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The Affairs (Blankmind & Tank Cop)
Lopmon cries out as she feel her orgasm rush all over her filling her body with joy! "AAAHHHHHHH! ^_^"


TC opens his mouth more for yelling at Dona then lack of air as she yells at her to keep her away from Trigress. "NO YOU KEEP THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER LEAVE HER ALONE!" TC leaves his mouth wide open for Dona to go on the attack.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Here...I-AHHHH!!" A wave a pleasure washes over BM as he cums just as hard, filling Lopmon with his seed.


Dona takes advantage and shoves the bar into TC's mouth. She then starts scubbing it like a dirty dish and continues to scold him. "And for saying another bad word your getting a spoonful of castor oil before your time out!"

Tigress, meanwhile renews her struggles to get out of the jacket. Dona notices this but ignores her for now since she's getting hers in a minute.
"Ohhhhhhhh.......TC that was sooooo good!" Lopmon says as she passes out from pleasure not fully aware what she just said out loud.


TC gags and thrashes around as Dona details the soap all over his mouth. He even pee's his diaper in the chaos as he didn't go for 2 days now. But he was to busy screaming and gagging to notice at the moment of it wetness.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
'TC?' Bm thinks with a bewidered look. After a second he smiles at Lopmon and lifts her into the bed, lying down himself right next to her. He decides after he drifts off that after they wake up they'll go and let TC and Tigress out of whatever ZZ put them into.

Dona pulls teh bar out of TC's foam covered mouth and carries him back to his highchair, strapping him back in. "After I finish with your sissy you're both eating your dinner before it gets cold and then getting your spankings right before bed." With that she steps over to Tigress and unstraps her.

'Dona! Please don't you can't do this to us!!" She screams with tears in her eyesas Dona picks her up and carries her to the sink for her soaping.
Zig Zag zooms in on BM and Lopmon and then turns off the tape. "This will make a top selling DVD for sure!" Zig Zag says as she keeps fingering her pussy getting all hot and excited from watching them go at it.


TC looks on unable to do anything but cry, spit, and gag as Dona shoves the nasty and very wet soap bar into Tigress's mouth shoving is all the way to the back of her throat rubbing it hard aganst her teeth and strapping it over her tounge. "Naughty baby's that don't do what Momma says get punished like naught babies!"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
Tigress tries everything she can think of to get away. Dona holds her tight so she can't shake her head, leaving her with little choice but to let her wash her mouth out with the foul tasting soap. 'Please, no more!' She begs mentally.
As BM and Lopmon sleep off their loving time together to remove all the stress of what happened before. As they sleep Zig Zag and a few of the other staff comes in and they quickly hold 2 two down hard on the floor and apart from each otehr as Zig Zag takes out 2 needles with some drug.

Lopmon is lerched awake and yells out for BM as she is held back by Tim the Tiger, the one that snapped BM is the ass with a Towel a week ago in the locker room. "BM Help!"


Dona takes the soap out and then places her back onto her high chair just like TC was and didn't let her wash her mouth out with water ether so both babies have nasty soapy mouths. Dona places her hands on her hips in a very mommy like way and says. "I don't want to see anymore of that and no more adult talk or potty words. Now your foods all cold but your both going to finish it and you can forget about some yummy ice cream after words!" Dona said sitting down and taking a large spoonful of goo and comes over to TC first.
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Huh?" BM says drowsily as he wakes up. He springs back to reality when he sees Zig-Zag and the others have him and Lopmon pinned down. "Hey!" He yells as he struggles to get free. Unforunately the large wolverine and ox are too srong for him and have no trouble keeping him still.

"Oh, nothing." ZZ says innocently as she prepares the needles. "I just want to make sure you two don't have a change of heart about your former lovers before Dona has her fun." She then grins and approaches Lopmon with the first needle.

Tigress coughs as a bit of soap dribbles down her chin but she keeps still out of fear of Dona's wrath. She sniffles and sobs at the humiliation of all this.

Dona meanwhile holds the spoon up to TC's mouth. "Ok baby bunny, here comes the choo-choo train! Toot-toooot!" She says playfully as she moves the spoon of goo towards TC.
Tim holds Lopmon OTK and Zig Zag jabs the needle into her left fanny check and Lopmon cries out as the needle goes in. "Whhhhaaaa BM Please help me!" Zig Zag takes the needle out then slaps Lopmon hard on her asscheck that got the shot. "OH hush the Skunk Sisters will make sure you don't cry anymore when you wake up!" Lopmon then starts to all alseep over Tim's lap and he plays a little with her pussy as he keeps the sleeping bunny girl OTK.


TC cries as he slowly opens his mouth seeing there's no way out of this unless Zig Zag or Dona say its over. "Yes...M, Momma!"
[Image: my_contest_entry_by_Arkham_Insanity1.jpg]

A Baby's life is never an easy one!
"Don's touch her!" BM shouts, renewing his pointless struggles. Zig-Zag smirks at him as she waves the other neddle around. Nodding the two other males flip BM onto his stomach and pin down his arms and legs. "NO! Don't do it! I"ll get you for this you ass-AHH!!" He's silenced when ZZ injects his right butt cheek with the knock out drug.

"You shouldn't be so rude to the guys BM." Zig-Zag says as his vision fades. "After all Tim, Blake and Chris are going to be getting to know you very well when that sedative wears off. Have fun."


Dona smiles and gently shoves the spoonful into TC's mouth. "Good baby. See I'm not so bad." She pats TC on the head as he chews the mouthful and scoops up another spoonful for Tigress. "Your turn kitty. Now be a good girl and eat up like your brother." She giggles and puts the spoon to her lips.

Tigress moans and blushes but nevertheless opens up and lets Dona feed her. Dona obliges and slips the spoon into her mouth. Tigress cringes at the taste but doesn't protest.

"Such good babies!" Dona says gleefully, patting Tigress' head as well. "If you two keep this up you might just save your little bottoms."