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huskies are sexy, more jenna.
damn right its interesting! ive been talkng to myself for eight days! thank god you people posted, i was starting to feel empty(or is that because i tripped down the stairs, and was unconcious for a week?) heheh, i admit, the jenna pic is straight, but i couldnt help it! sorry! im sendin' straight ones to the artist section from now on!
Penance: i think i have a bunch of jenna pics here! if i find them, ill post them on the artists section! lol
Mowgly: cute? yeah theyre cute! why'd you think i posted em! woohoo!!! lol
Senjuro: they dont go any weirder than me! GunterVanCrimson! at your service! the lonliest loner in all of the DaD, but still one of the perky-est, friendliest member around! (thanx Wolfey! i'd howl right back, if i knew how to howl! lol ) now what do you want from me? more entertainmen? would you like it if i jumped off a cliff? how about my window? the stairs? my table? my bed? a chair? or do you simply want me to- WOAH!!! (trips over Blue, Gunter's newest and only companion: a wolf with dark blue fur) falls forward, hitting his head on the corner of a table, and is out like a light for another week!)
(Blue: sorry...ahem, since GVC, I will be the one posting for him for a while! enjoy! Hooooooooowwwwwwllllll!!!!)
I will keep my status as a babyfur/lilfur. I will also keep all those pics I collected and drew.
Blue: (ears perk up) fur? FUR!? FUR!? where!? (Drools) must-screw-fur!!! lilfur/babyfur- whatever- PREPARE TO BE FUCKERIZED!!!
(Gunter wakes up)
Gunter: Wh-what happened? where- !? blue! what the hell are you- (WHAP!) OW!- (sits up and bangs head under the table)
Blue: Damn! Gunter! Gunter! Speak to me! (slaps Gunter with his paws) DAMN IT!!! im afraid I'm gonna have to hump you later- gunter needs me!
wow :shock: hmm ive been gone to long >.>
OH! OH! OH! its you!!! gabumonfurry! gunter has told me so muh about you! and he has been wonderin' where youve been all this time! he really seemed fond of you! (I prefer the gabumon pick though. (Drool))
AS gunter's representative, it is my responsibillity to ask you: where have you been all these long weeks!? (overacts and fakes crying) Gunter has never been the same without you! and Blackphoenix! where the hell is blackphoenix!? (Fakes a hysterical wail) okay, thats what gunter was doing before the "accident", hope you understand the curent situation!
(gunter talks in his comma)
Gunter: balto? balto? stay away from the fox balto- shes a vixen- that bitch...(stops again)
Blue: (panicks) OH SHIT! GUNTER-GUNTER! WAKE UP DAMN YOU!!!! (smacks gunter in the face, nothing happens) youve gotta wake up! my paws are sore from typing! WAKE UUUUUUUP!!!! (pounces on gunter's chest, nothing happens) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Hooooooowwwwllllllll......... huh? (notices gunters zipper is open) damn it, have some decency man! (zips it up with his teeth) Hmmm... (gets dirty thoughts) i wonder.... if i do... that....
hey Blue nice to met you =D *hugs*
Veemon's Followers
blue: aw gee, *licks mowgli's face* nice to meet you too! youre first member to formaly welcome me! (wonder how gunter is feeling right now... hmmm...) well anyway, *offers his paw to shake hands* I am Blue, Gunter's representative, its very nice to meet you! (that's my formal introduction!)
*giggles* at the lick ^^. *hand shakes with ya* =) cool saw about your personality mmm its quite nice i guess we'll get along nicely.
Veemon's Followers
oi multi personality? *shrugs*