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Magical Starsign.
Ayumi watched as the man held Katt tightly, then as he gave his instructions to Mar.

'Don't even bother saying one sick word Martin!' Ayumi cried, before spinning her scythe in her hand, round and round until it was a blur.

'Eruption!' She shrieked, fire spreading from her weapon and onto the floor, racing around the cavern to consume everyone within, except for Katt, whom the fire avoided, on Ayumi's command.

'I won't be beaten!' The teacher called, increasing the intensity of the flames, motioning to Koko to add his breath to the blaze.

all i ever wanted was the world.

"This doesn't concern you." The armored one growled, kicking at the ground, a large spiked wall of stone rising up and easily blocking out the fire the wall shrinking back into the floor once it was no longer needed, "Why don't you take a seat, I just want to run a little, experiment." a dark chuckle echoed through the halls as a powerful wind erupted from his armored gauntlet, droplets of water forming inside of it and quickly freezing into tiny needles of ice which were fired at Ayumi and Koko.

"Wha? H-how, can you,"

"Use multible elements? Simple," The armored man laughed, "I am the star mage, capable of tapping into all five elements as well as the forbidden dark element."

"I-impossible, you're dead." Katt stammered.

"No, I am, The Magic Emperor. I cannot die, thanks especially to your sister and her new pet. Had almost given up hope of ever seeing another pheonix, and then one just up and appears, the fates truly smile on me." The magic emperor laughed.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"We best be movin' along then. Don't wanna get rescued before we get the damsel in distress back in one piece or several now do we?" Mael agreed, and continued ahead, momentarily forgetting how the place creeped her out. Maybe what they found wouldn't be so bad? What if there was booty? Pirates lived for booty!
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Creative Minds
Gabumon Loverz
Lady Devimon's Minions
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Sabre Clan
Veemon's Followers
"Alright, sorry about that, guys." Karomaru then said, and continued padding across the dark halls with the group. It wasn't until a few more minutes of walking that he popped a similar comment, but this time a murmur to himself as he looked at a wall, but trying not to annoy his companions "I'm sure we saw that before too..." he said to himself at the emblem in a silent way. A few other minutes afterwards, he stopped again, next to the same marking, "Guys, aren't we supposed to have found the stairs to the next level or a door already?" he said, scratching behind his head.


As Mar was commanded, he raised his head into Katt's direction and with a serious glance narrated: "She was stiff at first, but it was obvious she wanted me." He then smiled, "In the end, her breasts turned out to be the separative quality between you two, Ms. Kattrine."

(Dot's Room)

"Would it be possible for you to read it for me?" The student asked with determination, her eyes looking straight at Vook's.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"Ah, certainly, deary." Vook giggled softly, gently taking the book from the student's hands, and opening it up, flipping to the page in question. "Ah, yes, this one. Quite tricky. Let's see here..." she added, clearing her throat a bit. "Edar Daguam." she spoke clearly, seemingly in another tongue. "Now you try?" she added with a smile towards the student.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
"Maybe, this place is a maze after all. Could be awhile before we find any exit, weren't we looking for someone or something?" Shadow asked.

"Uh, speaking of looking for someone, we've got company." Slash yelled, a group of larger shadows moving towards the party.

"Shit, how the heck didn't we hear them?" Shadow growled as he drawed out his weapon, he jumped towards one of the shadows as it came near him, striking at it with his sword. A strange barrier of light appeared infront of the shadow, blocking the sword strike, "Gah, what the hell? What is that?"


"WHAT!?" Katt roared as she glared at Mar, her fur beginning to lift up almost as if being picked up by an unseen wind.

The magic emperor nodded, "Interesting, you are capable of drawing in dark magic, though it seems you can't control it." he noted.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi looked agast as her fire was so easily blocked, then raised a hurried wall of fire as the needles flew towards her.

'Mar! You sick fuck, what happened to you?!' The teacher yelled at her former student, looking on helplessly as Katt was clutched in the magic emperor's grasp.

all i ever wanted was the world.

((Sorry all for the big delay things have been hectic and I have only had time to post recently.))

Not Good, thought Saric.

He had thought it would be better to hide and observe the enemy but this so called "Magic Emperor" changed things considerably. Not only that but Katt was changing, her shadow corruption was causing her to lose control. He had to act and fast.

In a blink he was appeared in front of the armored figure. "Sorry," he began "but I am afraid I will have to cut this conversation a bit short."

With that he laid his hand on Katt's shoulder and the two of them passed right through him as they were air. "Katt, Ayumi, flee now our mission is to save Katts sister," he shouted pushing Katt off in Ayumi's direction "You cannot afford to waist time here I will hold them off."

With this he drew both of his blades "Let's see how strong you really are," he said calmly.

Saric aimed his palm at the massive being, immense levels of shadow energy building "Dark Lance," he whispered, and fired.
OOC: It's cool, just glad to see ya back, hope everything's going well for ya.


The magic emperor held out his palm, as the spear collided an aura appeared around him, "Hmm, I must say, I am impressed, or should I say intriqued? Your abilities are quite interesting." He flipped his hand over, flicking upwards with his fingers, the spear of darkness diverting away from him and colliding with the ceiling, "Though fighting the master of darkness with a dark attack, you'd have a better chance trying to kill a pheonix with a fire spell." he laughed, "Mar, Thorne, see to our guests, if they want to leave see that they have a nice send off."

"Yes my lord." Thorne stood up, running past Saric towards Katt and Ayumi.

Katt let out a fierce growl, "You, my sister, Give me back my sister!" She roared.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
'Saric! I'd almost forgotten about you! You coulda jumped in sooner!' Ayumi cried, before noticing Thorne approaching them.

The teacher launched a bunch of fireballs at the reptilian woman, before grabbing Katt's arm.
'He's right! We gotta go find Kitt, let's get outta here while we can! If we can get up ahead, i'll try and hold Mar and Thorne off while you look for your sister, okay? But we need to go now!'

And with that, Ayumi dragged Katt with her, running past the Magic Emperor and further along the tunnel.

all i ever wanted was the world.
