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Marrying the Enemy (for shadowknight)
Casey nodded when She said there were two sides to her. He shook his head he was brought up to let his feral and intellectual sides to be as one and even taught how to let both parts so the beast within would never be able to take control. "Okay I see...," he trailed off clearly wanting to say something else. He listed to her comments about how she wanted a kind peaceful how just wanted someone to be herself around. he nodded he wanted those same things.

Yet when she ground her hips against him he let out a low moan. when she said wanted a strong man and one who could protect her and children. "I will try my best to be the guy you want He smiled knowing he could grow into that person especially since he would be transforming the very next night. As she tried to pull away he placed his hand on the small of her back.

He did try to grind against her or rub her at the moment. Then he closed his as he collected his thoughts. He didn't try to He looked up at her, "Shessh it is okay don't fight them; but at the same time don't let them control you.beside you don't want to be at ware with yourself all the time or lose control easily. Last but not least you will have to find way to work with your instincts just like I will starting tomorrow night," he said
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"It's not the same as with a were," Katt growled a bit, "You can just change to human if you don't want to deal with your feral instincts, I don't have that choice, I've been training all my life to control my feral side and this is as good as it gets." She pushed away from him, a bit harder this time, "Look, just wait a few days and you'll have all the sex you want wheither I like it or not. Can we just use that time to get to know eachother a bit?" she asked.

She then remembered what she was wearing, thankful that the leather hid her scent of arousal, "I need to get out of this suit," she groaned, walking towards the bed as she undid the sleeves and legs. She glanced over at Casey, frowning a bit, "I'm sorry, if I sounded angry. It's just, frustrating. No matter what I still can't fully control myself, it's just, infuriating to think that it's almost like there's two me's. The me now, and a crazy nymphomaniac other times." she sighed, "Lucky you huh? Married to a crazy girl." she laughed a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
"YOU may want to rethink your werecreature biology lessons," He said with a grin remembering that when they came to the estate all the werelioness's were in their human form. "Okay since the girls were in their human form right they can be in heat right?" he asked grinning a bit remembering what happened with the one that was in heat. When she pulled away he just let her. "I won't let you force yourself on me if you not ready," Casey said smiling at his mate.

"It is okay Katt I understand yet do realize that I disagree with you on the fact you say you can't always control yourself," he said crossing his arms.
When Katt called herself a nymphomaniac he walked over and shook his head, "no your not your just an average tigress," he said with a smile, he hugged her tightly.

"Um do realize I'm not normal I been born with the disease so I had more animalistic instincts since day one. They have been building more lately from what I know they are about half the amount of what they would be pretty much when I transform. Yet know what I did so I would be trying things with you?... The other took a long walk worked out till I was exhausted and then did it again just to be sure," he explained letting her know that even though he may look human that was a normal one and she couldn't treat him like one.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Maybe we don't know as much about you weres as we thought." Katt smiled a bit, purring softly as she rubbed against Casey, "You, still want to help me with removing this outfit?" she asked, blushing slightly, "It's a bit, hard to think with it on, with it squeezing and rubbing me." she purred a bit louder.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey just nodded as Katt rubbed against him, "Sure," he said with a smile as he pushed onto her side and laid behind her. He places his nose against her neck breathing in her scent in slow deep breaths trying his best not to shudder. He reached over slowly his hand on her belly he started to reach up and cup one of her breasts, his breathing quicken since he so badly wanted to reach up and play with her breast. Then the young werewolf pulled away as he began to rub her arm slowly in a sensual manner scratching a bit as well. His breathing slowed again even more than when he before he tried to grope her chest

He reached up again this time he didn't try to anything sexual as he pulled down the zipper slowly as his heart raced yet his breathing was pretty steady. Soon he opens up the jacket and released her breasts from their confines. He just laid there as he nuzzled her neck closing his eyes just enjoying the moment. His hand started to move up her belly toward her breasts yet stopped as he scratched and rubbed her tummy. after a moment his arm went relaxed as he let out a hum. "See it not hard to curb your desire just find another out let what your wanting to do," he said as he pulled away laid her on his back.

