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World Of Warcraft.
We defeated the Wizard of Oz even boss in Karazhan last night the 4th boss in the 10 man raid instance of WoW. This is my guild posing on the stage of where we fought The Crone. We had to fight Dorothee, Tinhead, Strawman, Roar, and Tito then The Crone at the end. It was our very first time trying this fight and we downed her in no time at all.

[Image: WizzardOfOz.jpg]
My only character right now is a lvl 47 Prot warrior by the name of Radeval.. Maelstrom server
ehhh... WoW was a passing fancy for me... I had a lvl 60 hunter....found out it wasn't worth being lvl 60, so I deleted him... then rerolled a druid... got to lvl 25 when the whole "I slept with my sis" thing happened... I'm barely getting bback into the game...

so yeah...

lvl 34 NE druid suramar server
lvl 13 DN Shaman suramar server
I don't play it that often really.. Mostly its everyone else that plays.. But, I do enjoy the game.
Lets see now...

Fenris (normal)
Ellynore - lv 45 nelf druid
Fëawen - lv 34 nelf hunter
Katyena - lv 28 dranei shaman
Akuji - lv 25 human (figures) warlock

Dethecus (pvp)
Fëawen - lv 24 belf warlock
Eàmanë - lv 21 belf priest [active]
Eámanë - lv 10 belf rogue
Lathandra - lv 6 troll hunter

Feathermoon (RP) [roommates' server]
Eàmanë - lv 21 belf warlock
Ainariël - lv 4 nelf druid

Also, note for T, as you level your lock, you're going to want more stamina, as opposed to spirit, because a good affliction lock doesnt' need much spirit if they drain their mana from everyone. :9 (destruction spec too)
I have not been playing WoW long. My only charector is Stealthlord my lvl 60 undead mutilate rogue on the US Eonar server. I pvp to much so I do not lvl fast. I will post screen after
After an implosion of my old guild, I've managed to find another one filled with 70's that are itching to start running Karazhan. I'm pretty pumped, though I've combed the place from bottom to top several times, done Gruul's, and been in Serpentshrine Cavern a few times. Can't wait to take 'em through. Maybe I'll be raid lead? Oooooh....
FCWm2afrw A-- C- D H+ M P+ R+ W Z Sm++ RLET$/M$ a c++w e+++ f h+ i++ j+ p+ sm+

Avatar art by Fluke
Heh, Im on WoW too now >< *blushes and hides*

Live life and let live.

2 years on the DaD
Gabumon Loverz Group Trooper
DMAW moderarator
Art Section Mod
Muse of many talents
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
I'll have world of warcraft sometime...just to fill out the list though:
Name: Zane_Flamburgh
Level: 1...
Class: Shaman (enchant tree)
I play WoW too x3 it's all thanks to my cutie thing named Kurtz x3
[Image: KuranKaname1.png]
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions