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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Silvia blushed and moaned softly as she was kissed and played with. She had just gotten dressed, she did not think she would have to take off her clothes so soon afterwords. Still, her top slipped off and fell to the floor, revealing her sexy upper body, her pussy covered only a little bit of cloth.


Grace screamed as she was suddenly thrown into the room and fell backwards onto the bed. "What on earth are you doing Hunter?!" She cried out, getting up from the bed as quickly as she could.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Dear god, Silvia....You're beautiful," Alex whispered. "Its like....everytime I look at you, I want to love you, fuck you, hold you in my arms and call you mine. You are perfect in everyway," he said, looking over her beauty. "I could fuck you forever, if I could, my love," he said, and crouched down to kiss her pussy through the small cloth. "I love you Silvia. You were made, to serve, and be loved by me, and I was made, to love you."


Hunter slammed the door and locked it behind him. "This! is what I have always wanted to do! Make love to you! Fuck you! Make you mine!" the wolf said, looking down at Grace. "I have loved you Grace. Since the beginning, ever since I first laid eyes on you, since I saw you, I have loved you! And now, you are mine."
Grace walked up and smacked Hunter hard across the face. "Get a grip on your lust Hunter!" She said sternly, walking around him to the door. "Unlock this door and allow me passage out! I am not jesting, I will take no more of your demented games! Release me this instant!" In her head she was scared to hell and back, but she was a talented diplomat and hiding her emotions was a trait she had long ago perfected.


Silvia smiled and blushed as he spoke and moaned a little as her pussy was kissed. She was really really thirsty, but as always, her needs and wants were second to Alex's whims, and she would never deny him her body. "Thank you master." She said sincerely. "I live only for you."
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
It took everybit of will power in Alex's body to stop. He pulled back and gave Silvia back her top before opening the door. "Let's hurry and get you that water, then we can come back and perhaps finish this," he grinned.


"That fire! Such a passionate flame, and yet so pure! There is no else like you in the world!" Hunter yelled as he grabbedGrace by the shoulders and puleld her, so their lips could kiss. As he did this, his pheromone began leaking into the air, making the wolf man's lust grow.
Silvia nodded happily, feeling warm for the fact that Alex cared enough to allow her some water. She walked into the kitchen and filled up a cup before drinking it slowly, savoring it. A little water slipped out the side of her mouth and ran down her cheek and neck in between her breasts. She was oblivious to this of course but smiled cutely at her master after she finished and went to refill her cup.


Grace was shocked the sudden kiss and the sudden blast of Pheromones, but she was ready this time. As Hunter held her to him she reached behind her and grabbed the hilt of a thin silver wand. She pulled it out and jabbed it hard into Hunter's right flank, willing it to activate. Suddenly Hunter was hit with a sudden wave of powerful vertigo and disorientation, his brain unable to even tell up from down much less left from right. His vision became a mixed and jumbled rainbow of color and all his senses became mixed. She pulled away at first opportunity and allowed the spell to hold for a full ten seconds before relenting halfway. "I may not be a warrior." She said fiercely. "But I am not defenseless warlord Hunter!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Alex had to fight back his little firend in his pants, as he gazed at his Silvia. "Hurry up now, my love. Just looking at you gets me hard and lustful," he said. "So adorable," he whispered to himself, gazing at silvia's body.


Much like how Grace's room threw Hunter out, Hunter's room kept the exit closed, making sure Grace stayed. "Grace....Grace, hear me out! In the Saxon Nation, there in so love, no true love. The closest thing to true love is love of fighting, and love of sex! I may be one of the first Saxons to truly love in the last centuries! You have to understand I may be coming a little....strong here, but I am only doing it out of love of you."
Suddenly Alex would feel a hard pinch on his shoulder, and upon looking at it he would find a feathered dart sticking out of it. Though he would not feel the effects right then, it was obviously full of something since it had the look of a wooden syringe that was no empty, its contents in his shoulder.

Silvia remained oblivious as she took her next drink of water and sighed cutely as she finished it. She then smiled timidly at her master and waited for him to either fuck her here or take her back to the room.


Grace felt no pity as she watched Hunter try to explain himself while on the floor and increased the power of the wand a little. "I dont...Hunter let me out! A little strong?! I get the feeling your trying to rape me Hunter! I am the princess of a nation, and so far your only help in getting back to yours! Stop this foolishness and let me out, I will search on my own! This want has enough power to keep you completely immobilized for four days. Even if you outlast it, you wont be strong enough to do anything against me with no food or water. Let me out Hunter!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter growled at Grace and slowly stood up, and stumbled back to the ground. He then got on all fours, resembiling a real wolf as he looked at her. "Never. I will not let the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, leave me, until she decides to accept me as her own!" he growled.


"Silvia! Get back to your room!" Alex commanded, fearing what the dart was filled with, but more afraid of of Silvia's fate. "Now! Run!" he commanded, pushing her back to the room, and he tried to escort her back, as best he could keeping a close eye out for anyone.
"I-Im sorry master! I should not have taken so long!" She cried out fearfully, heading for their room, a few tears in her eyes since she seemed to have made her master impatient with her. She vowed to make their next round together the best all day to make up for it. But before they could get halfway back, Alex's legs would stop working. As a result he would fall and Silvia would obviously turn back for him. "Master! Master are you OK?" She asked, kneeling beside him as numbness began to creep all over Alex's body. And then Alex saw him, Mike, casually walking up behind Silvia, who was completely oblivious to his approach, a knowing smirk on his face.


Grace increased the intensity of the wands power once more and bit her lip. She hated using it, even on Hunter, but she could not stay here! She needed to get out and find the key! "Hunter please, Im begging you! You can not let your lust get the better of you like this! You dont even know me! I know that I am Beautiful but I would sooner take a blade and carve up my face before being kept from my people! Hunter let me out...or...or..." Grace walked around his room and picked up a skinning knife. "Or else!"
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Silvia, get behind me!" Alex ordered, straining to use his hands to at least sit on the ground. "You! You did this!" he yelled, already knowing what he wanted. "She is mine! Silvia is mine! I am her lover, her father, and her Master!" he screamed. Suddenly tentacles ripped out of Alex's flesh and shot forward at Mike.


"Grace, your love for your people, matches my love for you. I have seen countless women, who were thought to be 'pure,' but really their hearts were black. You are not like that. You are perfect, pure, a jewel!" Hunter said. "You are the only jewel in the world, and I want you. I would rather carve up my face, then let you just leave me, when I can finally have you, the greatest beauty in the world, as my own. It is love, my dear."