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Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight)
Ooc: Um Casey isn't wearing pants just boxers and his cock is sticking strait out of the opening. Also remember to take your time with your posts no need to rush.


Casey smiled glad that his mate was fine with what happened a moment ago. When she rubbed one of his ears and reached over and let her paw rub against his cock he let out a moan figuring she now was willing. When she asked him what he was sorry about he realized he didn't get her to snap out of her sexual frenzy state of mind.

He moaned out as she continue to stroke his cock. "Yes but this is just your feral side I want both parts of you to be willing Katt," he said while he bucked is hips into her paw pre dripping from the tip slowly. He turned over and faced the sexual feline he didn't look her in the face as he gazed at her body wanting to take her as he his own instincts to over ride is own thinking this time as he reached over and began to rub her slit slowly as he pulled her close with is other.

He reach up with a hand and began to rub and caress her breasts as he teased her nipple. His fingers began to dip into her folds as he explored her sex. He soon looked up into her eyes as he started to kiss her, he stopped mid way as he stared at her. This was not the Katt he was starting to fall for. He slowly and reluctantly pulled away as he looked away ashamed of is action. He looked back at Katt wondering how do deal with her since getting her attention wasn't enough. He sighed realizing he was going to have to slap her then he brought his hand up that was covered in her juices, as he did slap her he smearing them along her face.

Casey pulled away fully now and sat on the edge of the bed facing away from his wife. "I'm... truly sorry I let my own instincts get the better of me, while you were feral and yeah...," he said implying they nearly did mate. "I guess I will let you get some rest and sleep in one of the other rooms," he suggested as he stood up still facing away from her, while he adjusted his boxers making sure his would be scene by the tigress.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
OOC: Yeah sorry, the scenes been going for a bit longer than I expected so kinda running out of ideas lol.


Katt sat on the far end of the bed, gentley rubbing the small red hand shaped mark on her cheek. Her eyes watered slightly from the sting, but by far most of the tears were from what she was about to do. She was fully aware of everything that was going on, but she couldn't stop herself, didn't want to, she wished that when she was snapped out of her feral state she didn't have memories of it. But the world wasn't kind enough for that, she remembered clearly almost raping Casey, but more importantly, she remembered Casey fighting with all of his strength to resist her. The tears were at least eighty-percent from joy, she realized he really did care about her. Not her body, not sex, her, and this thought was what was making her cry the most.

She turned her head slightly to look back towards Casey, smiling a bit, "Thank you," she said quietly, "I, know most guys probably would have taken advantage of me in that state, it's, why I've always been a bit more distant from them. It really means alot to me, that you didn't. I can say with honesty, that I'm happy I married you." she blushed a bit, her tail looping slightly around Casey's waist like a hug as she purred, "I'm not nearly as worried about my heat now, maybe, looking forward to it a bit." she giggled.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey gulped some he was wondering if she was upset with everything that just happened or just mainly for the slap. He wanted to turn around and comfort his wife but he was to ashamed of his own actions. His own arousal was starting to die down when he heard her thank him and tell how glad he snapped her out of it her feral state. As Katt stated she was glad she was married to him he shook his head.

"Don't thank me I don't deserve it," he said. He had always been much harder on himself when he screwed up. He thought about showing her the hand he used to finger her not sure remembered everything clearly. He decided against it as he felt a tail wrap around his waist. He murred and couldn't be she still liked him. He got back on the bed, "um want to watch a movie or go on to bed?" he asked. He also wondered if they really should share the bed with what just happened between them
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Don't be so hard on yourself," Katt smiled, scooting across the bed and sitting down next to Casey still smiling, "I know alot of people that would have acted diffrently in that situation, it really does mean alot to me that you didn't, I want our first time to be special, not the result of me going into nympho mode." she laughed a bit at the funny nickname she'd given her feral side. "Now about that movie, why don't you pop some popcorn into the microwave and pick out a move while I change into something less," Katt glanced down at what part of the outfit she was still wearing, "Well, just something less haha." she laughed a bit as she stood.

She closed the suitcase with the other outfits from her sister in them and walked towards the closet. Sliding it down underneat one of the dressers, "Wow, it was nice of them to leave a few robes here for us. Sure makes it easier than dragging in our clothes." she smiled as she pulled out the pink robe, 'Katt' embroidered in the left chest, "Mmm, feels so soft, remind me to thank whoever's idea this was." she smiled as she walked away from the closet and towards the bathroom, "No peeking now, I'll be down in a minute so pick something good." she smiled as she slid the door closed behind her.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey smiled some when his mate said not to be so hard on himself. He nodded in agreement about their first time being something special. "Sounds like a plan to me," he said and started laughing at the comment about changing into something less since last he new it her panties were on the floor. "I didn't realize you still had the leggings on," he said with a chuckle.

When Katt found the robes he chuckles some until he saw the color of the robe. It was the same as his mothers robes, the young werewolf knew his father never did get rid of mothers things yet though he would have at least packed it away. He continue to stare as he until he saw her name left side. He relaxed realizing it wasn't his his mothers. "Okay I won't peak but I already got a good look," he said with a blush, "I think you did the same with me."

He decided to turn on the projector in the room. The large painting over the fire place lifted up and revealing a white flat surface as the projector flicked on showing a random channel. Then left as he went to go fix the popcorn and them a few drinks. After about ten minutes he returned with the drinks in hand and a bag of microwave popcorn. He sat them down on the night stand as he began to stack the pillows so they could relax and cuddle together.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Guess you were just looking at something else." Katt shouted through the bathroom doors, unsure wheither Casey's would hear her as she stripped out of the leggins and the vest which was already hanging from her shoulders. She laughed a bit at herself as she folded them up and set them down on the bathroom counter, "I can't decide wheither to kiss that girl or punch her." she laughed a bit. She slid her arms through the robe, purring softly from the comfortable fabric as she tied the waistband tightly around herself, showing off her slim build. She tied her hair back into a long ponytail, letting it hang down her back as she left the bathroom, taking a few seconds to stop at the closet to put away her outfit as well as grab the light blue robe from the closet.

Katt purred as she smelt the popcorn, "Mmm, hope you added some butter to that popcorn. It smells wonderful either way." she called as she turned around and shut the closet behind her. She threw the blue robe playfully over Casey's head, "Figured if I'm not going to be walking around naked you could at least do the same courtesy." she teased, giving him a kiss through the robe as she jumped onto the bed next to him, "So what choices do we have? Anything with half-naked muscular men?" she teased.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey smiled at Katt as he watch her get a robe for him. He hated the robes and the fact it was blue instead of orange or green made him realize it must be one of Katt's robes she grabbed. "Yeah The popcorn is buttered," he said smiling. When she said he could at least not go around naked he chuckles since he at least still had a pair of boxers on. "Well at least I could keep my undies on," he teased with a grin and stuck out his tongue. Then he kissed her back

A second later he sighed as he took the robe and put it on as he looked down it had Katt's name on it, "Well I guess you can call me Katt for the rest of the night," he said with a chuckle. He then got on the bed again and leaned against the pillows. "Anything you want we got digital cable all movies channels, and pay-per-view," he handing her the remote. "Why don't you choose something you like, as long as it isn't a porno," he said with a off chuckle since he really didn't want her to go into her feral state again.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"I'm sure those wouldn't have lasted much longer." Katt smiled, reaching over and taking a handful of the popcorn, licking it into her mouth and chewing on it, "Mmm, good popcorn, glad to know who's gonna be in charge for movie night snacks." she teased as she took the bowl, setting it down in her lap as she munched on it. "Oh, sorry about your shirt by the way, and your chest. It's, not painful is it?" she asked, refering to the relatively light scratch on his chest.

She laughed slightly from his request, "I think that would get a bit confusing, why don't I just keep calling you Casey, or would you prefer something honey or dear?" she teased, nudging him jokingly in the arm as she took the remote. She began flipping through the random movies, "Don't worry, no worries there, we're going with a comedy, or something actiony. I'm not risking another lust outbreak again. Can't gaurantee I won't get overhyped and stay up all night with a baseball bat incase aliens attack or something." she joked as she passed over an alien invasion movie, "How about a comedy? That should be safe." she smiled as she clicked on the movie.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey grin as Katt takes the whole bowl of popcorn away from him. He had burned himself out on popcorn a year before so he was cool with her taking the bowl. When she asked about the long scratch down is belly. He opend his robe up some and blinked some just now realizing she did draw a line of blood. "No and I didn't even realize you did that," he chuckles some since it didn't even hurt when it happened.

He laughed heartily as she jabbed him in the arm lightly. He was glad she wasn't going to choose something erotic. He chuckles about her freaking out about aliens, "Oh I don't think I will notice once I'm a sleep since I'm a heavy sleeper. "Sure that works for me how about Hitch?" he suggested with a yawn and stretched then placed an arm around Katt. He leaned back sleepily his eyes half opened.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Wow and I thought my mind was somewhere else," Katt laughed a bit as she took another handful of the popcorn, munching on it happily, "Ood fofforn," she mumbled through a full mouth before swallowing, "How about we call it even for that slap?" she asked, grinning a bit as she rubbed her cheek.

Katt shrugged a bit as he suggested a movie, "Haven't really been keeping up, think the last time I watched a movie it involved bright colors and cartoon characters singing." she joked, "Glad to know your a heavy sleeper, I'm usually up and out all hours of the night. Dang nocturnal nature." she sighed a bit, "Hitch huh, alright romantic comedy it is." she said as she ordered the movie, setting the remote down on the nightstand as she layed back and got comfortable.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad