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Digital Distortion (Crimson / Regingald RP)
"Hmm... a c-cold like environment huh?" Kyosan mumbled quietly, as he approached the eagle shaped badge and tried touching it. To his surprise, it seemed as if the M transformed into a machine-gun, of which seemed to fit perfectly into his claws. "Alright, now we're talking!"


Feeling the darkness beginning to corrupt her, Lurea closed her eyes as her draconic scales quickly faded to black - the lifely blue fading into a dissaray of black as her body both grew noticably in height and her slender figure becoming slightly more toned and with muscle. Opening her now crimson eyes, the darkened Lurea gave a content coo. "Ohh, a little long time, no see... Cheshire."


"No you don't!" Kotana gasped hardly as she collided with the floor, cursing briefly under her breath before noticing Zorromon making a dive towards her, trying to roll slightly to the side but seemingly got caught by half of Zorro - her arm trapped underneath his weight. "Agh!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Okay, but look out, the enemies are coming, dragon boy." The neko's voice drifted off, as the footsteps around Kyo grew louder. Through the foggy gaps of the trees, visages of hooded figures could be seen from time to time.


"Hey there, smexy. Good to see ya." Crimson chuckled a little from the pet name the viral digimon gave him. The fox took a moment to observe the changes in his partner, noticing that she was more or less the same from when they escaped the Ethernet. An approving growl escaped his lips as his eyes took in her well built, curvaceous form. He drew in to hug the shadow dragoness and slurped her nose. "So how are you, Lurea?"


"Going to say "uncle", Blue?" Zorromon taunted her playfully as he tried to pin her down completely, hoping to finish Kotana off quickly and not shake her up too badly.
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Hmm, well there's no point waiting around forever." Kyosan grunted, as he began to notice the shadows, before then slowly pressing on, keeping the rifle steady as he crunched an almost silent path through the snow - trying to fight both against the cold and from making any sudden movements.


"Mmh... I'm fine, sweet fox." Dark Lurea seemed to coo eagerly and murred from the slurp to her nope, wrapping her slender toned arms around the fox's figure as she gave him too a soft nuzzle, grinning across her white maw. "So, did you want to spend a little bit more time together then, Cheshire? Or perhaps you'd like to do something normal for a change, hm?"


Although Kotana wanted to struggle, she felt it hopeless as soon as her arm was pinned down - finding herself staring up and blushing lightly across her pale cheeks towards the fox while cursing under her breath, before grinning softly. "Fine fine, you got me this time Red."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Suddenly, one of the hooded figures appeared right behind Kyosan and firmly gripped his shoulder, causing ice to begin encasing where the bony fingers pressed.


"What, spending time with you isn't normal?" joked the fox while playfully stuck his tongue out. He then thought seriously on her question and told her, "Well, I don't just hanging out with you, smexy. It's not exactly pleasant outside unless you want to snowball fight or something. Or maybe we can watch a movie together in the lounge."


Zorromon nodded as rose up off of Kotana and then offered his paw to help her up, all while trying to gracefully accept victory. "Ah well, we can try again another time. You did get in some pretty good shots. Anyways, want to go get a snack, Blue?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Damn!" Kyosan cursed as he felt the cold encasing his shoulder slowly, biting his lower lip as he found himself shivering hard from the tantilizing feeling. Making a hard effort, he turned around before firing a round into the hooded figure. "Let go of me!"


"Hmm, a movie sounds good," Dark Lurea seemed to coo eagerly from the idea, as she slowly coaxed her way over to the fox, circling a finger around his chest while her pearly fangs gleamed from her maw. "Or perhaps, a naughty one even."


"Well..." Even though Kotana had lost, she couldn't help but smile from the idea, nodding gently. "Fine fine, we'll get something to snack on. But don't think I'll take this loss nicely!" She warned cutely, poking her tongue out playfully.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
The hooded cloth fell to the ground, almost as if there had been nothing there but the rotted cloak. A small shriek rang out before dissipating into nothing. Hearing the cry of the their comrade, several more pairs of beady red eyes could be seen through the gaps in the trees with the hooded figures advanced quickly on Kyo from all directions.


