such a good time with you today. Now just relax and maybe you will enjoy this too!" Tim then sticks his tounge into BM's ear.


TC also scared of getting more spankings cries and nod's too feeling very defeated right now. "Yes Momma we be good babies."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Aw, she's scared." Lori says with a smirk as she and her sisters climb on the bed and crawl over to her. Chuckling she lifts her hand and slowly inches it towards the shaking bunny. However rather than causing harm she starts gently rubbing Lopmon's back. "There there Lopsy. Relax." She says tenderly.

"Tee-hee, we're not going to hurt you silly." Natasha giggles as she curls up next to her like it was a slumber party.

Onyx joins her on Lopmon's other side. "We just want to help you get over TC. After what he did ZZ thought you could use a good long laugh session, right girls?"


"Ack!!" BM cries out and turns bright red. He shakes his head to avoid Tim's tongue. "Knock it off guys this isn't funny!"

"Really?" Blake asks, faking a surprised look. "Cause seeing you blush like that while you're at our mercy is pretty funny." Chris laughs along causing poor BM to blush even more.


Dona smiles and scoops up another spoonful of mush for TC. "That's a good bunny. You'll see as long as you two behave this will be a lot of fun!"

Tigress moans at this and shifts around uncomfortably in her highchair as a whole new problem presents itself, she really needed to use the bathroom.
Lopmon sniffles in a very adorable way and wipes the tears from her eyes. "R, really you all really want to help me forget about that cheating jerk?" Lopmon said very suprised to see how affectionate these skunks were being with her.


Tim moves away then says rubbing his cock. "We can do this one of 2 ways BM. The hard way is we let BIG Chris here do you in the ass first without any lub, he will go in fast and raw! He's got got the biggest and thickest cock of all of us, or we do this the easy way with me going first with you ass nice and lubed up inside and out then Blake with his ling cock then Chris at the end. Cause one way or another BM your going to get fucked up the ass!" Tim said smiling big.


TC gags and chews down the last of the food as Dona leaves to get the babies bottles ready. TC looks over at Tigress and notices she's fidgeting alot. "Tigress you ok over there?"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Of course we do!" Natasha sqeales, hugging Lopmon. "Don't worry Lopsy, when we're done you'll be all smiles."

Lori chuckles and pulls out a box of fuzzy restaints, feathers and bushes off all shapes and sizes. "You might not be happy but you will be all smiles." As Lopmon gapes at the contents Natasha and Onyx quickly grab onto her and pin her to the bed.


BM groans as Blake and Chris leer at his helpless form. After a few seconds of silence he whimpers and manages to say. "T-The easy way please." He says quietly.

"You heard him." Chris says through his laughter as he and Blake flip BM over onto his belly, his ass pointed toward Tim. "Ready when you are."


Tigress squirms around some more, trying with all her might to hold it in. "I...I need go...really bad. You think Dona would let me use the toilet?" She asks with a blush. TC hoping against hope that she could avoid pooping in her diaper.
"Ahhhh!" Lopmon cries as she gets pinned down. "Y,You told me you weren't going to hurt me!" Lopmom said feeling scared again.


Tim grin as big as his cock. "Oh I am going to enjoy this!" Tim takes a jar of KY and rubs a heavy amount over his two fingers and then rubs the creamy jell into and all around BM's tight little anus. "Does that feel nice BM?" Tim asks as he rubs the cream in with one hand and with the other massages and grops at BM's cute asschecks.


TC shackes his head no. "If Dona really is taking the Susie role she will spank your ass red and raw if you even ask to do that. Your going to have to use the diaper sweety I am so sorry for all for all of this and I will find us a way out of here." TC said starting to cry from him feelings of guilt just as Dona comes back with two nasty looking babybottles.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Natasha and Onyx continue laughing as they tie Lopmon up. They cuff her hands and attached the handcuff to the back of the bed so her arms are held up and her legs are tied to the bedposts.

"We aren't." Lori says as she picks out a large feather. "If you think about it tickling doesn't really hurt. Right Lopsy?" She grins and gently brushes the father against Lopmon's foot.


"Ohhh," BM groans as Tim rubs his ass. "Please, Tim can we just get this over with?"

"Nope." Blake says with a grin. "Bosses orders, we take as much time as possible. Besides i kind of like seein' you squirm."


"Oh, but I...I can't just..." Tigress trails off as her cramps get worse and Dona comes back.

"Okay babies it's bottle time. Who wants-" She pauses when she see's how uncomfortable Tigress looks. "What's wrong baby kitty? Does your tummy hurt?"

"Mmmm, Mommy please can I use the bath-" Tigress' desperate plea is cut off when a squisy wet sound echos throughout the room. A second later Tigress breaks down and cries at the warm mess in her diaper.
Lopmon's eyes go big as she hears that. "NO YOU CAN"T! If you tickle me to much I will wet myself. I have a weak bladder from all my years when I was little as one of Susie's babies. I don't want to humilieate myself like that please don't tickle me!" Lopmon says wiggling aganst the restrants.


"Oh BM soon you will want to do this all the time. I was like you once but Blake and Chris made me love it now I love to get it in my ass and do it to others too." Tim takes his fingers out then starts to spank BM hard on his ass checks with my hand. *SWAT* "Now this *SWAT* for calling *SWAT* me a child *SWAT* all the time when *SWAT* I just wanted *SWAT* to have fun!" *SWAT* *SWAT* *SWAT* *SWAT*


TC thinks as he looks over at the walling and once might Tiger girl. "Oh Tigress I am so sorry for all of this." TC then looks over at Dona and says in a cute way. "Momma sissy wet her die die she needs a changy poo."
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Don't worry Lops." Onyx says once she finishes tieing up Lopmon's legs. "We always come prepared. Right sis?"

Natasha chuckles and reaches under the bed. When she comes back up she's holding a pink diaper with hearts all over it. She wasted not ime and put it on the helpless little Digimon. "There now were all set." She says picking up a paintbrush. "Don't worry we'll be sure to change you once we're done."


"AH!! OW!" BM yelps and screams at each smack. He tries to wiggle away but the drug they gave him make it impossible for him to get loose. "OW! Okay I"m-AH!! I'm sorry!! PLease-AHH!! J-Just sto~op!!" The small raccoon starts bawling as Blake and Chris laugh like crazy.


"Oh, you poor dear." Dona says gently as she sets the bottles donw on TC's tray and unlocks Tigress from her high chair. She picks up the once proud warrior and tries to soothe her as she carries her to the changing table. "There, there it's okay, all babies mess their diapers." She lays the weeping tiger down and untapes her messy diaper.

"Phew, you really made a stinky didn't you!" She exclaims when she removes it, which only served to make Tigress cry harder. Dona changes her into a clean diaper and gives her a big hug. "There all clean now, doen't that feel better."

Tigress' crying quiets down a little as Dona pats her back. "Y-Yes Mommy. Thank you."