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Magical Starsign.
OOC: Well, from what I've read, there's intros, fights, summoning,combat,and spell classes. Skipped ahead, there's a dungeon for some reason and then this page. I don't which pages any possible crucial parts might be on but this is basically what I've read. And question: if I was late to the classes(and I mean LAAAATTTTEEE), how is the summoning the familiar thing and any other skills my character possess gonna be shown to everyone (or mostly everyone)? You're right, I don't want to read 81 pages of this, I just want IN on the RPGing!
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
OOC: You can do the same as I did with the little apprentice who went to Vook earlier. She's in the school, yet she wasn't around in the start. Why? Because, obviously, an entire school isn't concurred by only 5-6 students. So I see no problem in assuming our new students were around yet hadn't been noticed until now. *Nod nod*

So, by common logic, if your student is part of the school already, then there's no problem in assuming he already passed the Familiar Summoning test, thus has his own familiar following him around just like that. Also, forgive me Shadow if I'm getting ahead of myself with this, but for your character (student) to be able to make use of their own magical abilities (Skills) they should have assisted to a class corresponding to it (Offense with Katt, Defense with Vook). That's why Karomaru only knows the Level 1 and Level 2 Defense Spells, 'cause he just went to one class. (Vook's)

For your info, Venin, only Two Classes have been given ever since the RPG started. In that time, Karomaru learned basic swordmanship and the aforementioned spells, which means he only assisted Defense Magic and Weapon Combat classes. You can assume your character also went to two Classes, but depending on which you choose, your character's parameters and knowledges may vary in accordance to what you've chosen.

Also, if you don't know, the classes are the followings:

Offensive Magic Class, by Katt: Teaches Offensive Magic.
Defensive Magic Class, by Vook: Teaches Defensive Magic.
Weapon Combat Class, by Ayumi: Teaches how to wield a Weapon and make use of it in effective combat.
Familiar Studies Class, by Dorothy: Teaches how to communicate and relate to one's Familiar and strengthens their bonds together. (Though in Shadow and Slash's case, effects may vary).

Whew, hope that helps ya! 8D


Karomaru blinked in surprise, Reno sitting up and cocking his head sideways as his sapphire-blue eyes examined the piece of clothing. "When did he get that?" The boy asked Shadow, "You sure that's not a piece of the giant dragon's sister's skirt instead?" he flat-stared, "Slash seemed to like jumping around her."

(Dungeon: B3F)

"Hoh...?" Mar smirked, staying in place, the fire dancing around his body, probably with the intention of burning him down, yet not even his clothes seemed to catch on. "C'mon, Teach." He grinned, "You should know better than attacking a Fire adept with his element." He then braced himself and released both his arms, left foot dragging behind him, "But if you're insistent, let's play with fire!" He added, and as the stream of fire circled his powerful right arm, he proceeded to smash his now fiery fist towards Ayumi, if he missed, the ground would suffer major damage instead.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'Play with fire? Tch, you'll never master the raging nature of fire if you insist in messing around with all this shadow and darkness!' Ayumi retorted, bringing up her scythe to parry her former pupil's punch. Flames raced down her weapon, building up at the point of impact so it wouldn't break under the strength of Mar's punch. The fire then danced up her own arms, matching Mar's while his fist met the staff of her scythe.

'Fire is a natural enemy to the shadows, bringing heat and light to dispel them. Going against your own element like this is only gonna make you weak!' Ayumi yelled, before swinging her leg up to kick Mar in the side, more searing flames spiralling around her foot as it swung through the air.

all i ever wanted was the world.

OOC: Alright, I think I get it. I'm going to say at the time he hasn't been noticed, he took Weapon's Combat and Offensive Magic classes. I don't how the Level Up stuff works, but for now, I'm going to wait until I see a good opportunity to put my character within the RPG(if I ever do see one that is).
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
OOC: The leveling up is more so to keep the students from being unstoppable powerhouse at the beginning. The only characters that are high levels are the shadow mages and obviously the teachers.


"Not my type, her familiar on the other hand," Slash made a seductive growling sound.

"Think it'd look bad if I killed my own familiar?" Shadow asked, rubbing the bridge of his muzzle.

"I can't help it if I have a thing for the cute kittens, now do we do the search or sit around until mr happy back there comes over and decides to beat us to death with our own spines?" Slash asked, holding the piece of cloth over to Reno.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
" 'Course I did, Dottie." Vook smiled and nodded, waving her claw a bit in front of the door, a flash of light blinking in the shape of the doorway for a second, before she walked in. "Can't have anyone else getting in here, now can we?"
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
OOC: Alright, I am going to attempt an entry into this thing. I remember DMX saying he had a character that could interact with mine, so I guess I'll start, then wait for his person, if that's okay.

IC: Lucien was leaning against a wall, wondering where everyone had gone to. He had been asleep most of the time he was here, save for when he was learning and practicing. His Familiar, Vladimir, was sitting next to him.

Finally, Lucien looked up, "I guess there's no point in just wondering. I'm gonna go investigate as to everyone else's whereabouts. Come Vladimir." his voice, when he spoke, was deep,low, and a bit cold.

With that Lucien started walking and the werewolf Familiar followed. Lucien thought everyone had gone into a spot of trouble. A sort of fun he did not want to be left out of.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

The innocent will be spared, the guilty will be killed.
Sacrifices will be made, benefits will be gained.
I am Venin; all opposed will fall to my blade.
Creative Minds
Veemon's Followers
OOC: Ah'kay! I'll have her ready, then. Oh, and as mentioned earlier, she visited Vook's first class. She visited Dorothy's second.


"Agreed." Karo then said with a nod and looked down at the two-tailed furry lizard.