"So much for normal," remarked Crimson with a chuckle before giving a light murr from her teasing finger. "Well, we could have a look through what movies Steven stuffed on this boat. There might be something...naughty." The fox grinned as he gently took her hand and let them over to the elevator and down to the middle floor with the lounge.


"Heh, well someone's fiery." Zorromon chuckled as they headed towards the airship's kitchen. "Oh, by the way, didn't we have a little bet before we started that little match?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Well, so much for stealth." Kyosan grunted, as he pulled his gun around before beginning to move forward, circling around while trying to fire at as many shadows as he possibly could, advancing slowly to where he thought forward was.


"He could have some taste. Or whoever had this ship last." Dark Lurea cooed as they descended within the elevator, snuggling up to the fox's lean body and pressing her curvaceous figure against him. "Besides, it could give us some ideas, my cute Cheshire."


"Well, uhm." Kotana blushed nervously from remembering the bet that they had made, as she gulped. "I guess then you can ask anything of me for the rest of the day if I recall right." She admitted it with a hard blush, but she couldn't help but think it would be interesting to see what the digital fox had in mind.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Several of the hooded creature fell to the earth in heaps of empty cloth, while a few more managed to break through the fire with claws outreached, chilling the air around them. One tried to grab Kyo's arms and freeze his limbs and gun.


Crimson blushed brightly as the corrupted dragoness cuddled up next to him, the fox happily hugging her right back. "I, now I wonder what you have cooking up there." He chuckled a little before the elevator stopped on the second floor. The fox stepped off with Lurea and passed by Zorro and Kotana. "Heya, guys." After the quick greeting, he entered the lounge with Lurea and locked the door behind them.


"Hmmm, oh hey," uttered Zorromon quickly to the two before he entered the kitchen with Kotana. As he thought of his reward, he decided to not be too harsh, not wishing to make the lovely human do anything she really didn't want to do. "Heh, I didn't really think about it when we made the bet. Maybe just a little victory kiss?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions
"Damnit, I can't let you!" Kyosan cursed loudly as he noticed the creature trying to grab his arms, before wrenching his gun upwards, slamming it into the hooded creature's seeming head as he pulled back. "Damn this is hard - what is this, an endurance round?" He quizzed.


"Mmh, so let's see here then shall we?" Dark Lurea seemed to coo eagerly as she entered the lounge with Crimson, heading over to what seemed to be a large collection of videos that had been collected over time, before then noticing a small space of what was deemed to be "Special Videos" by whomever owned it. "Ah, here's one... 'Hard Dragon' its called. Sounds alright..." She murmured and handed the video over to the fox.


"A victory kiss, huh?" Kotana brightened up to the idea, although slightly embarrassed by the idea. But she had to admit, it sounded much better then what he possibly could have come up with. In her mind though, she was already thinking of how to improve the situation, as she smirked across her pale face, inching up towards the fox. "Are you that eager for a little smooch, Red?"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
"Seems like it. Their numbers are thinning though. I just bumped the difficultly up a tad since you seemed bored with that first simulation." Ada watched patiently within the control room, wishing Kyo luck with the rest of his fight.

Inside of the virtual reality, more of the hooded figures fell to the Earth, their onslaught losing fervor with their dwindling numbers. They hissed with displeasure from their slain comrades before the remained cloaked creatures drew together in a tightly collected group. Their spectral forms them started to fuse together, causing to form into one larger hooded creature. His body seemed to be muscular and brutal beneath the cloak, while a draconic muzzle grew out from where his formless mouth had been a second ago. Razor sharp claws then lashed out at Kyo, this time likely to do more than a little freezing.


"Aw man, I knew Steven totally had a Foe Yay thing going on with Kyo. Ah well, if nothing else, maybe we'll get a laugh out of it." Crimson put in the "Special Video" before taking a seat with the corrupted Lurea, wrapping an arm happily around her before slurping her cheek playfully.


"Well, maybe a little," he half-lied, with the digital fox becoming rather eager for the kiss when he noticed the cute girl warming up to the idea with a smirk. He gently wrapped his arms around her with his paws gently caressing her back. "And you, Blue?"
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Lady Devimon's Minions