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Pokerus X (A yiffeh Pokemon RP!)
Perhaps...enacting revenge was not such a good idea. Eevee mutations were rare, after all...almost impossibly rare. The fact that more than two even appeared in one area was nothing short of a miracle (Let alone those that were infected with Pokerus X...Vaporeon already being one, and that poor Umbreon being another possible contender, having made contact with that Marshtomp, who made contact with that Miltank, continuing down the lovely little chain). So, naturally, he was already on the list of local poachers and collectors.

So, he fled, down steep hillsides towards where a new lake started, paws stopping just shy of the water's edge, aquatic Eevee-lution flicking his head from side to side to inspect his surroundings. It was a shame he had developed such a foul, rude, loner's personality...he was such a friendly, sociable thing before he was left here, after all...


Milty's slick, flexible oral organ gave several twists and twirls, her dipping down between the fierce rutting pair to lap up as much as possible, in some sort of appeasement to the two. With a final lick, she pushed herself away, seated down upon the bare ground, sliding her tongue heavily along her lips before pressing forward, a whine pressing through her throat, paws pushing at the female Arcanine's haunches. "Fine then! C'mon! I can getta turn, right?"
The Arcanine completely exchausted from her orgasm her tongue hanging out of her maw panting quickly and heavily. Then she felt Milty's pushing at her and let out a small whine of her own "Okay okay....just lemme.."the fierly dog pokemon lifted herself up off of her owner's suprisingly still erect 12 inch dick and rolled lazily to the side getting completely off of Justin still panting.

Justin groaned as he felt Arcanine get up and off of him panting softly then he openned his eyes and saw Milty standing there and his eyes shot wide open "No...NO!!!" he said trying to protest of what he knew what was on the female Miltank's mind but he could not get up and move from his exhaustion. His dick sticking straight up in the air still soaking wet with Arcanin'es hot juices "Wouldnt she crush me if she was on top?"
Sam looked on the fleeing Vaporeon after hearing Jack, it was a good opportunity, a bit too much of a good chance since Vaporeon was still fleeing away from them.

Her ears twitched as he heard Nath, seemingly wanting to be the one to catch him. Leave him be, I'm happy with my new partner! she smiled to herself, then looked down on the drenched Ume.
She bent down and pulled out a small handkerchief, which she started using to clean Umbreon while she slowly moved her tail up and wrapped it around Jack's reached out hand while she sweetly smiled, "I'll be sure to go by after I finish training with these two! At night there may be fewer people out, maybe I can go to your place later!" she happily said as she continued drying Ume's fur as gently as she possibly could.

Swanny meanwhile was smiling proudly at her victory. Unbeknowingly to her, the virus was spreading fast inside her body, it wasn't evident to her since she wasn't horny by nature.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Cool, well I'll see you then, my place is out by the edge of town just off the main road." Jack said as he and Tank took their leave.
Ume, unaccustomed to being dried, wiggled and squirmed "H-Hey!" After a moment though, she calmed down, maybe realizing that Sam wasn't attacking her. She looked down at Swanny "Uh... what's going on here...? What was that ball thing...?"
Swanny simply smirked, "You've been caught little 'un. She sucks as a trainer, but she's not bad when it comes to food" she said, cracking her neck before walking on all fours to the Umbreon, smiling a bit, "Looks like we are partners now."

Sam, meanwhile, was still smiling, she nodded to Jack before he left. She was a bit distracted by the cute black and golden Pokemon as she continued cleaning her, Hey... she looks pretty enough to be able to compete in a contest! Maybe if I won ribbons... hey! Double chance to get respect from humans! she cheerfully thought, "Uhm... how should I name you?" she thought to herself while she kept caressing the black fur with the handkerchief to dry Ume.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ume blinked at Swanny. She heard Sam's words and looked at her in alarm "But I already have a name!" She flattened her ears back and whined.
"Hello? She's a human-sorta..." the Marshtomp said, rolling her eyes, "She won't understand you."

"Uhm... Umby... no, yuck... Umi... nah... Umu... uhhh... nah..." in between those names, just before, the girl, while thinking, muttered the name, "Ume" by coincidence.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I could've sworn it was by here." Shadow thought aloud as he walked through some random bushes, "Doesn't exactly help that I was too busy chasing you to really see where we were before."

"Chic." Flame chirped slightly upset.

"H-hey, don't get all depressed." Shadow said noting the obvious sadness, "I didn't mean anything by it." he insisted.

"CHIC!" Flame chirped happily as he sat back up.

"Well let's keep looking," Shadow pushed some branches to the side, "Speak of the devil." He said as he looked at the familiar clearing, the dragon girl was kneeling down next to an Umbreon the one with the odd wings was standing there too. Along with a Marshtomp, "Hey, you're that girl that everyone in town is talking about. The dragon girl that beat the gym-leader aren't you?" Shadow said as he walked forward towards them both, "Hope you're up for a battle." He smiled as Flame jumped to the ground.

OOC: Please go slowly, it's a holiday here so I'm not gonna be able to be on for most of today (Leaving now for god knows how long) and won't be able to get on at all tomorrow. Sorry but if you guys can either wait or just go slowly I'd REALLY appreciate it.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ume blinked and wiggled "Yeah, yeah! That was it! You just said my name! Ume! Ume! Argh, damn language barrier..."