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This person is...
Disturbed is...

Not listening.

Kurtz: Please, I'm trying to make you see why the break-up was done in the first place. To be frank... I still see Ada chaining you down. She has not let anyone else at this time yiffed you, and NOW, she's even turned your own mind to believe so. Don't you think that's possessive and controlling?
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Kyo is..

Not knowing that I am listening

Disturbed: Yes a little...I dont know..I guess I dont want to think so. I mean today I think we cleared it up a bit. Thats why I pulled out of Tieya before. I would have been more than glad of finishing what we started. Its jus then I saw Crimson come on then I was like "Oh shit." But after Ada agreed that she was becoming possesive of me. Now I'll be more than happy to Yiff Tieya or Ada...or Sally....those are my main that order in face. Tieya is my number one....I know I havent shown it but..yeah she is my number one.
Disturbed is...

Obviously doing that as a cover-up.

Kurtz: Honestly. *huffs quietly* Do you think, if you told a person that, that they would believe you? I mean, come on. *chuckles* If you love, three people at one time, there CANNOT BE a number #1. It's a fact. With love, it has to be equal, or else you're not in love with the other two, simple fact.

*quietly whistles*

Kurtz: And, sadly, I have the evidence all here. How did Ada know if it was right to yiff Disturbed and act like that around him? Simple. She waited for the event to happen, and, once seeing it, took the opportunity to get rid of her needs and then use you since you became free. I know, because almost everyone here doesn't care about relations. So, she would just go around sleeping with random others like DMX, which she has already.

*another cough*

Kurtz: And not showing it truly means that you're not thinking of her. So, I guess that means you never really liked Tieya from all the serious times. How do I know that? Come on, it's obvious the way you've been acting. Non-caring of her. Not even thinking of her at all. And, if Crimson appears, why should you go "Oh shit?" When a female you supposedly 'like' in your words but your actions show that you should be a 'lover' to her, become a possible threat to you?

Steven: *can of pepsi drops* Okay, I'm not screwing with Kurtz, he can make a pretty good comeback.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Kyo is..

Still a friend.
Disturbed is...

Now going to recieve a simplified version.

Kurtz: Disturbed... let me know this... why did Ada immediately act on you the second the break-up was done? How did she know? *looks at him quietly* She wasn't there when it happened, and she never looked at your ring finger.
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Kyo is..


Disturbed: *silence dawned over him* It...was me...*looks at the floor* It was me...*grits his teeth* IT WAS FUCKING ME!!! *runs off*
Disturbed has...


Kurtz: Wait, Disturbed! *offers a claw, before realizing it was hopeless to do so* .... Great... so now I'm probably gonna get killed by the black mage. Woop-dee-doo.... *sighs* I still had to tell him.

Lurea: Well, you did the right thing. *jumps on Kurtz's shoulder in Aquaveemon level* .... There was no mentioning of Ada ever knowing about the break-up, was there?

Kurtz: No... but... I worry about Disturbed... *looks at him quietly* ... Wolf...
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Kyo is..

More than right.

Disturbed: *keeps running untill he reaches a cliff and yell* IT WAS MEEEEEE!!!!!! *drops do his knees and starts crying*
Disturbed is...


Kurtz: Lurea, I want you to keep an eye on him. He's still a great friend and like a real brother to me. *nods at her*

Lurea: *jumps down* Alrighty, let's go! *runs off after Disturbed*

Kurtz: Lurea... just.. just calm him down... I... I feel a part to blame in this, too. *sighs deeply*
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Kyo is..

Looking for me

Disturbed: *starts punching and pounding at the ground, tears rolling from his eyes* It was me...all one else...ME!!