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Caught between a sword and Fate
OOC: Cool, then it's settled. You'll have to think about how to continue with a plot. For now, don't overdo it, feel free to wait until your mind is refreshed with ideas. Death, Shadow and I can wait. I'll edit Uchiha's post, if anyone else wishes to join, I'll recieve the profiles.

Thanks Gun!
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: No problem! let me just do some research- and come up with several if not hundreds- plotwists.
OOC: Like the phoenix that we stole those downs from we have risen again!
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: -And we have just been Phoenix-Downed!!

Several throwing stars darted past- missing Slash and Mar by mere milimeters-


Gunter rebounded backwards, tumbling a bit. "W-what was that!?"

"ELECTRIC SHOCK!" Yelled Elecmon- shooting a bolt of yellow electricity at Gunter, who barely blocked it with a small stone pillar.

"I'll save you dad!" Rirismon growled, and tackled Elecmon- but was overpowered.

"No Fenriol! -Don't fight!" Gunter yelled, coming out in the open.

"But- I was kicking butt- WOAH!!" Rirismon said, just before Gunter scooped him up, and bounded off to the opposite direction.

Elecmon followed suit.
"What the hell?" Shadow shouted as his relexes instinctivly grabbed a shuriken out of the air as it headed towards one of the digimon, "Slash move!" Shadow shouted as he got up and headed towards the direction the attack had come from.

"Right." Slashmon jumped out of his seat and followed him outside.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Reno suddenly frowned and got an angry face as he saw the first shuriken. He moved one claw swiftly with a slight growl, then the shuriken aimed at Mar was cut in two.

Mar had his eyes widened from fear. "WOAH. Close..."

Reno's expression returned to normal as he sat next to Mar again. "Are you okay?"

"Uhm... yes, thanks." a confused Mar said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad

Shadow bursted out of the door, he looked around trying to find where the attack had come from, "Slash you hear anything?"

Slashmon's ears stood straight up and began twitching around as he listened for anything out of the ordinary, "I don't think WAIT!" he pointed towards the woods, "THERE!"


Gun, if you don't have anything planned I can take over this little fight. Unless you had some sorta plot for why we were attacked.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: You know me...


"-I see we underestimated you!!" An Igamon jumped out from the shadows, exactly as Igamon came out, several more Igamon came out as well. all of them were branded with the evil mark. "I see we'll have to execute you on the spot!" Igamon darted forward, he slashed at Mar while he threw Three shurikens towards the little furballs.

The Ninjamon followed suit- "NINJA KNIFE THROW!"


"Dad- WHAT THE RECYCLE-BIN IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Rirismon struggled and got loose.

"Fenriol- WAIT-" Gunter ran back for him- but he had already engaged Elecmon in battle.
OOC: Lol, recycle bin. Good one.


"I don't know why you attacked us, but I suggest you leave. I don't like fighting but we won't hesitate to defend ourselves."

Slashmon dropped to all fours, his eyes becoming thin slits. He bared his teeth and brandished his claws as he hissed, "Leave. NOW!!"
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Super Thunder Smack!" Elecmon electrocuted Rirismon, sending him into critical condition.

"Dad... run..." Fenriol groaned as elecmon readied a lightning knife.

"FENRIOL!!" Gunter cried out- and instinctively threw his arms forward, sending a powerful gust of wind to knock Elecmon away.


A powerful gust of wind suddenly picked up and blew the Shurikens off coarse, missing all the kids and Mar.

"What was that!?" Igamon yelled angrily. "No Matter. Fine, deffend yourselves for all the good it'd do! Master told us to spy on you- and if you posed a threat- assassinate you!! NINJA SWORD!!" The Igamon slashed at Slash repeatedly.