He looked at her chest and body for a moment then closed his eyes adn moved his head back to her face. "Your beautiful you know that Katt?" he asked blushing all the more as he kissed her on the lips gently. Then laid his head on her chest, "Want to take my shirt off now or do you want me to finish striping you? he asked.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt purred softly, letting out a quick gasp of pleasure as Casey's hand touched her breast. The feeling of it through the thin rubber arousing her greatly, causing her to pout a bit as he moved his hand away. She sighed a bit as the zipper came down her chest, freeing her breasts from their confines but also removing the one thing blocking the scent of her arousal from filling the room.

"Y-yes, it's," Katt moaned softly from Casey's hand rubbing over her stomache, "Not too hard," she purred, nuzzling against Casey. She smiled as she blushed a bit from his compliment, "Thank you, I'm glad you think so." she purred softly, "Hold that thought, this outfit is, starting to grow on me." she purred a bit, rolling over on top of Casy, her crotch resting on his, "Why don't I help you out now?" she smiled, dragging a claw carefully down his chest, slicing his shirt apart but not damaging him, "Mmm, I bet that feels better." she purred.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey caught whiff her scent it was much stronger than the werelioness's he gulped. he smiled as he agreed it wasn't to hard to curb her desires. "That's good glad I could help," he murred. When she told him that the suit was growing on her he chuckles as pushes him onto his back. "Sure you can," he said as he felt his mate's claws on his chest as ripped open his shirt.

He could feel her laying on top of him and murred from the closeness. A moment later a very fine line of blood appeared less than half a millimeter in width. He pulls her close sliding a hand up underneath the back of the outfit and along her spine. He leans up turning his head to the side as he kissed her on the lips, then pushed his tongue against her lips gently pushing it in as his tongue flick and danced with hers.

A few seconds later he pulled away looking up at her in a lovenly and lustful manner. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Katt I do have sex badly...but I think your right lets wait a day or two so we can get to know each other better?" he said stilling smiling looking up at her.

Occ: Hope you didn't mind the bit of blood I just figured it would be such a light line at most
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
Katt moaned softly from the slightest touch, rubbing happily against Casey, purring as she rubbed her breasts against his chest, "I don't, know if I can stop now." she moaned, licking Casey's cheek before nuzzling against his neck affectionately, her scent growing stronger by the second.

She moaned louder as she rubbed her pussy over Casey's hardened cock, "I want you to fuck me, so badly right now," she purred, looking down at Casey, her eyes looking more feral, more feline like, "It feels so good already, I want it to feel better." she purred.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Casey moaned as his mate rubbed against him he enjoyed how her fur felt agaisnt his body as he laid beneath her, "Oh... okay," he said as he reached up with his free hand and cupped one of her breasts. Whilehe kissed her on the lips passionately.

When she rubbed her thin fabric over is own boxers he could feel her folds almost as the small opening slid open letting his large nine inch cock out of its confines. When he heard her say she wanted him to fuck her in the back of his mind he new something was wrong as he continue to breath in her scent letting himself get lost in her eyes even though they no longer looked the same.

He pushed her onto her back as he moves he slides down the bed and stand stands up. He slowly starts to slip off the last piece covering her pussy as he got the article of fetish clothing to her knees he looked up at her and smiled. Yet what he saw was not the nervous and strong girl that was a good werecreature hunter.

He got up on top of her his cock pressed against her groin and her belly. He murred as he reaches up with a hand and gives her a quick poke in the neck with two fingers to simulate a biting action for canines that would get their attention and the same with the werewolfs. "Katt you okay? he asked as he looked way and rolled off of her. "Also I'm sorry," he added as he hung his head.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz
"Mmm, never felt better," Katt purred as she rolled over onto Casey, nibbling slightly at his ear, one of her hands rubbing against his cock, her purring turning into more of a growl by the second as she rubbed against him.

She purred as she moved closer to his face, quickly kissing his lips, "What are you sorry about? This is what you wanted right?" She purred, rubbing his cock harder through his pants, "So what's the problem? I want to feel this inside of me." she moaned, gripping Casey's cock a bit.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad