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"Can't tell anyone eh...?" Zero scratched his head. "Sure, we won't tell anyone!" He said, nodding.

Star got up, hugging Fiona "Where will we all stay? I mean, I can sneak camping supplies from my garage, but..." She paused.
"Um you don't have to worry about where you will be staying," said Fiona slightly surprised yet fairly happy that Star was hugging her.

"We do however," continued Jenna "if nothing else we can just camp out here. It would not be the first time we have had to rough it a bit."
"But... Are you sure you'll be fine..? I can get you some supplies." Star asked, still concerned.

Mia nodded "Yes,, I guess it would be best if no one knew about this... Yet." She said smirking, eyeing Dramon constantly.

Zero rolled his eyes.
"Supplies would be wonderful," said Jenna.

"Ya we could get a tent, some sleeping bags, and stuff," continued Fiona "it will be just like camping!"

Dramon could tell Mia was watching him but decided it best not to act on it. At least not yet. "Well now that we have those things settled," started Saric "we can at lest figure out how we are going to find out more about this area."

"Well both Dramon and Fiona might be able to do some recon," said Jenna "I mean they would most likely be able to blend in much better than we could. Do any of you know of any of your kind that looks at least somewhat like Dramon and Fiona?"
"Some what..?" Mia thought for a minute. "There are so many different species of us that it is hard to tell if there are any of our kind that looks similar." She said, a bit puzzled.

Lufty thought for a moment "If you are willing to go out, I am sure no one around here knows what every species of our kind looks like, we can claim that you are foriegn.."
"Well that makes things far more simplified," said Dramon.

"Alright at least we won't be completely limited in our movements," replied Fiona enthusiastically.

"Well than its settled Fiona and Dramon will accompany the four of you out into the the area and gather supplied that we might need," said Jenna "after that we can really get started on helping your world."
Zero nodded "So Star, you have camping supplies, right?" He grins as she nods "Great! So we'll stop by your house first!

"After that we will figure out what else you might need." Said Mia, walking over to Fiona and prying Star off her, who was blushing hard as she was dragged over towards Zero.

Lufty quietly walked over to her friends, laughing to herself.
Dramon and Fiona quickly walked after star and the others. I get too see Stars house neat, thought Fiona smiling I wonder what her bedroom is like.

Dramon still felt a little uneasy. Though he did not let it show too much since he figured it was just because of the new world they had landed in. Still there were things about some of this groups actions that bugged him.
Star blinked, walking ahead of everyone at an alarmingly quick pace while her friends tried to keep up.

Zero glared at Dramon, his eyes glazing over before he looked ahead, continuing to keep up with star.

Mia blinked, thinking several things at once, irritating her, causing her fur to puff up some.
Twice now Dramon had noticed one of the four natives had glared somewhat at him. Do they not trust me? he thought still giving no outward reaction that he had noticed them they seem to accept Fiona without much trouble. Hmm this might be something to keep an eye out for.

Fiona was getting excited. Here she was in a whole new world and she could actually walk around freely without having to worry about people freaking out due to her appearance. Add to this she was getting along well with the quite one of their new friends. I wonder if I could get lucky with her? she thought smiling slightly of course I would have to clear it with Jenna first, hmm I wonder if a threesome could be possible.