Reno sniffed around the little cloth. From its primary scent, he immediately looked back, apparently he was able to somehow tell Katt wasn't conscious after having tracked the scent. Before long however, he realized they couldn't go back, and so remained focused on their goal. It was then that his ears stood up and he turned around to speed away with a bark, before running onto a wall.

"Ouch, that must've hurt." Karomaru sweat-dropped, "Reno!" He called, and then went over to the nearly-unconscious familiar, "Hey boy, what's wrong? You crashed onto a wall." He said as he lifted the weary dog, "You okay?"

Reno got over his stun by shaking his head, then looked where he had bounced on, "Hrr? Arf!" he barked.

"No, we can't crash through a wall. We need to find Kitt." Karomaru ascertained, "Plus you really hit your head hard," he patted Reno softly, "Don't want us breaking our heads over there."

(Dungeon: B3F)

"You don't know what y," Mar then winced and growled out as he was hit directly on his thigh, obviously, a normal person wouldn't have been able to inflict next to any damage to his rock-hard skin, but even if he was hit, he didn't budge due to his sheer weight and growled louder, dangerously louder, as he looked down at Ayumi's leg. "Weak, huh?" he snarled, "I'll show you weak!" he roared, reaching down to grab most of the teacher's leg with a sole claw.

When held in his grasp, Mar effortlessly lifted Ayumi off ground by her leg. To put emphasis in what he had just said, he started building flames around his mid-open maw, the burning fire starting to adapt a rather obscure color instead of its natural charring orange. He leaned back, and then headbutted Ayumi on the stomach, letting go with his claw to send her off before then breathing a rather large amount of black flames in her direction, both his claws now clenched as he put his energy on the attack.

(Training Grounds)

"Yeah. Though," Dorothy began as she walked after Vook, her eyes fixed on the obscure opening in the crater with concern, "I'm starting to get worried. It has been longer than two hours since they left..." she said.


"Don't talk to him, Young Master." A squeaky voice, probably belonging to someone diminute, rang across the halls, despite the intentions of the conversation were to be held between the two walking in Lucien's direction. "He looks weird and probably smells worse. You should mind your studies the gracious teachers helped you with instead of relating to the likes of," this time, before the insults became any louder, an olive-colored paw enclosed around the talkative fairy, thus trapping her and disallowing her from saying any more.

The olive yellow salamander girl who had earlier been in Dorothy's room stood in front of Lucien, "Good afternoon, class mate. Could I bother you with a small favor?" She sweetly asked, much to the discontent of the fairy within one of her paws.

OOC: Introducing a new Character.

Name: Yachiru Fukumi.
Teacher/student: Student.
Race: Anthropomorphic Salamander.
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight, bi-curious.
Description: Olive-scales adorn her petite body, although a few segments including her front, from the neck down to her underbelly, avoiding her sides, are black. Even though short in height her wits and intelligence preceed her, and are reafirmed through her emerald colored eyes.
Thin, straight green hair flows down just past her shoulders. She usually wears the standard school unfiform, but when in break she wears a thick cream-colored pulover and tight blue jeans.
Other than these two getovers, she wears a pink hair-clip to make an evident lock of hair in front of her forehead and a pair of golden rings around her right wrist.
Affinity: Earth.
Offensive Skill: Obsidian Blast: Raises a chunk of anything solid and then executes a palm thrust on it to break it and send its sharpnel flying towards the enemy.
Defensive Skill: Strong Barrier (Level 1): Summons Earth's energy to protect the user for a limited amount of time from Physical attacks.
Relaxing Scent (Level 2): Summon's Earth energy to emulate the refreshing scent of a medicinal herb field.
Weapon: Staff-Blade. (Doesn't use the Blade unless the situation calls for it)
Familiar: Fairy.
Backround: She's a girl who prides herself in her studies and abilities, and comes from a wealthy family, yet she's not open nor proud about their 'wealth' per se. Is pretty direct and quickly adapts to any situation. On the off-hand, however, she carries a heavy burden that is to please her parents and excel at everything, although she never shows how depressive that is to herself, so she encloses herself in her studies to avoid stress.
Other info: Measurements: 34-22-37 (In inches).


Name: Lana.
Species: Fairy.
Description: Tiny fairy girl wearing a blue dress and holding a jeweled staff. Has blue hair and eyes. Her personality is quite particular in the sense she watches out for her master as if she was her own tutor, treating her like a child of the high-society (that she is) who has to look down on everybody who's not part of her own world. Yachiru ignores her often.
Affinity: Earth.
Abilities: Heals and Buffs.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Slash couldn't help but roll over on his back, laughing till his eyes watered.

"Well, so much for that idea. Unless she somehow managed to defy the laws of physics and walk through a wall." Shadow glanced back, feeling an odd warmth on the back of his neck, "I really hope that's just my imagination," he gulped a bit, knowing that both Ayumi and the dragon where fire types, "Okay, options, looking would take too long, familiar's not helping,"

"You're practically a dog why don't you," Slash began.

"Don't. Finish. That. Sentence." Shadow growled a bit.

Slash grinned a bit, "Just put your nose to the floor and sniff her out?" he laughed.

"That's it kitty's getting beaten!" Shadow growled, lunging at Slash, who effortlessly leapt out of his reach, kicking off the wall behind him. Much to his own surprise the wall seemed to give way, almost as if he were kicking off of jello or something.

"Whoa, what the?" Shadow noticed the wall ripple, almost like a pond, he walked cautiously towards it, tapping it with his finger, getting another ripple effect, "Okay, that can't be normal.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"I wouldn't worry too much about it, Dottie." Vook assured the blue dragoness, patting her back gently. "Anyway, we have to stay here and make sure nothing happens at the school. If I could have gone I'd be with them in a heartbeat."
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan