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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Hunter opened his mouth, as though to tell Cassandra everything. But then he heard Grace, and he looked at his gagged lover. "All the spies in your country are watching you and your lover have sex, the location of our bases are at the bottom of the ocean, our defenses are unbeatable, but if you tried showing your tits they might open the door for you. The King is in the clothes, overlooking all of us. His weaknesses are that he's colorblind. That answer your questions?" the wolfkin asked in a dead serious tone.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Cassandra sighed and looked at Hunter. "You disappoint me. Very well, Im not afraid of getting rough." She grabbed a wheel next to Grace's chair and began to turn it, each crank making her restrains draw her arms and legs back more and more until finally she was locked firmly to the chair, unable to move even a little. "So, who shall go first? Actually, I think I will let you choose Hunter. Pick the first one for punishment. If you dont answer with something proper, I will choose, and I will kill whoever I choose." She said in all seriousness. Grace looked at hunter with eyes that told him to choose her. The reason was clear, Ren was trembling and crying, back in that horrible room with Mike, at least in her own head she was. But although Ren was mentally unstable, Grace was frail and precious, dare he put her danger? He had broken Ren's legs to save he before...
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Damn you for making me do this, you bitch... Hunter wanted to argue with his Queen, but he resisted. He made an oath to her lover, and he would obey her. "Grace..." he declared, wanting nothing more to die now as he said her name. What could he do now?! No matter what, Grace was either tortured, or put under the guilt of indirectly killing thousands of Saxon troops?! "Please, Cassandra. Do what you want with me, but let them go. They're innocent. They've already been tortured," he pleaded.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Well, I can let them go, but you have to give in order to get." She said as she began digging through a nearby trunk. "First, it is traditional for all those who have been tortured by me to be branded, so that all will know them, and so that they will never forget." She said as she took out a large iron, and placed it in a nearby fire. "It wont take long to warm up. Normally the mark goes on the back of the victim, but in this case you are strapped to a chair, and so you will be branded on the stomach." she said, pulling out the brand to see if it was ready. Grace's eyes were wide with fear and she struggled a bit, but it was useless, she was not strong enough to escape. "Here we go." Cassandra added after a moment. "A skull brand, just for you." She said wickedly as she took the skull shaped, burning red iron, and approached the Angelo princess with it.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"NO!" Hunter screamed, fighting his ropes harder than ever before. "Please, Cassandra, don't do this! She is innocent! She is pure! She is good! She has nothing to do with our war! I have everything to do with it! Torture me, brand me, mutilate me, but leave her alone!" he begged. If all of it was for naught, he would whisper in guilt and sadness, "I'm sorry, Grace. I'm so so sorry..."Please...Whatever deity is up there, help her. Damn me to the lowest reaches of Hell, make me suffer for eternity, but SAVE HER! he begged, closing his eyes as the brand neared his lover.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"Well, if I brand you, will you tell me what I need to know?" Cassandra asked. If Hunter did not respond, or said no in any way, she would continue.

Nearing Grace she tore off what little she had on, leaving her almost naked in the tatters of her old clothes. The chains clanked and sounded as she shook in fright. After her clothes was sufficiently out of the way, Cassandra would clamp another chain around her neck and pull it tight to keep her stomach easily exposed. "Be happy you have that gag, otherwise you might bite your tongue off. This is gonna hurt for a long time...but mostly right now." And with that, the Iron would go right onto Grace's stomach, and she would scream her lungs sore with pain, throwing her head back and screaming through the gag. It was the most amount of pain she had ever felt in her entire life. After a moment or so, the brand was remove, leaving a skull mark in Grace's abdominal area. She leaned panted hard through her gag, her eyes streaming with tears as she coughed and wept in pain.

Of course, this could all be avoided if Hunter told Cassandra what she wanted to know before Grace was branded.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter's prays went unanswered as Grace's scream hit his eardrums. He, Hunter of the Saxon, was almost brought to tears by the sound. "She doesn't deserve this, Cassandra. Neither of them do. There's no point in this, damn it! There's no way out of this place! There's only one key, and that's nearly impossible to find!" he shouted. "We don't have to be enemies anymore! just stop this, and we can try to find some middle ground!" he screamed. Truth be told, he was torn between rage and guilt. Grace was in pain, because of Cassandra, and he wanted nothing more than to kill her. But she was only doing this, because he was unwilling to betray his people, but on Grace's order.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
"I think I will worry about that, after I get my information." Cassandra said as she put the brand away and began to look for something else. "We have many slaves in our country, and all of them have these." She said as she pulled out three golden rings, each made to look like piercing. "Two for those gorgeous tits and one for...well, you know." She said as she began to approach Grace again. Grace tried to speak from behind her gag but couldnt and could only watch in terror as Cassandra approached with the rings. "These may sting...well, a lot, so get ready." She said.

If hunter did nothing again, he would be forced to watch as Grace nipples and clit were pierced, each piercing making the Angela princess scream bloody murder until at last they were all put in. Grace's face was covered with drool and tears. This was what she had escaped from with Mike, only to get it from Cassandra. The Irony was most likely lost on Hunter.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Hunter remained silently and looked at Grace's eyes, hoping, begging to find something. He had to know what his Queen wanted, to be saved, or to let hundreds, if not more, die. The great War Leader looked into his lover's eyes and begged for her to help him make a choice. Whatever she decided, he would stand by, but this...witnessing this horror like this. He was on the edge of breaking, ready to tell Cassandra whatever she wanted. He looked into Grace's eyes for the answer...
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.
Grace's tear filled eyes looked unsure for a moment, but then she shook her head a little, she would not allow people to be killed because of her. "Now I think I understand." Cassandra said with a wicked grin. "You tell Hunter whether he can or can not betray his people. So if I break you and make you tell him different, then he will tell me everything. Then I guess I just have to snap your will in half then." Cassandra mused as she unlocked the Princess's chains and forced her up out of the chair. Her stomach still hurt like nothing she had ever felt, and walking hurt her clit ring, as well as her nipple rings when he breasts bounced, but Cassandra forced her to move. The room expanded and grew until there was now a new half of it next to Hunter's bed, one that Hunter would recognize. It was a slave training chamber. The walls were lined with objects of sexual torture, the corners were filled with evil devices, from restraints to wooden horses. If Hunter did nothing then he would be forced to watch Grace be "trained" for several hours. By the end of it she would not be able to scream anymore.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)